How to Be Happy and Live in Abundance by Jiri Majkus - HTML preview

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Money Chapter

What Money Actually Is

Money is a green piece of paper, nothing more and nothing less. Money is a medium of exchange. It is for your benefit. If we think of money as a big, frustrating, difficult aspect of our lives, then money will be a source of frustration for us. Remember that you become what you think about? It applies also to the subject of money.

Money is not your master; you are the master of money but most cultures think in reverse. Unfortunately they let money run their lives. They let the amount of money they have in their bank account determine what vacations they will take, the house they will live in and the dreams they will pursue. This is not how it was intended to be. You first decide what you want and how you want to live and then you can determine how you can go about earning the amount of money you will need to afford the lifestyle you have decided upon.

Never let a green piece of paper stand between you and that which you want. Never let something like money stand in the way between you and the life of your dreams. If you have a big beautiful idea nothing like a green piece of paper can stop you. Again NEVER – EVER let money direct your life. You are the master of money and you direct and choose what happens in your life. If money is necessary to achieve your dream life than let´s earn some ☺

Before money, people used to barter services, products and animals as a medium of exchange. Meaning if I wanted some potatoes but I only had a cow, then I would have to find someone who had enough potatoes that was willing to exchange for and needed a cow. This was not only difficult but it is hard to negotiate assets such as these in exchange for one another. This is why money was created, to make exchanges easier and more frequent.

Money is a medium of exchange for goods or services between two or more parties. Money is not something that if one has them is lucky or that one is a better person.

Money is an exchange for services rendered. If you have a great service you will earn more money. If you want to earn more money, simply figure it out how to provide more and better service. More service = more money. It is just that easy.

Everything starts with how you think and there is no difference with money. How much money you will earn is determined first by how you think. Do not think about debt, focus on abundance. If you are focusing on debt, you will get more debt and it does not matter if you think about how to get out or get in. It is impossible to think how to improve your service if you are thinking about debt all day long. It is like trying to create a fire while it is raining. It simply will not work.

Everyone has the same amount of time and potential every day. Yet some people work 40 hours a week and earn around $2,000 while others work 20 hours a week and earn $20,000. Why is this? It is a mystery right? Because I know a lot of people who are very dedicated to their job and they work very hard, but they do not earn a lot. Why is this? I will explain this in details as you keep reading. Stop trying to work harder and work smarter is the first point of awareness you want to move into. Maybe you heard this before and it is really true. A person who earns $20,000 is highly creative, highly leveraged and has a completely different thought process than the person who is earning $2,000 per week. It absolutely does not mean one person is better than the other – that does not have anything to do with it and it is does not mean that person is smarter, he just knows something what the other does not. Keep reading and you will see it in a moment.

Money is Not Bad

Money is not bad; the love of money is bad. I have heard that money is the root of all evil, but to be exact the love of money and evil itself is the root of all evil. Money cannot be the root of nothing, it is just a piece of green paper remember? Money is simply a tool. It can be used for an enormous amount of good and it can be used for an enormous amount of bad. It only depends on the person who has the money in their possession. You have a free will and you will choose what you are going to do with that.

Your life can be filled with purpose and money at the same time. If you are a good person and you earn a large amount of money you will be able to do a large amount of good. This is exactly why I want to help you become wealthy in every single area of your life - money included.

Good people use money for incredibly good things and so can you! Imagine that thousands of hungry children in Africa will get clothes and food thanks to you!!! WOW, isn´t that nice? Money is your till to create anything you want, and I know you will use it for good.

Money is just as important as the mortgage, food and education it buys. Money will never make you happy, but you must have it to operate in a civilized society. Wallace D. Wattles said: “No man can rise to his greatest possible height talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money, for to unfold the soul and develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.”

If someone says that money is not important to them, they more than likely do not have any. I remember that I always said it. I always said money was not important to me so I did not budget my income, I did not manage it properly, because money was not important to me. Thus I did not have any of it.

Anything in life, that you say it is not important to you does not stay long. Imagine if you told your significant other that they were not important to you – would they stay around very long? If having a nice house is not important to you, you will not have one. The only things that we have in abundance are the things we value. When you value money, you will budget and save it, when you save it you will able to invest it, when you invest it you will be able to spread the seeds of your earnings to anyone and make good and help people.

Money and Happiness

Money was not meant to make you happy. Anything like green piece of paper cannot make you happy. The only thing that makes you happy is your awareness, progress and decision. Being rich will not make you happy and neither will being in poverty.

Happiness is not in a bank account; happiness is not in a big house, in a sports car or in a perfect haircut. The only source of happiness is inside of you, in other words in YOU. Only you can make yourself really happy and only you decide if you will be happy or sad. We choose to be grateful or to be bored. It is our choice. Isn’t it great that you can choose those things?

Money will not make you happy and poverty will not make you happy either ☺! It is all about what kind of lifestyle you are willing to earn.

Empty plates do not feed hungry individuals and you can be the one who will fill these plates. Isn’t it awesome? Really give yourself a strong WHY that goes far beyond you. Your life will transform when you lose yourself in the service to others. Then money will never be a problem.

The source of happiness is awareness. Awareness, that you are the source of your happiness. It is not anything outside of you. It is within and you can choose happiness!

The source of happiness is progress and I mean constant progress. The happiest people are those who every day are making progress towards the fulfillment of their individual purpose! Fulfilling your purpose is a beautiful and wonderful thing, even in the middle of a tragedy. In the tough times you really test your desire and love to do what you are doing and why you are doing it. When you have tough times you just keep moving forward to your purpose and then you realize that this brings you the most happiness. These are progresses that you make, even if you are not having the best day. Why – because you really test your love for what you do. You do it for love and this you realize only when you are tested. It is love and Love Never fails.

Happiness comes from being in alignment with your highest values and participating in the game of life. Life is just a game and you want to learn how to play and how to cooperate with other players because you are not the only one on this big playground. You want to be a team player and in a team, players help each other.

The source of earning large amounts of money is large amounts of services being rendered to a large amount of people. The more service you render the more money you earn. It is just that simple.

You must have highly specialized and intelligently applied knowledge for a specific area or “niche” you want to serve people in. Decide upon what you love doing and become a master that other people will willingly pay you to do it.

You can start today to earn more money by asking yourself how you can extend the service you are rendering to more people. Remember when I was talking that on every question you ask yourself you already have an answer? Contemplate as how you can increase the quality of service you are currently rendering to your current clientele. More service is always the answer.

The Law of Money

The law of money states that the amount of money you earn will be in exact ratio to 4 things. This formula is as exact and unfailing as the law of gravity. It will work every time with every person. The amount of money you and I earn is in exact ratio to these four things:

The need for what you do: Is there a definite need for the services you are rendering? If you are trying to sell records to the masses today, you will be out of luck. There is no major demand for that product. There must be a need for what you are doing.

Your ability to render your service: This is the second and most important piece of this puzzle. You must be very good at rendering the service or selling the products. There must be a need for what you do and you must become very good at filling that need.

The difficulty to replace you: The better you get, the more difficult you will be to be replaced. No one is more valuable as a person, but some people have chosen to develop more skills than others.

The quantity of the services/products delivered is the last phase of this equation. If you are very good at providing service in some business, the only limit you will have is the quantity or volume of business you can handle. The more people you serve the more money you make.

Select something you love to do and begin mastering it. Master it, get amazing good at it and people will come from all over the world to be served by you.

Contact me as soon as possible and we can discuss what your passion is and how to turn it to opportunity. At least I can direct you to someone who can.

The Three Ways to Earn Money

Trading time for money is the first and worst way to earn money. Almost everyone does it and it does not work very well for anyone.

Trading money for money is the second way you can earn money, but in this strategy you must have a lot of money to even begin with.

Leveraging your time and efforts through multiple sources of income is by far and away the best way to earn money and it is the easiest way to get started through the technology we have available to us today through the internet and home based industries!

The best strategy is to leverage yourself through multiple sources of income and that is what I am doing right now with my business. I am working from the comfort of my home, following in a proven system and it is a system that anyone can duplicate no matter where you are in your life.

Contact me today and I will show you what is the first step to start earning money with this powerful strategy.