How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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When one finds himself in the down side of life, he is often prone to being given heavy blows. He thinks first about what caused his downwardness, thinks about who might have caused it, where it might have happened. Sometimes, he doesn’t think about the way forward. He suppresses his creative ability creating ludicrous picture of himself that isn’t really him.

Life has a way of giving us back what you anticipate of it. Our thought process is meant to help us act creatively. It is meant to help us find solutions to problems and get our hands busy. However what happens for those who are getting less is that they do less and think more of inconsequential.

Thinking isn’t wrong but one cannot afford to dwell on inconsequential too long. Life is no measured by how much thought process has gone into a task. It is measured by the creative actions that come out of such thoughts Many have found themselves suffering from depression because they seem to do so much of thinking but do not find the substance of their thought in real life.

We don’t get more by thinking more; we get more by doing more. Action is the propellant for which more from life is obtained. The more one does to get a thing, the more he gets what he wants. The much more life does not obey the law of diminishing returns where there is a peak action in which more does not come however more one tries to do. The much more life increases as more effort and input is put in.

You can afford to

  • Transmit joy, happiness. Rather than suffer under the cloak of sadness, be a source to transfer joy to others. Keep a smiling face always.
  • Highlight your strength rather than stress on your weakness. Everyone has difficult frail moments. But we close our eyes to these frailties if we do desire the much more life. We take solace in our strength and find courage against them.
  • Identify with successful stories and succeeding people than live in the incubator of your failures.
  • Negate backwardness and downwardness by stimulating your mind towards positive values
  • Kill your fears. Fears abound and live with us every day. Fear kills one’s ability to act and rubbishes our creative instinct. The much more man does more when his fears are zeroed. You can afford to kill your fears.
  • Lunch into immeasurable possibilities rather than stay back and watch. Jump into action and be a prime mover for yourself and others.
  • Entertain your mind with quality impactful messages that can transcend your life into that success you so much desire to be.
  • Soar ahead of your challenges by developing instinctive wings. The wings every ones need to get ahead in life are the eagle type that fly’s far on top of every other bird
  • Seek to maximize your potentials. You have innate capacity inside you that has to come to the fore. Acquire knowledge from books and people experience and propel your potentials to work at towards your success

When one thinks less, the tendency is to do more. The question that wills poke into the average mind is “do more of what?” there is a more you are expected to do.

Do more of

  • Determined service to God and humanity. The total essence of our living is for service. Dedicate service to God and seek to serve humanity.
  • Open discussions with like developed minds who are pro-change and pro— development who are capable of inspiring you towards your set goal
  • Mind building and development towards the attainment of the future goal. The much more life you need is derived from a mind that is built and developed.
  • Operating at a faith level that speaks volume of your commitment to the achievement of your goal or task
  • Reaching out to others through outreaches and other mediums. Many hands are waiting to be hand felt and touched.
  • Exercising your body and mind towards developing soundness. It pays to have a body and mind that’s healthy. Exercise helps to keep alert strong and developed.

Our society is bedeviled with people who are perfectionist at creative thinking. They know how to create the idea but their idea ends on the drawing board. It manages not to make any headway in reality. These persons are the ones who speak vehemently of their splendid often white elephant projects which prove futile and inconsistent with reality’s demand.

When one thinks less, he is more likely to escape from societal depressive thought patterns. His gait is more focused at achieving than finding faults and he is enveloped with a bigger sense of self belief.

Thinking less helps you escape from

  • Depression. This is a growing killing machine. The number of suicide epitomizes the gargantuan nature of this killer. The major cause of this thinking. This thinking is an acute type which is not result oriented but propels one to a derailed state.
  • Self-oppression. Many people suffer from self-oppression because they think less of themselves. They are oppressed into devaluing their self-worth. They find pleasure hurting themselves and soonest they discover that they are suffering from a derailed thought process.
  • Defective memory. When one thinks much, he loses memory of even the simplest things around him. His mind focuses on his problems and challenges and forgets sometimes even his name, place of residences, siblings and even friends.
  • Faulty organization. So much thinking disorganizes one. It leaves disorder in its wake as what is expected to be done is left undone when it should be done if at all it is done.
  • Recklessness. So much thinking often pushes someone to taking actions that are dangerous and with negative consequences.
  • Extinction. The final blow is death. Much thinking is the cause of heart challenges, high blood pressure and some other deadly ailments. Thinking less helps one escape from earth’s death.

The much more life is an expectation of the do more man that think less of frivolities and take decisive steps. He is not encumbered by limitations but strengthened in the face of it to live the kind of life he so desires to live.