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How To Choose The Right Business

Your Plan B

Plan B is an income backup plan or secondary stream of income that gives you and your family more support regarding the necessities for life. But we do not want to work only for surviving right? So this income can be your first step to having a more opulent life.

You can earn your living full time and build your fortune part time. You may not be in position to leave your job and start making it full time in your business, so start earning a second income until your necessities will be taken care of is a very good idea. There is nothing wrong with starting this way and home-based business can be a perfect place. This way you can build your full time income with ease without worries and anxiety if you can take care of your family.

J.O.B.’s have no security, the only security you have is within. Many people depend on outside circumstances and they think that they are secure until the company where they work gets into trouble, fires them, stops paying them health care or something like that. Again there is no security in a job, because you depend on someone who pays you so you have to be sure that you can take care of yourself. There is no potential or security outside of you. The only security and potential is within.

Online Home Based Businesses are the greatest income opportunities because you can work from home and there is no need to invest crazy money in comparison to some offline business. You have the smallest financial risk when you start. You will get a proven step-by-step system that will guarantee your full time income. You will be surrounded among positive successful people who will push and encourage you so it will be very easy to succeed. When you participate in our live webinars and conference calls you will experience exactly what I am talking about. Contact me today and I will let know the founder of the company that you are coming on. The atmosphere is indescribable. You just have to be there.

Evaluating an Opportunity

Decision making is a skill that you want to definitely have, because making quick decision can be very relative to your capacity to produce a large income for yourself. Every wealthy and successful person has it. They want something; they make decision and remain committed to the end.

You will be bombarded with opportunities and information as you begin to look for some income opportunities and home based businesses to join. This can be very overwhelming which is exactly why I am writing this book to you instead of just explain everything about my business to you. I am here to help you and guide you through the decision making process.

Company: You must look for a solid company that has the right leadership in place with a good “track record” of past success. Look for a solid company with a great team of leaders and look for success stories. Email me right now and I will send you a lot of video testimonials from our members.

Industry: The industry must be something that is “hot” right now and has a major growth potential in the near and distant future. You must have an industry that keeps up and stays ahead of current market trends. Many companies are selling a product that were wonderful 10 years ago and that’s why all of their distributors and members are broke.

Products: Your product must have four key elements: High impact, high commission, high volume and residual income. I strongly recommend you to find a product line that has both low price point products as well as high price point products. This is important so you can have constant small sales for you and your team as well as large commissioned sales that create excitement and momentum. You also must look for some kind of residual product in order to insure residual income for you and your downline.

Potential Market: Who can you sell your product to? Find a potential market of customers who will be looking for your product, have a tremendous immediate need for the product and who are willing to pay you for it.

Compensation Plan: The compensation plan is very important piece of this puzzle. I want to say again: You must have high impact and high commissioned packages in order to create excitement and great success stories. Make sure there is a way for long-term residual income, as well as, an outstanding way for a new person to enter into the business and earn money right away.

Training and Support: No matter how great the product, potential market, or company is there must be a proper support structure in place so everyone gets taken care of. You should be able to send in a support inquiry and receive a response in as little as a few hours. At the max your support ticket should be answered in less than 36 hours. Our company is very committed to helping and supporting all of our people. We do not see you as another distributor, we do not see you as a new recruit on our downline, we see you as a person who has a desire for something more – as a person who has goals and dreams – as someone with family, friends or causes you want to support and it is with that attitude that we work with and support all our people.

Your Sponsor: After you have observed and researched all the above mentioned topics, it is time to select the right sponsor for you. It is important for you to work with someone who resonates with your values, purposes and overall mission in life. When two or more people work in harmony in an opportunity, magic happens. However our support and training is such a quality, that you even do not need to have a great sponsor because with our training everyone is getting taken care of. It is great for new people, because they can make a lot of money due to our support center with business coaches who answer all questions of our potential customers. So if you are considering joining our company, you do not need to worry that if you are not a great sponsor you will not make any money.

The Company

When you join our company, you are joining a family and you are joining a movement of people who all share a common purpose and objective. We want to impact the highest number of people, in the most sustainable way, using the most advanced technologies, while being led, trained and mentored by the most skilled professionals in the world. We are in this to make the most impact possible. If that does not resonate with you, we will not work well together.

We have a ground floor opportunity with Carbon Copy Pro. We have what many are calling “the answer to their prayers”. We have priced this product at a price point that anyone can afford. And we are moving forward, to literally impact the highest amount of people than any other company has ever before.

I am working with Carbon Copy Pro because I truly know that this company has the best training on the entire internet. We have live webinars with top coaches/mentors who teach us the proven methods how to succeed in anything that what we do. Also we have the best Internet Marketers on the entire Internet who teach us the cutting edge techniques and methods of how to market properly; we are very good in marketing. We are creating thousands of success stories and nothing can stop us.

The Industry

We are in the fastest growing industry on the planet – internet marketing. This is the biggest, fastest growing game in the business world.

The internet is changing the entire game of business. Today the Internet is the best place to start a business and this is the opportunity to seize the moment and take action.

The internet is a teenager; it is only going to get bigger and better. The internet is only about 16 or so year old.  This is just the beginning; there is no doubt about the great future.

No experience is necessary because you will learn the latest and greatest available steps. Our company is bringing the best available in the world today to teach you internet marketing, affiliate marketing, opportunity marketing, sales, money management as well as the cutting edge of personal development coaching with global leaders in the industry.

All that matters is your willingness to be coached and your desire to succeed. If you are willing, I will help you to become able.

The Product

Our business is our product and our product is our business. Many people come to us simply for the product and many people come to promote the business and many people come for both, because we literally have the outstanding product, service and the support. We are the household name in the industry.

We get taught online marketing training, mindset training and income multiplication coaching. These are three elements to have a great business and LIFE.

Learn it once, apply it for a lifetime. Once you understand your unlimited potential you will be able to achieve any goal you set. This is what we teach in our school. Learn, understand and apply this knowledge every day for a lifetime. We take the success of our students, members and friends personally. Again we want to create success stories.

The need is enormous and it is only getting bigger. More and more people come to network marketing, online marketing and the home based business industry every single day. That will not change at all. Everyone needs to know how to do Internet Marketing correctly and have a mindset of an entrepreneur. Without these two things no one can ever succeed with online business. Nothing does this better than our Carbon Copy Pro.

People are looking for income opportunities more than ever and you can be the one who will help them.  You can be in the gold rush right now. Now is the time for this industry. These people need help, they need to get knowledge, and they need to get training. Let´s help these people together.

The Potential Market

Anyone willing to listen, anyone who wants a better life for themselves but they must be willing to fight on in the face of discouragement. We reach out to all people wanting more from their life and invite them to come as they are and join our revolution.

Our market is anyone looking for a better lifestyle and who want to help others. We do not have the mentality of just getting bills paid. We want to help as many people that we can and not only in the business. If you have enough for yourself you can take care of many others and make a better world.

We can get you more time. The one thing you cannot get back and the most critical asset of your life.

We can get you more money, because when you do not have to worry about money you will be amazed how much free time you have. And when you have this, the only thing you can do is to be more AWARE of YOURSELF and we give you that as well.

We deliver the best training on the web, with more time, money and knowledge you are unstoppable towards any goal you choose in your life.

The Compensation Plan

You get paid very nicely. We have a multi-tiered compensation plan that pays big commissions and residual commissions to all. Our company wants to pay a REALY HUGE AMOUNT OF COMMISSIONS and if you want to have a piece of that, you must contact me immediately before all the spots are filled.

I want to invite you to our live webinars where we explain everything to you live.

Just shoot me an email at

Training and Support

We teach you everything you need to know. But there is the deal – we give you the knowledge as to exactly what to do, but also the awareness to act on the knowledge you have. Many people know what to do to get better results, but they still do not do it. They do not take consistent actions that they know will produce results. This is what we will help you understand and change.

Our training teaches you exactly what to do in a live, step-by-step manner. You will have a day’s full of plans and actions.

Our training also teaches you why you do what you do and why not to do some of the things you would like to do. Because if all we needed to know was HOW to do something then everyone would be happy, healthy, skinny and rich. There is more to the puzzle than just know HOW to do something and that is what we provide for you.

Why Now?

Here is my purpose, vision and goals statement:


Develop my potential as humanly possible to serve the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time.


To build a team of people who will love what they are doing, who will love to help others and who will make a huge amount of money.


Have in my team a lot of qualified people who will make at least $10,000 on or before December 20th  2011

In order to reach my goal I want to have only serious and qualified people in my team who will make really serious money. My question is: Do you want to be one of them?

If you do contact me today on or go to