How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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There is nothing like a one man army. One soldier can never make an army. The much more life is a life that requires people helping you. No one is all sufficient except God. Each person has limitations that encumber them. As much as we try to carry out a huge task, we don’t have the strength to put them together all by ourselves.

Think about the process of building a house. It isn’t that the house can’t be built by one skilled professional. While one skilled professional is good enough for the job, the job can be done faster and effectively with two or more hands.

In another light, consider carrying a heavy load.

One person may be able to carry it, but the burden becomes lesser when two or more hands bear the burden.

The man who wants more from life knows the power in canvassing for help. He knows how to organize people to help him achieve his goal.

He sees capability in people and finds a way to apply such capabilities into the performance of his task. For him, the number of people helping out in the carrying of his task measures his strength of character. He does not believe in being a lone star. Off course, a lone star shines but will not shine as bright as a conglomerate of stars together.

More can be done when we seize on the capacity of the other person. What this means is that no matter how cumbersome a task may seem, there is huge possibility that it can be carried out by calling out for the additive capacity of others.

A brilliant young man who has tremendous ideas may not have the funds to roll out his ideas. He may have great ideas but that’s how far it could go, on the drawing board. The big deal is often getting the ideas out on the streets. I had a challenge starting out a project.

I had this vision to start a school. I prayed about it and envisioned the prospects of seeing it come to reality I envisaged it becoming a huge project, but the negative factor was that I had no money. Thinking of starting a school without money was incredible. I had that fear of starting out. I began to canvass for help from people who I felt could be strong believers in my idea. Each step of the way without fund, I pushed on. It wasn’t the best experience but I managed to get a few people who keyed into the possibilities. I was able to take the project of the ground with help from people.

The much more man does not allow the limitations around him to blind him to the realities of his vision coming true. He develops so much faith in his ability, causes others to believe too and key in as supporters of his project.

It’s often a big challenge canvassing for help to see you through that big task especially if it requires money but it pays to have a determined front with God’s help.

To make success at getting help from people, you must have

  • Developed a self-consciousness. For others to believe in you, you must believe in yourself first and then in your ideas. You have to believe your ideas are worth investing in and that you are worth supporting
  • Be trust worthy. No one would want to support a friend he cannot trust. You have to be trustworthy, truthful and a person others can rely upon.
  • Negated pride. Pride is one killer that kills any immediate help from others. It blinds us to the world and keeps the world blind to us too. Allow humility in your reins.
  • Added value to you. How much value do you put in yourself? That’s how people will value you.
  • Shown an appreciative mane. So many persons aren’t appreciative of little less much. The much more help you want from others is by you showing how helpful the little they have offered has being appreciated and why the much more will be appreciated.

To canvass for support to achieve a task often proves difficult because we have not considered putting our self-ego and pride down in the first instance. Now that you know, you can begin to get help by

  1. Setting down the goals you want to achieve which you desire the support of others for. You should be able to define what you want before you can get others to help you.
  2. Start working towards the accomplishment of your goal. You have to start before others back you up. Others will want to see you in action.
  3. Look out for your closest allies and friends. Start with them. They are often the first believers. Your relatives, friends, parents could help out.
  4. When you are certain you are done with your closest pals, get ahead to find others who will value your vision too and key in to it. They often only come after you have started the idea.
  5. Get going.

The much more man does not have his dream killed because he does not have the resources.

He believes in his goals entirely and gets others to believe too. Soonest those goals begin to blossom. He sure knows he may have an idea but not all the ideas, so he gets all the people with all the ideas to push his idea for him.

We must learn to appreciate the gift of others. Rather than act awkward and jealous, seize the opportunity to apply such gift for our own benefit.