How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The much more life requires a huge degree of responsibility. It requires taking definite steps and standing in for those steps even when they may seem faulty at first. There are no regrets in the life of a much more man.

There may be mistakes along the way towards the attainment of the much more life but the much more man sees them as learning step. He anticipates there have to be learning curves along the way so that he does not over-speed and end up crashing on the way.

The beauty of the much more life is that it leaves no place for regrets. It’s planned out to entertain uncertainties, difficulties and turbulent situation. When you seem lost in the predicaments that come with the attainment of this life, the temptation is to query your mind over why you aren’t content with what you have. The much more life smiles at you and says “don’t want to get me so easy.”

It is ludicrous thinking to think that the route to the achievement of the much more life will come so easy. It has to test your capacity to strive for it. It places huddles on the way, thorns on the path and sometimes nails and broken bottles just so that it will increase its difficult index.

The quality of the much more life you desire is measure by the difficulty index posed by such a life. The much more man understands these.

One’s quest for more means he will have to get through the test for that more. He only gets the more when he has successfully passed the test. A scholar who wants a master degree won’t sit in his room. He finds his way to the university, goes through all the challenging classes and lecture, writes the examinations and anticipates success. The student’s quest for success does not mean he may not fail a course or two. If he happens to fail, he does not go about regretting his decision to get a higher degree because he acknowledges the better life that his higher degree can offer.

Those who form the habit of regretting often end up never achieving anything. They fear taking actions and end up below par. They are the ones who

  • Rant at how challenging life is. They make a hell of noise about the huddles, even little huddles rather than quietly facing the task they have being called to face.
  • Exonerate themselves from a task because they fear, it is too cumbersome. They are hugely in doubt of possibilities and they never achieve anything.
  • Crumble over how life has treated them when it seems they are not facing as enormous a challenge as their peers or colleagues
  • Rate themselves beyond everyone else when their rating is less than the least. They seem overly confident on baseless pedigree.
  • Entertain themselves with frivolous attractions that waste quality time and energy that should have being used to pursue good tasks.
  • Talks more than act. Their mouths are never closed. They always find something to talk about often complains about every little thing.

A life of regrets isn’t the best life. Regrets are stories of persons who have failed. Persons who get less from life are often the ones prone to regrets. The much more man finds nothing to regret. To him life is

  • A Raging storm that he must calm. His thoughts is always to act as the master of the sea however it is for its only in the calming of the raging storm does he appreciate what peace really means.
  • An exhilarating route refreshingly thrilling bringing about new standards. He finds joy and happiness with cheerfulness as he walks and works through it.
  • For gargantuan who are capable of posing a huge challenge, he poses as the incredible hulk sending waves of fear to his mirage of challenges.
  • Meant for the wreckful and careful. He lives his life with ease fearing he might hurt some other person heeding to danger signs  Educating. He learns from every act and any act however well or bad seeing every one situation or scenario as a lesson.
  • Tailor made for his breakthrough and success. However rough the storms he is passing through, all he knows is the marvelous future that comes after it. He must succeed in life.

The much more man anticipates challenges on his route to attaining the much more life. He expects to meet those encumbrances but his gait is focused on the goal. He must get what he wants.

How does one live life without regrets? That is a massive question but with credible answers.

This answers a much more man answers by

  1. Expecting challenges. You must be expectant of challenges. This puts you at alert zone. If it comes, you know you had a premonition and that keeps you at a firm standing.
  2. Creating challenges. Develop challenges. It pays to develop challenge by you and then get at solving them. This develops your poise when real life challenges arise.
  3. Maintaining a determined poise. Determination is the key to any achievement of any sort. If you are determined enough, you can get whatever you want and wherever you want it and however you want it. Determination keeps you pushing till you get what you want whatever comes your ways.
  4. Defining what he wants from life from the start. Having the definite goal to push for helps against distraction. Often the things that cause regrets are the things that cause distraction. One only regrets when he finds himself doing something less beneficial to his defined goal other than the one he should have helped.
  5. Stay calm and focused. No storm rages without coming to a head. It soon passes by and disappears in good stead. When you find difficulty. Keep your cool, don’t run helter. Keep the goal defined and reach the height you desire to reach.

It is incredible what regrets can do in a person’s life that was meant to achieve. Rather than regret, ease your life with smiles and get going. The future is great out there beyond the challenges you are getting through now.