How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I remember as a little boy when my mom would serve me and my siblings our ration of meal with a rule that there was no more once we were done eating our ration. It wasn’t often a nice sight especially after eating a great meal and the desire for more is overwhelming. What we did then was to break mom’s rule. We’d go round mummy. We’d meet daddy or our aunty and plead that they help us with theirs since mummy wouldn’t mind if they asked for more or took from the pot. The pot was out of bound for us little kids.

Rules are part of everyday life and it is an inhibiting factor for those who want more. There is often the big challenge, like a hurdle, when rules are placed and one wants to get more than the rules allows for. The rules are meant for order. Why? This is because there is often an anticipation of the crowd so the rules are made to check the crowd. The crowd factor is often overwhelming and influencing that it sticks with you as you strive to achieve. Since the crowd consist of individual independent thinkers, to bring them together will require unifying their thought process. That’s what rules do, to unify thought process.

The force tool is used to ensure that everyone sticks to the rule. Everyone loses their ability to think independently and is forced to think generically. The results from their thinking become unified, zombielike, normal and expected.

The man who strives for much more finds a way to get off the zombie crowd thinking mentality. He does this by recognizing he has individual traits and gifts that have to be propelled. He acknowledges that standing in the crowd would not suit him even though there is a rule barricading him from those on the stage who are being celebrated and enjoying the much more life. He thus has to find a way to break the rules.

Watching the movie prison break, one is fed with daring pictures of what truly a life breaking rules means. There is always the desire for the prison inmate to get over the prison walls if they can but they never try it often because they lack the wherewithal to carry the huge task of breaking the prison’s defense systems. One man, Scoffield however knew how to break the rule and often always found his way out along with those who joined him. Scoffield made breaking prison rules a norm in almost every prison he had entered in his life of crime.

For the man who wants to live the much more life, breaking rules is a norm that he would have to live with. This is especially true as getting more is elusive.

Here’s why breaking the rules is necessary

  • It’s a test of your thirst for more.
  • It’s a stepping stone to getting more
  • It’s a measure of your preparedness to get more
  • It’s a self-builder to getting more.

Your ability to break rules in your quest for much more is what puts you at the starting point of the trajectory towards the much more life. You often face the initial opposition when you oppose the standing order. Your persistence however will carry the day. It is certain that opposition will come first from those who are in the crowd and there over at the free lawless who wouldn’t want you to enjoy what they enjoy. However the prevailing challenge, you deserve a shake up and a shake off. Go gaga over yourself discovery, hit the high speed lane and jump over to the side of the free. Make lots of noise about it and curse disturbance. Yell and let the crowd know you are tired of the quiet “accepting less” life. Finally jump at the free life.

When I write about breaking rules, you may wink. I expect that. I do not refer to legal rules or government laid down rules as these may pose danger. I refer to suppressive down casting delimiting rules that pose a barrier to you attaining the much more life.

You can afford to break these rules

  • Berating rules. Some rules are made to reduce you to a chiding or scolding bag. This rule ensures those that obey them are often blamed when things go wrong. They are never celebrated when they get it right but once they get it wrong it is loudly exclaimed. If you find yourself obeying this rule, you must break it.
  • Retrogressive rules. Some people often find themselves subject to rules that take them back miles from where they were. While they strive hard towards the better much more life, the obedience to this rules ensure they continuously face decline to their previous state. You can break these rules
  • Executionary rules. These rules condemns you to the awkward lifestyle. You lose the desire to live. You seem condemned to accept this lifestyle anyway because you can’t imagine yourself not getting off it even though you desire it. You must break it off.
  • Anxiety ridden rules. Life presents us with rules that make us anxious. We seem anxious for everything, money, food, house, good health etc. However our anxiousness often leads us nowhere. We get worse than we presumed we should be. You must break these rules
  • Kinky rules. Some rules are queer and weird, old fashion and not convenient for today’s pace. We seem absorbed running around these archaic rules when new rules are in vogue. You can break from these odd rules and get new rules for today.
  • Taming rules. We may find ourselves under a set of rules that puts us under where we may not be able to release our true potentials. Imagine a lion that’s tame. It will not be able to attain its lion potentials except it finds itself with another lion which has lived in the wild. You need to rediscover your wild and free attributes.
  • Hate filled rules. Some rules are designed to propagate hate. Love is the ultimate but when we are faced with hate propagating rules, it could be depressing. Those who want more of life don’t hate others. By hating, you are releasing fields of hatred and distrust which takes people away from you and is anti “get more from life”
  • Impeding rules. Some rules are created to get in your way or hinder you from achieving what you really want. This rules form mountains that pose a huge challenge to the intendee traveller to the land of the much more. You can break it.
  • Superficial rules. People make rules sometime that lack substance or are shallow. These rules are not meant to build one up towards getting more from life but rather, they are directed towards trivial issues of less value. If you find yourself under such rules, you must break it.
  • Reproachful rules. Some rules are made to continually cause reproach to those that obey them. They are often created to cause disgrace or shame because of their ability to criticize and rebuke their offenders. You don’t want to leave in a world of reproach. You must break these rules.
  • Unsubstantiated rules. Some rules are imposed upon people not because the rules are necessary but because every other person has rules guiding them. Some of these rules have no good reasoning behind them. Break them
  • Loathing rules. There are rules designed as mocking tool to those who obey them. The creators of these rules do not see the betterment of their followers as the goal. Rather, these rules revile their follower though their follower may not notice them. You must break these rules.
  • Effect less rules. Some rules are just there. They have no effect other than just appearing on the wall. No one seems to care about their existence even though it seems certain they need to be obeyed. You must break these rules.
  • Scurrilous rules. Some rules are created to abuse and slander unnoticing followers. These rules are contented with ensuring their words are coarse hitting those who obey them with such vehement force that they succumb. You can’t afford to live under these rules. Break them.

Those who intend to get more and much more from life exhibit a lackluster character towards rules. They don’t obey rules rather they create rules. They create their own rules and are guided by them even if other rule abound.

The much more life is the law or rule breaking life. If you truly want that more, begin to break your rules. As much as you break rules, there has to be a replacement for the rule you break. In life, there are no vacuums, only spaces that must be filled and which are automatically filled. If you don’t fill the space, something else will fill them.

To help you with the rules you’ve broken, you must create your rules.

First, how do you break the above rules?

  1. Identify the set of rules that guide you.
  2. Check for any delimiting tendencies.
  3. Write down what you want to achieve by breaking these rules.
  4. Hit the action button towards what you want to achieve.
  5. Observe how the rules affect the attainment of your goal.
  6. Consciously disobey any rule that will affect the attainment of your goal.
  7. Observe the difference between life before the rules and after breaking the rules
  8. Note the difference
  9. If the difference is positive, get going. If it is negative, check again for other rules. There are often many rules to break.

When you have successfully broken the rules, you must replace them with new rules. If there are rules of negligence and failure, you will have to develop rules of hard work and success.

Let’s see how to create these new rules.

  1. Identify the past rule that has being weighing you down
  2. Search from books and perhaps the internet and other medium for person who have had similar rules and have overcome them 3. Study what they did.
  3. Identify they did that you can do and that you are not doing. Write them down and make them your guiding rule
  4. Develop strict compliances to these rules.
  5. Identify those things you know you are doing wrongly not necessarily because you read them from books and try doing the opposite of such things.

Rules can’t be burdensome when they are the type that leads you towards the attainment of the better life and the much more life. Stick to the best rules.