How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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A major burden for those who do want more is where they have being. As much as many desire to live the much more life, they develop the mindset of not being good enough or qualified to have n heightened or increased portion from life. They think they should have a car but they query their minds over if they are qualified to have one. All they see is the disadvantaged side of anything. Even when they are capable of attaining a superior much more life, they accept lower than their real value. They accept this not because the lower value is what is available but they fear that going for more may just be too much. They rather bow to a lesser and lower value of themselves than what they are truly capable of doing. This is inferiority complex.

The much more life has no place for those who think they are inferior. It is a fighting and struggling life for always the best that life can offer. You can’t wait to live the much more life and think of yourself as some lower person. The man who wants more, though he realizes his present standing, acknowledges the possibilities that is possible. He sees himself as suitable for something higher and pushes for that higher. He thinks of what he must do to get the higher and finally hits on the action button to get it done. He may be in a lower cadre but he knows the man who is up there isn’t better. He sees the higher rank as a position he should strive towards.

The man who thinks he is inferior suffers from mind illusion. He always thinks

  • I CAN’T. He never sees possibilities. All he knows is that he lacks the capability to achieve even the least feet. His mind is the “I can’t” type never trying but always concluding that nothing is possible. He may see others doing but that’s for others. For him, he can’t and won’t.
  • No. the inferior man always finds good reason to say no to progressive thoughts and movements. He hits on the no button as often as he can without minding if the ideas are going to make positive influence in his own life. He conclude that getting more is an impossibility and making it possible isn’t possible.
  • Failing. The inferior man thinks he is always going to fail. What’s the need trying if I’m going to fail? He thinks to himself. He only imagines himself a failure and what he often gets is failure.
  • Envious. Though the inferior doesn’t see possibilities in his achieving his own desire of getting more, he always thinks he should be the one in the position of some other person who is developing himself. While envy may not be such a bad attribute, it propels enmity between the envious and the envied with the former often trying to usurp the latter’s position by a means other than the legal means for attaining such position.
  • Risk. The inferior man fear to risk anything. He tries to avoid risk as much as possible choosing rather to continue to mediocre results that plunge into the turbulent sea for a larger catch. For him, his life is most precious. He could be content being alone even if he doesn’t get the best out of it.
  • Independence. The inferior man finds himself always on his own. He thinks by himself and with himself. Others don’t share in his thoughts. He does not allow for addition to help buffer his idea. He has a blind notion of independence and that kills his capacity to think objectively. Because he does not have a forward looking much more mindset, his acclaimed independence keeps him locked in his mediocre life.
  • Odd. Oddity is a major attribute of the man with an inferior outlook. He is the strong opposite of the matchless phenomenon. He acts casual, irregular and in a manner that reveal his bizarre and queer nature.
  • Riffraff. The inferior man often ends up riffraff, indigent and destitute. He always seems in need and never reaching satisfaction. Poverty smells around him. He is condemned to being economically, financially and materially brutalized accepting this as fate when he can and has the capacity to push for more.

The inferior man though encumbered with his wrong description of himself can get over his illusion once his eyes are open to the possibilities of getting more.

Once he acknowledges the suppressive nature of his inferior fears, he can wake up to the possibilities of the much more life. He no longer is suppressed by inferior tendencies but he is awakening to the huge superior possibilities that are part of his capacity.

The man who suffers from inferiority can like any man enjoy

  • The IDEAL life: is the total goal of every well thinking person. The ideal life is the best possible life. It is the life that is sought to be attained when one pushes for much more.
  • The NEOCLASICAL life: staying at the top is the highest achievement. The much more man finds himself ranking high above the rest.
  • The FAITHFILLED Life: life is about keeping faith. The much more person is filled with faith always anticipating something better. The man who thinks he is inferior is often short sighted but if he sticks to faith, his sight can be reviewed and he looks into the future with exhilarating hope.
  • The INSPIRING life: attaining the much more life could be very inspiring. It inspires one to also inspire others who will also inspire others.
  • The ENLIVENING LIFE: this is a life that is lively cheerful and interesting, giving life and capable of reviving and bringing alive a lackluster soul.
  • The ROARING life. The animals that roar are those with tremendous strength. The lion roars as a proof of its enormous power. The much more man never stays quiet. His effect is often felt wherever he finds himself. He develops strength of character that pulsates across the people around him.
  • The FAR REACHING life. The much more life reaches beyond the immediate border. He anticipates a wide reach that comes with increased responsibility and power and so gets it. Effecting positive influence upon persons far and near is one of the benefits of the so much life.

The inferior man isn’t inferior because he was made inferior. He develops a wrong thought pattern that puts him at a depressed state. Once he chooses to think differently, his lifestyle also changes

Everyone person has had time when he felt inferior to some other person. This feeling is something inherent but the difference has being the mentality of the much more man who in spite of this inherent nature strives against it and develops a strong staying power to receive more.

You are not inferior to no one. Everyone’s inferior to everyone. Understanding this will place you at vantage for the takeoff to living the giant possibilities of the much more life.