How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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Your First Step To Living With Purpose

Purpose Explained

Purpose, to me, means knowing what brings you the most love in life. It is when you do something that you do with love, not that you “have to do” or “should do”, but because you want to. Same as love, when you love, you do because you want and it gives pleasure. How many times have you heard that love is not the end point, love is the way? When you know your purpose you act with love and this brings you happiness in to your life. Act with love and everything will follow.

It is also doing what you love the most in every area of your life. Do not think only about work, I mean every single area of your life. What do you love to do for recreation? What kind of activity do you love? What do you love to do with your family? – do that which brings you the most love and forget the rest. Forget about what everyone else will say about you.

Your Purpose is your why statement. This is very important. You must know why you are doing what it is that you are doing. This will bring you strength, which you need, on the way to your purpose. You should know that every way has obstacles and you want to beat them, not crash into them and then turn back. You want to know how to solve the problems not complain about them. When you have a strong why it is like a piece in your armor on your way when it is dark. There will be points during your walk when you will question your actions. There will be times when you are wondering why you just don´t play it safe and there will be days when you are filled with doubt. You should know that sometimes you experience this and in these times you realize how it is important to have a strong and clear purpose. It brings you back to your way and shelters you from loneliness and frustration.

If you have no defined purpose, you will have no true and lasting happiness. After all do you want to have a life without purpose? When you live life with YOUR purpose your life will be full of joy and happiness. If you lack a purpose you really do not have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. On the other hand, when you live with purpose sometimes you don´t want to sleep at all ☺.

Vision Explained

A vision is a clear mental picture of future results you want to experience in every single area of your life. Vision shows you a direction of your activities. It is something you know about your future. As you create your vision, the universe will help you define it and clarify it. Do not be confused if that now you do not have a clear vision yet. Your vision will build and grow as you continue to define it. Do not wait for a vision to come to you all of sudden, start now to build your vision.

This is your ultimate reality. This is what you want. Just imagine you living the life of your dreams. Feel it! Do not let others influence you that this kind of life is for someone who has the destiny to live the lifestyle that you desire. YOU create your own destiny. You can have whatever you want. Remember that. See yourself in every single detail, feel the feelings of how that would feel and you will be amazed at how this vision of yours will come to live in your mind, then ultimately in your life, because you are becoming what you think about.

A vision is your what. You must know what you are doing and why you are going to do it. Vision is what you are doing and purpose is why you are doing it. Every time it is first why and then what. Before every action you should know why you are doing this, because your vision comes to mind and every act you do will be full of power and this act will be very effective.

Your vision is your roadmap to fulfilling your purpose. It gives you direction and a future to hope for. Hope is a fundamental element that we must always have in our life, and we don´t clearly realize it until we have lost it at some time.

Your vision is your biggest motivator in every action you do. Your motivation is your biggest friend and this friend will wake up you every single morning and help you to get out from you COMFORT ZONE. Your Comfort zone will not bring you happiness. Progress will bring you happiness. When you have a vision do not forget that you should have an element of urgency and this you will build by setting up BIG goals.

Goals Explained

Goals are short-term steps that will lead you to your vision. They are stepping stones and sequential levels of life that will help you plot your course and still you know that you are on the right track.

Goals give your life direction and urgency. Every goal should have a timeline because without a timeline you can wake up years later with nothing but the same list of goals. Put urgency to your vision by setting some definite goals with time limits.

Goals give you focus and clarity as to what you must be doing TODAY. It is easy to get excited about big goals without any action oriented for today. Everything that can be done today, do TODAY. Wallace D. Wattles in his book named “The Science of Getting Rich” said: “If there is something that may be done today, and you do not do it, you failed in so far as that thing is concerned; and the consequences may be more disastrous that you imagine. Do not spend any time day dreaming or castle building; hold to the one vision of what you want and act NOW.”  Every day can be successful and when you have successful days you will live a successful life.

Goals give your potential direction to work towards and will play an enormous role in forming your daily habits. Vision tells you where you are going and habits get you there. Vision with no goal and action is nothing. Set up goals and act now.

How to Discover Your Purpose

Start by journaling the things, people or events that inspire you or brings you tears of inspiration and your purpose will be formed by the time you journal them. As you grow you will get new ideas, new desires, new goals and new visions. Remember this: THE UNIVERSE IS FRIENDLY TO YOU – NOT AGAINST YOU. The Universe, Our Creator, or God wants to give you what will elevate your life and your life can elevate only your purpose, passion to do what you love. Never forget that the universe is friendly to you – NEVER.

Your inspiration leads you to your purpose and to the life you want. Have you ever wondered why some people, events, labor or ideas give you so much energy and inspiration? Have you ever wondered why that happens? That is this universe leading you down your path – it gives you a sign. Most people are walking around wondering why their life is not going the way they want it to and they are so absorbed in their circumstances that they do not see all the signs, that the universe is giving them what will lead them to their happiness. There are absolutely no coincidences, no accidents. Every single thing happens for an exact reason and that reason is to move you closer to fulfilling your purpose.

Give yourself plenty of time. It takes some time, nothing happens immediately. Do not push it by the force. Let it happen.

Your purpose can change at different points in your life. Nothing in this world is steady. As your body changes, your goals, visions and purpose will change, because your life will have different seasons and each different season will have a different purpose. Remember, your purpose is never something that you HAVE to do. It is never something that you MUST do. Purpose is full with love and joy. I think that it is worth to find your purpose don´t you think?

I strongly recommend seeking help for this, as this is something that can take quite some time, but can be shortened with the right guidance. It is easier to fix your bike when you ask someone who repairs bikes then figuring it out on your own. Can you imagine an Olympic team without coach? A football team without a coach would be chaotic – no matter how skilled they are. The same is with life; it is easier and BETTER to have a coach who will help you on your way. I am here to help.

How to Create a Vision

You start by asking yourself powerful questions. Powerful questions create powerful answers. You will experience that whatever question you have, already has an answer. Even the biggest and most complicated questions have answers. Sometime the most complicated questions have the simplest answers. Again ask yourself questions.

If my success were guaranteed, I would…that is the powerful question to ask. Think this way always; do not admit any possibility of failure. These questions give you motivation and will loosen the limits of your thinking and open your mind up to new ideas and possibilities.

If I knew I couldn’t fail, I would…- answer this question. You will not know the answer right away, but if you keep asking, the answer will come. They will come sometimes in unexpected situations, but these answers are powerful and you will get a wave of new ideas and concepts that you were missing before.

The next step is to make a vision board. A vision board is a posting of all the things you want to be, do or have in your life. This puts your vision in picture form. It brings pictures to your mind and then to your life. If you have never created this before, send me an email and we can do it together.

Emotional appeal is the most critical factor because when you put emotions to your vision, things will manifest so much faster. Emotions are like water for the plant, without water the plant will die even if it has the best place to grow, the best gardener. Without water the plant will die. The same is with your vision, without emotion it will be very difficult to achieve something at all. Emotions run the entire universe and they are not something that should be taken lightly. Put your emotions in to a vision and you will see the results very soon.

You must have clarity about what you want. Nothing great happens without clarity. Sit down and get completely clear of what you want to do and have in your life. Make a plan of action as to the first step for them. Get absolutely clear.

How to Begin Setting Goals

Make a list and prioritize the list. You know that nothing happens immediately and you will never have everything that you want in one day. In fact in such a case there will be no fun☺. Take time with this. Decide which goal is most important to you right now in this point of your life. The goal should be attainable, short term and have a realistic timeline. Set a great short term goal that will give you an early win and build confidence in yourself.

Take The First Step

Take the first step. You do not have to know exactly how you will go from where you are today to your vision, in fact you will never know – all you have to know is the first step. If you are in a position where you truly and intensely want to change your life then your first step is to go to and get started today. Email me at and let me know you are ready to begin. You want a change, you want more income, you want to take the first step – I just gave it to you. Get in and give me an email, then we will take the second step together.

Don’t worry about the other steps, just start with the first. That is all you need to know. YOU WILL NOT SEE THE SECOND STEP UNTIL YOU HAVE TAKEN THE FIRST. Why would you need to know what the second step is if you have not even taken the first step. You will see the second step only when you take a first step. It is just that crazy☺.

I will help you reach your goals by giving you access to my mentors. This is the best thing you can do, because you do not have to and should not have to go at this alone. It will be much easier for you when you have guidance. If you want to do something great – get around great people and you will be amazed what starts to happen with you. These are proven steps, so just trust the process and you will see the change within you and in your life. This will be the most exciting experience.

I will help you reach your goals through my coaching, my service and my desire to helping everyone I work with. I will help you as much I can. If you are serious about making things happen in your life I will get serious about helping you. Go to and we will get started today.