How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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In our self-lift, me first world, our society is enveloped with pride. The attribute of showing gratitude is one that is increasingly eluding humans. We query ourselves over why we should show gratitude at all. This is because we think that this attribute is for the lowly place who we feel are peasants and who should feed our egos.

Well this is a wrong thought pattern. Those who get more from life are the ones who see themselves as less even when they are so much. They develop a habit of being gracious for whatever has being done to them and for them however little.

The little we think we have is a result of the much goodness some other person has shown. Showing gratitude uplifts. It creates opportunity for more from the same well “little” has being drawn from.

The “much more get more life” takes strength from how gracious life can offer. Life could be grace filled and gracious when those who want to tap from its source show gratitude enough to attract this well source.

The much more man does not consider what he has presently as been too little. It is so much to show his gratitude. Though he anticipate more, he finds joy and delight with the little admitting that the same well from which little has dropped from, more will come.

We need to show gratitude every single day of the week. You may wonder why you need to show gratitude as you look from the perspective of your little but there is indeed so much to be grateful about.

  • God’s everyday mercies that never ends even when man’s mercies fail. God always shows beyond every doubt in our lives that he is indeed the creator of the things we see, he has created all this big things, what we need is infinitesimal compared to his bounty.
  • Riches that abound in life that comes to us irrespective of our low work towards achieving them. The rain fall and the sun shine on everyone. It does not care of status and class. We don’t do anything to get them. The air we breathe is free and we require nothing to tap from it.
  • Aspiration that enables one targets the much more life. Our aspirations are free gifts. We aspire to achieve a goal. These aspirations are the future expectations today. By showing gratitude for the future we are desirous to attain, it speeds the future into present existence.
  • Creative ability that converts our ideas into realities. They don’t fall from space. They are formed for God creative ability. Your ability to create is one gift you should be grateful about.
  • Ingenious capacity that separates you from the bulk of others. Your ingenious ability has its source from the creator of all things. It is a capacity that deserves some good degree of gratitude to God for you’d be just another human if it were not for the propelling capacity of your ingenious ability.
  • Outstanding pose that puts you out, standing. It isn’t everyone that’s has the outstanding pose if you do, it’s enough to thank God for.
  • Understanding difficult challenging and trivia knowledge. Not everyone finds even the simplest sum worth understanding. If you do understand difficult sums, it’s something worth thanking God about.
  • Significance in life’s sphere. Any significant effect arises from a life that shows gratitude. The much more man has immense significance which pulsates across the people around him if you live a life of significance you can think a life of gratitude.

 A life of gratitude radiates graciousness; you radiate kindness, warmth, compassion and grace, and the virtues that a much more man has and needs. A life of gratitude is an elevated life always placing those that live it at a higher pedestal. If you think you aren’t up yet, it’s only a matter of time before you reach the height when you live a life of gratitude.

How does a person show gratitude?

  • Giving praise to God. God is the source from which everything comes from. The only offering of massive importance is his praise. Thank him as often as you have life. Songs of praise and worship is uplifting and awe inspiring, drawing stronger into God’s arms.
  • Reaching out to help others who are less opportune as you are. When you offer help, you are living out a life of gratitude.
  • Alleviating the problems of others by offering out in your little way to meet their needs.
  • Cultivating a thankful attribute. Being always thankful is a sure gratitude path.
  • Exemplifying simplicity and modesty in dealing with others. A life that shows gratitude is live in simplicity and gratitude.

The get more life is a life that shows gratitude. It pays however little.