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The Laws of Success

Nothing Happens By Chance

Luck is for people playing victim in life. When you believe in luck you also believe that everything happens by chance. The best thing you can do is to completely forget about luck once and for all. When you depend on luck all your work and effort can be useless because you miss the luck. If this was right, nobody would ever start some project or work. “Luck”, you could say is created by all out massive action.

Banish luck from your vocabulary and from your mindset. As long as you believe in luck, you will not take full responsibility over your results and we want the exact opposite. Do not wait for luck, go and create your own luck.

Observe nature and you will see that nothing happens by luck or chance. Everything is working precisely according to the laws of nature.

There are over 7,000,000 species working in perfect harmony on this planet. It all operates perfectly and you are part of that perfection. Isn’t that amazing that all planets and the universe is working according the laws and in perfect harmony? And you are a part of this divine nature, you are not separate.

Observe your own body and notice that every single cell in your body is working for a definite purpose and all the cells are working together. The body itself is one of the most magnificent instruments on the planet and you live in one. Be very grateful for that. Once you understand yourself you understand that everything in this universe is directed by laws.

If everything is subject to universal law, so is success. Just as every single thing in the psychical universe is subject to the law of gravity, so is every area of our life subject to the laws of success. When you understand how these laws works you can live in harmony with them. When you live in harmony every single area in your life will go along with success. You will be creating and live the life that you want to experience not to be waiting for “luck”.

The Law of Cause and Effect

The law of cause and effect states that what you put out into the world comes back to you every single time and in every single way. It works all the time, everywhere and for everyone.

Results are effects; you must understand the cause in order to change the effect. In order to change any effect, the cause must be changed. Now look at the area of your life where you are not completely satisfied with and ask yourself a question what is the CAUSE of that particular result. As you do this you become aware that you are completely in control of the cause, the cause within yourself.

Thoughts, feelings and actions are the cause of our results. All these three aspects together create our attitude. These three elements: Thoughts, feelings and actions are the most crucial pieces of your success. However when you master the first one (thoughts), you will automatically master the other two. Later you will see that our attitude is the main cause of our results.

Treat everyone you meet with love and respect and you will see that it will come back to you. Just love all of them, no matter what they say or what they do. When you love others you will be in love with yourself and if you are not in love with yourself you cannot love others. It is a natural cycle. The more you love others the more you will love yourself and the more the universe will love you right back. Love is always the correct answer.

Do only good to others and you will not only feel wonderful for doing it, but you will have some absolutely profound relationships. And what is life without relationships? Act kindly to others and you will find a great taste in doing it, because it is the most simple and basic principle of love, but only a few people do it. Become one of them and your life will be full of joy and happiness.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. All things, people and circumstances in your life were – to a degree - attracted to you by your way of thinking. No matter if we are talking about bad things or good things. It works for both.

Like people are attracted to like people and you can see this around you. Have you ever seen wealthy people, who are hanging around someone who constantly complains and lives in poverty? Please understand correctly – it does not mean that one is a better person then the other, it has nothing to do with it, it is not the point. The point is that wealthy people hang around with wealthy people. They go to the same clubs, shops and vacation in the same places, like attracts like.

You attract what you are in harmony with and what are your most dominate thoughts. Be aware that you attract things to your life just by the way of thinking. Maybe it is a first time you are hearing this, but keep reading and you will see that the proof of this law is always around us.

What happens when you push a drop of oil and water together? Do they come together as one? Of course not, they repel. Why do they repel, because they are not in harmony with each other – like attracts like.

What happens when you push two drops of water together? They become one. The things you are in harmony with will come into your life just as sure as the two drops of water come together. It is really interesting right? Keep reading…

Start to observe the events in your life more closely. You will see when you study these things to some depth why some things and circumstances happen to you and you will be able to direct these things. Observe events and reflect on your experience and observations.

Change the way you think and feel because you attract everything in to your life the way of how you think and how you feel. From thoughts come feelings and from feelings comes a specific action which produces specific results, because you act according to your feelings. Everything begins with thought, so start to control what you think of all day. You can choose in any place and under any circumstance how you will think. It is your power to control your thoughts, so start today. You will see that the more you think about it and practice you can more and easily control your thoughts, then feelings and then actions. When you change the way you think, you will change and if you will change, everything will change for you. This is my favorite quote from Jim Rohn. Let me repeat it again: “If you will change, everything will change for you.”

Build a mental picture of what you want, rather than what you do not want. Most people think about what they do not want and they are amazed why some things happen to them throughout their life. It is our condition to think more about things which we do not want. You will become what you think about so build a mental picture of what you want, rather than what you do not want.

The Law of Perpetual Energy

This law states that energy is always moving into form and through form. The energy is never destroyed. Think about it for a while. You can see this also in nature, for example trees – Imagine a tree in the winter – the tree is bare right? What happens in the spring? The tree starts to bud…then the tree fully blooms and when the autumn comes the leaves fall off and the tree is bare again. This is a perfect example of energy moving into form and out of form.

Energy always manifests itself in every way. Maybe you think that we are really getting into some heavy stuff here, but again, just observe things around you and you will see proof of this everywhere.

Thoughts are energy, and they will manifest into psychical results in your life. Your thoughts are energy and according to what you are thinking, that energy will manifest in outwards results in your life.

You are a creation machine because as you think, you create. You can choose to think of whatever you want. There is of course some waiting period, because it will be not very cool if you think, for example elephant, and boom an elephant is standing right before you. But you can feel that creating process now; just feel about something really bad – do you feel the feelings that your body has? Do you feel those bad feelings and anxiety in your body? Things are happening right now. You are a creating machine and you constantly do this as you think, and you think all the time.

Every thought is a creation whether that thought is good or bad. It does not matter. I AM not good at this…I AM never going to figure this out…I AM sick..I AM I AM I AM…every single statement or affirmation is a creation.

Everything starts with I Am. Just like I said in one of the previous chapters I AM is a very powerful statement so be aware of what you think all day, what is your I AM statement. As you are aware of your I AM statements you will see that they are perfectly in match with your present results.

Pay very close attention to what you are thinking each and every day. This is so important that I can repeat it in every chapter. Pay as much attention to this as possible. You might be surprised by what you catch yourself thinking about most often.

Realize that everything starts in thought and as you think, you are creating. When you are aware of what you think, you choose your thoughts wisely, then your feeling will be in harmony with your thoughts, and then your actions will create results that you seek. This is so important. We can say that this is PRIMARY CAUSE OF YOUR RESULTS – everything is beginning with a thought.

The Law of Opposites

This law states that everything in the universe has an opposite and I mean everything. You cannot have left without right, up without down, light without darkness. You cannot have the opposite without the other. Everything has the opposite and the opposites exist simultaneously.

This law guarantees that you will find what you are looking for. When you are in your town you can see the good things and you can see also the bad things of your town. It only matters what you pay attention to, which side you put your energy, good or bad. You can do this right now, think about your city where you live and try find out the good things about your city… As you think about the good things, you miss the bad things and this is how it works in reverse. They will be equally good and bad. If there is the same amount of good things and bad things – then that only leaves one conclusion… you will find what you are looking for.

If there are 1,000 reasons why you cannot do something, there are also 1,000 reasons why you can do that very thing. REMEMBER THIS – if you can think of million reasons as to why you cannot achieve your dream… that means, by absolute law, there must be one million reasons as to how you can achieve your dream… everything has opposite remember. It only matters which side you are giving your attention.

Write your goal down and only focus on all the reasons as to how you will reach your goal. There will be reasons that come into your mind with respect to why you cannot reach that goal, but disregard these reasons completely. Forget about them.

This will introduce you to your genius, just by thinking and only thinking about HOW YOU WILL reach that goal. Most people focus on the opposite side, this is our condition or habit, and your goal is to change your habit and become a person who acts in exact opposite. When you focus on WHY YOU CANNOT REASONS, you suppress you inner genius. Start to do it today and you will see the results first in your mind, then in your feelings and finally in your results.

You can literally do anything you can imagine in some way, shape or form. If you see yourself living the lifestyle of your dreams – YOU ARE ABLE TO LIVE THAT LIFESTYLE! You only have to become the person you need to become in order to create, attract and sustain that life. Stop focusing on only the doing and start by working on your BEING.

The Law of Rhythm

Everything in this universe has a rhythm. We have a sun rise and the sun set. We see the rain come and the sun follow. The tide will come in and the tide will go back out.

Just observe nature and you will see the evidence. You will also see the perfection in this rhythm.

In order to experience growth, there must be rhythm in your life. There will be good times and bad times. You must have some rhythm or no growth occurs.

You will have good times and bad times, it is natural. The bad times happen, they are not fun, but that is when you learn the most about yourself, what you are doing and why you are doing it. There is no one who has achieved enormous success – and sustained it – who did not have a tremendous struggle either early or late in their life. You have to know that sometimes, bad times come otherwise you will be confused. When you know this, you will be prepared for these times and you will overcome them.

In times of bad swings, persistence will be required, the more you push forward in the bad times, the better the good times will be. You just keep moving forward and this will guarantee your success.

The Law of Relativity

Nothing is good or bad, big or small until you relate it to something else. Only when you relate two or more objects then one stands out as small or large.

Everything is relative and so are your results. Your results are only bad when you relate them to someone else who is getting much better results. Your results are good relative to much poorer results. By using this law accurately, you will spark your being with tremendous gratitude.

No matter what we are going through, there is always someone else going through much worse. By comparing your results to something that is much worse, you can instantly spark yourself with gratitude and gratitude is one of the most beautiful emotions that you can experience.

Can you see, hear, walk, and talk?  Do you have shelter and the basics of survival?  Then you are living better than most people throughout the world. I am trying to be always grateful that I have a healthy body and that my senses work properly, because if I don’t have good health, what the heck do I have? If I am not healthy I cannot do what I love. Be always grateful what you have got, there are many people who are in much worse conditions – remember that.

The best thing you can do is to remember all the things you are grateful for. Remember to do these things in the middle of your day. Refuse to get caught up in all the tasks and things of that day and choose to remember what you are grateful for no matter what.

Post reminders all around of these laws and of this one in particular. Gratitude is the most powerful emotion you can experience it – operate with it at all times.

The Law of Time

Again, things cannot manifest instantly and this is a good thing because imagine that you think about lion and BOOM, right next to you a lion is standing in your living room. This would not be very pleasant.

Every goal is like planting a seed. Every seed takes a certain amount of time before it will manifest itself in full form. Every seed has an incubation period that must elapse and your goal is the same.

There is a definite gestation period required for the seed (goal) to fully manifest and your goal is a spiritual seed. You will not be able to tell how long it will take in order for your goal to fully manifest itself. All you know is that you must keep watering that seed, caring for it and working for it. The only way it will not manifest is if you give up on the seed.

Contact me today and I will put you on the fast track program! If you want to become successful by design, I want to be a part of your success story. I know I can help, I am willing to help. Contact me at and we can start today!