How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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The More You Give, the More You Get

The Law of Receiving

The law of receiving states: in order to receive, you must first give before you get. Unfortunately many people think in reverse. There might be a thought in your mind that you have to have something at first before you give. The fact is that I just stated previously, you are SPIRITUAL BEING with INFINITE potential, which means that you are bottomless fountain of knowledge and bliss. You have everything that you need to start giving, but by reading this chapter of my book you will have more understanding of what it means.

You can give through many different avenues and many different ways. It is important to understand that giving in one form is not better than the other. Giving is giving and it could be as simple as opening the door for someone, or giving a smile to a total stranger. I have a friend who smiles to anybody and I've got to tell you, he is naturally a friend with everyone. When you give from your heart it is worth that as if giving a $5,000 check. There is absolutely no difference.

Give more to receive more and in that order. Again do not get hung up only on the money subject here. Forget about the very popular thought “I do not have enough money to do…” As soon as you do that you will open a gate in your mind to enormous possibilities. Of course money can play a role in the giving process, but it is not only means to express opulence and sometimes a simple smile gives more inner joy and satisfaction.

Look for opportunities to give absolutely everywhere you go to everyone. Try to give in any form, like a smile, holding the door or even giving them a hug. You will be surprised at how good it makes them feel and how you feel. My friends call it a free hug. As you focus your mind on giving, your mind will find out in any circumstances the possibility to give, or serve. The more ways you find the more money will flow to you, because money is the results of service and when you have good service you give a lot.

Make giving a habit, because giving and receiving is a beautiful cycle where you give and receive and give and receive to enormous degree.

Sowing and Reaping

Sowing means planting “seeds” of service and helping others. The sow season is simply a season of sowing and after this comes the season of reaping. There is no other way. You have to at first sow and then reap. You cannot do it together and you cannot plant seeds and harvest next day, seeds need time before it is possible to harvest them. The only thing you can do is to make sure you are planting seeds of service each and every day to as many people as possible.

Reaping means collecting the fruits of your labor and enjoying the benefits of it. The more you seed the more you will reap, this is an inescapable law, who many people forget and they are very surprised that sometimes there is nothing to reap. Just like any of the laws of the universe you should use this law for your benefit.

You can do both in many different ways, as I stated earlier when your mind is focused on serving – giving- you find out uncountable ways and opportunities to do this beautiful activity and you will see the results. There is no doubt about it.

Sow the best service of which you are capable each and every day. Do and give the best and you will receive the best.

Sow into people’s lives as much positive things as you can, to family, friends or even to a complete stranger. You may not be a relative but in spiritual meaning, we all are.

Love everyone unconditionally and try to give without expecting what you get. This is unconditional love. Just like a mother loves her child, whatever it takes. She does not serve him because she expects that she will get something back, she serves him because her love is UNCONDITIONAL. Make it a habit and you will shine, literally, with joy as you move throughout your day.

Sowing and reaping are two different seasons that happen at different times and if you are not confused with that, you will be able to collect the fruits of your labor very soon. Most people plant a seed of service and expect an instant return, but nothing happens and usually they finally give up. It is just like when you are digging the seed because nothing happened. You will destroy the seed and have to sow again. It does not work this way. You have to wait some time, this is worth repeating and repeating again.

There is a difference between giving and trading so do not twist these two words. Really try to give without expecting, because we all are conditioned to trade and if you expect something you do not give but trade. Just give, what you can and where you can.

Always be sowing because when you have INFINITE potential you do not need to worry that someday there will be nothing to give. For sure you will have a constant stream of good pouring energy over your sowing each and every day. This way, your life will be a beautiful trip, because goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.

Always be extending your service that you provide. This sounds like commitment and maybe difficult to accept but as soon as you do this you will taste the nectar of serving others. There is no better reward when someone will thank you that thanks to you his/her life is better. And again money is only the results of service. The better service you provide, the more money you will get. So ask yourself the most important question in business and life: “How can I extend the service I render to my customers, neighbors, community and world”?

Always have new and better services to offer. In fact this is really challenging but you will be amazed of the constant inflow of ideas by asking powerful questions. For any question you have, you already an answer. Every successful person is asking them self important questions on a daily basis. As soon as you don’t have any ideas, it is a sign that you stopped asking questions – it’s as simple as that. Never ask yourself “Why can´t I…?”, but ask, “How can I…?” You will see that your mind will reflect and act in a very different way.

Nothing Happens By Chance

This is an irrefutable law, which is subtle, and we cannot see him by our own eyes, but we can see the results. Unfortunately we are conditioned that what we cannot see, we just do not believe.

Universal laws always work and again we can see only the RESULTS. For example, you cannot see the wind but you see how trees and flags billow according to the wind. The same with these laws we are talking about in this book, you cannot see them but you see the results in your life. Just be in harmony with them, do not fight with them and your life will be perfect.

Gravity is a universal law and everything in this universe is subjected to the law of gravity.

Throw a pen straight into the air and it always comes down, right? You never see the pen float in the air and after a while come back down. It always works. The same way with what you put out will come back to you. Remember when I was talking that energy always comes to the source? The more you give, the more you receive.

Luck is for people who let life happen to them, but people who want to direct their life they create luck for themselves. They create their own stories. Bob Proctor said that many people are an extra in their own story. Sometimes people said that “he is lucky”, but they do not see the effort of the man who is successful. They only see the results so they think that the guy is just lucky. Nothing happens by chance. Have you ever seen a big company that was based on chance? Every time there is a sustained effort of people behind it.

Be a success by law, not by luck and when you know and act upon this fact, you will be much more motivated, right? How many people will start some business when they only expect that by chance luck will come to them? How much are sure that luck comes to you? You cannot base your life on waiting for luck; create your own luck by the laws of success, then your dream life will move towards you. Earl Nightingale, the Dean of personal growth said as you move toward your goal, your goal will move towards you. What a wonderful statement and one filled with truth and freedom.

Exchange an Abundance

Give an abundance of yourself to receive abundance. Remember there is no limited supply for everyone. This make me think of the ancient scriptures called Upanishads where it is stated, “From abundance, he took abundance and still abundance remained”. Make every transaction, relationship and conversation with the intention of exchanging abundance. The more abundance you give, the more you will automatically receive in return and then will come the very important experience. You can call it realization, because you realize this law and you will see the results in your own life. No matter how small. This will give you inspiration and motivation to give more and more and your belief will be stronger. That is how you pick up your momentum and your expectation will SKYROCKET!

If you give life your best, life will give you the best. Just be in love with life and life will love you right back. As you sustain this state of being you will be surrounded with people, circumstances and events that reflect your state of being. State of being attracts similar things and when you read this book you know that this book was attracted by you. Again, anything like chance does not exist.

Do all the tasks in a great way because every act, even the small is playing an important role in the completion of the whole plan that you have, more than you think. Do every act with focus on your goal.

Constantly improve every single day even if it is only a 1% improvement per day and you will feel good and you will be amazed at the end result. 1% improvement every single day is a 365% improvement in a year. What would your income be if you increased it by 365%. It sounds good right?

The best way to give is to give of yourself. Every person has talents for something. Give your most natural talents to others in form of service and try not to think that you will get something. Any business is possible to do in a different way and you will be more effective if you will act in harmony with your talents.

What Do You Have To Give?

Good. Now you know that you do not need any money to begin to give abundance. Money is only one means of opulence. Just be yourself and be prepared to give and you will find out that you can give opulence in form of attitude, enthusiasm and vibration and so forth. This is a place to start.

If you have a little money and still you want to give, GREAT. When you have $5 to give, find organizations that can take your $5 and turn it into food for people, or even clean water. If you can find one, start.

The good can take a while, but it will return. Maybe you do not see the results immediately, but wait for a while. This is something you must experience to believe and you will only believe through experience.

Stay focused on giving and serving to others. As you focus on giving and serving money will flow to you in endless avalanches of abundance.

Find a great product, a great team and a leader who has integrity. When you have all three combined into one, then you have something truly unique to give to someone else that will add value to their life. This is the key point, find a product or service that will ADD VALUE to someone`s life. This is exactly why I joined Carbon Copy Pro because I found all of these key elements under one roof.

If you are truly going to take action contact me today and I will happily share with you the next step in your journey. Contact me today and we can start your new beginning.