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How to Brand Yourself

What is your brand?

Your brand is essentially how you want the market to perceive you. What you want to be “known” for. Your brand is about who you are, what you do and why you do it.

This is a declaration of your values in business and what you are all about. Your brand will help you attract people who are on the same wavelength. You want to cooperate with people who are in harmony with what you do.

There are no major companies/individuals who do not have a brand. Every big company has a brand. Sony has a brand, Dell has a brand, and everyone knows what these companies do and what they offer. This is essential for their business.

No consistent brand, no consistent following, no consistent following, no consistent sales and that is what you want – consistency in all areas. This can be the most important document you read about your business because without a clear brand, you will never create anything of lasting value online.


The more clarity you have, the more concise your brand will be. Your brand has to be clear, because only then people will really know what your concern is and how you can help them. The more chaotic your brand the more chaotic the results you get. Success comes from order, failure comes from chaos. When you have clarity, you will commit to the success of your brand and you achieve something only if you are committed to it.

The more concise, the easier it will be to recognize and remember. No one can remember some quote that is three paragraphs long. Your brand is your direct statement to everyone who comes across you and it must be Bold, Attractive and Compelling.

Your clarity will equal your prospect quality. You will never help anyone else gain clarity unless you have clarity yourself. If you can´t get people “get it” when you are talking about your opportunity, it is because you don´t “get it”

either. The more clarity you have, the more conviction you will possess and with conviction comes power to convince.


Passion is an attracting emotion. When you are passionate about your opportunity you will naturally attract people who want to do something in their lives and they will also have passion. I think that you want to cooperate with passionate people right?

Without passion, you will have no enthusiasm and without enthusiasm there is no motivation to do something at all. You know that without action you will only dream about your goals. And who will get excited about you and your opportunity if you are not excited.

It is one of the most powerful emotional frequencies in existence. When you are passionate about something you put emotion into action and when you have in harmony your thoughts, feelings and actions you create an attitude. Attitude of course can be good or bad, but on this topic I write in my book so I will not analyze attitude here. The bottom line no passion, no persuasive power.

Passion causes you to go the extra mile. You need to go the extra mile every day and from passion arises invisible power that will help you when you need it the most. It will give you energy and direction; this all comes from your own personal passion on regards to your brand.


If you have no purpose, your brand will constantly change and when you constantly change your brand, you will never have a steady name on the market and people will not remember you. You will be easily swayed by other peoples opinions, economic times and excuses that are totally invalid, but easy to adopt. And this is what you do not want.

If you have no purpose, you have nothing and your brand will have no substance. Purpose and passion are what gives your brand meaning and a reason for people to want to join you. Make your purpose about something big and beautiful, something so enormous that it will take much more than your efforts alone to make it happen.

The craziest and most effective way to help build your brand

Write your own obituary. Sounds crazy right? But when you do this it gives you insight into what you care about most, what you want people to think about you. Will this be uncomfortable, scary and even crazy – YES – and so is almost every critical successful behavior. If you are doing the same thing as the masses, you need to really sit down and rethink how you think, behave and live.

It will also impact your entire life in a tremendous way. I am talking far beyond just your business success. If you join a long term coaching program, this will be one of the first actions they have you take and it is an important one. If you want to join a coaching program that also gives you training in Internet marketing contact me today.

The Only questions you need to build your brand

What do you do?

Why do you do it?

Why should a prospect work with you?

Work on these until your answers are one sentence in length. When they are one sentence length, break it down to three words. When you have done this, you have created your brand, you now have clarity and you can now move forward with passion and purpose! Remember – Life is a Game Enjoy it!