How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The much more life is a life of usefulness. What benefit would it be getting more of life without enjoying its benefits? The reason to get more is to have an improved standard of living. You don’t want to have money in the bank and live a peasant lifestyle. The essence of getting more is defeated and you may not really be having more.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. One who is not having the best of it has to review his lifestyle. Much more life seeks for the best things, eats the best foods, drives the best car, lives in the best houses etc. Enjoying life is driver to even getting more of the more one has.

The more a person has is measured by the quality of life beaming from him. You are getting more when others see the difference around you, the huge gap you are placing between yourself and them.

Some persons desire the much more life and they do get it however these persons fear spending the benefits that come with this lifestyle. They think they will be attracting too much attention by getting the best things to themselves. They use the cloak of contentment as a covering and end up living life less than they should be living. These persons live life only having people discovering that they were worth more than they had lived.

If others do not feel the effect of your much more life, there is truly no essence for desiring the life. If you think it is a life to be lived in quite, you truly need to do a rethink.

Enjoying life isn’t wasting resources. It is giving resources. It is giving your body what it needs to enable you live a

  • Edifying life. The man who enjoys life must live a life that improves other people’s mindset or character by teaching them useful virtues. The fact that you have more does not mean you lose your sense of morals. It should make you build, construct and instruct others.
  • Noteworthy life. The man who enjoys life is one who grasps positive attention always worthy of notice. He does not hide in the crowd or bush. He sticks out to the fullness of his capacity.
  • Joyful life. The joyful life that living the much more life provides results in an extreme feeling of happiness and cheerfulness. Your face beams in delight and protrudes an uncommon wave of light.
  • Ordered life. Enjoying life isn’t chaotic. It does not attract noise even though it attracts attention. It’s often a blissful and tranquil life. This life finds solace in serenity and tranquility.
  • Yearning life. Enjoying life makes one have increase thirst and desire to get even more from life. If your lifestyle doesn’t increase your desire to have more of it, then you are not living the much more life.

How does one enjoy life?

The following steps re guides to enjoying life living the much more life.

  1. Build a life round God. A life around the source of life makes you a source to others too.
  2. Develop giving attribute. Giving and lending a hand in service is one way to enjoying life. When you give, you receive and often much more than you had given
  3. Be a good example. The need to be exemplary cannot be overstated. You will need to position yourself to develop exemplary attributes.
  4. Identify the things that make you happy and do affect others positively and do them as often as you can.
  5. Keep a cheerful mane always. It is transferable and it often returns to you.
  6. Always be hopeful. Hope finds space for more to get at you.
  7. Give yourself ample time with yourself and family. It helps for refreshing.
  8. Develop gainful relationships with others.

Enjoying life is an attribute of the much more man. You have to learn to get the best from life by developing means through which you will find joy, happiness and satisfaction. Life is yours to enjoy but it only comes when you live in the understanding of the “much more”.