How to Get More From Life by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Defining what you really want is great. But you really need to know how to get what you really want. A student wants to have straight A grades and he usually wants it but there is a difference between knowing what you really want and getting what you really want. The first is about discovery, the second is action. We’ve described the discovery process, it’s time to act.

Getting what you really want is fraught with huge encumbrances. There is always this mountain that naturally raises itself once you have pictured what you really want. Because what you really want is always so huge, you have to overcome huge “devils” to get them.

We’ve passed the process of creating the picture. It is a challenge trying to create that picture you really want but now you will have to face a whole new set of challenges.

There is a difference between “what you want” and “what you really want”. The difference is “really”. The power in the term “really” is the propellant for obtaining that desire. If you really need a thing then you have to go about getting it however challenging getting it may pose.

Things you need to know about what you really want

  • It has to be REALISTIC. What this infers is that it should not be absurd, metaphysical need that is beyond this realm. It has to be real and attainable through normal physical or earthly process.
  • It has to be EXCITING. What you want must stir and excite you. You must find joy in going after it and when you do get it, it must give you pleasure.
  • It has to be worth ASPIRING FOR. The reality of what you really want should be worth pushing your energy into in the first place. It must provide you with the entire fulfillment that is worth aspiring for.
  • It has to be LEGITIMATE. You don’t want to have a want that contravenes set down rules like “being a renowned robber” or any other illegal act. You need must be covered in the right light s worth considering in legal stream.
  • It must provide you with LONGETIVITY. You don’t want to die because of things you need. You want to enjoy what you need. Your need should support your desire to live even longer.
  • It must supply you with a YEARNING for more. You won’t want a need that keeps you stagnant. It must be one that helps you keep achieving more and getting more because of its benefits.

Having had grasp of what should characterize, what you really want, let’s see how to get it. All the characteristic attributes above are great and they are attributes you would certainly need in that thing you “really” want. If your need do have these attributes, then you are set to go.

  1. Define what you really want based on the “REALLY” description. It pays to analyze your needs based on its realistic nature, realistic nature, its aspiring worth, it legitimacy, its ability to elongate your life and its quest to ensure you get more of it. Understand that you get a definite understanding of your needs or want and you find peace when you score great grades on this.
  2. Get knowledge from person who have achieved similar feat as you are striving to achieve. Many Persons have had challenges getting what you want. Their experiences can come handy. If you have those persons around you, you can go have a talk with them. Books, audios and videos are also available from those successful which you read, listen or watch and gain from their wealth of experience.
  3. Start toward your need with what you have. Many people wait for a huge windfall before they hit on the road towards getting what they want. The greatest achievers never had everything. They made do with what they had.
  4. Persevere. If your need is truly worth it, it will certainly require you pushing because it will never come easy. You will have to break the wall bit by bit till you get a break through. When the breakthrough comes, you sure know it’s never going to require you going through the hassles again.
  5. Be determined and diligent. The need for determination and diligence cannot be underestimated. You have to push hard and very hard against any hurdles you may face. The hurdles are often gigantic but you can with the right determination. Take the work serious however little you may achieve at the beginning. With diligence you will get all that you want.
  6. Go, go, go, and get what you want. It’s all in your grasp, everything you need and want.

Getting what you truly and really want could be a movie of epic dimensions. Bestsellers are made from these scenarios and great achievers have come through its scenes. What are you waiting for? Get going.

The beauty about getting what you really want is the joy and atmosphere of achievement it supplies when you are through with the hurdles. Though it’s such a huge challenge but when you really want it, you can go every mile and face everything that has to be faced. The big deal is it is no big deal once you understand its underlying principles and run with it.

Adam savage points out in his "still untitled" podcast that the thing that you feel you really want to do is the thing to pursue and truly it is. You have to get at it and pursue it with all your zest.

Take note: sometimes, you may not actually get what you really want. You may not end up there where you really want to be but you certainly will end up miles away from where you currently are. It pays.

When you go for what you want, it changes you and where you are currently. It builds you into a much more complete person by helping you develop. Everyone has the capability to be what they truly want. If you really need it, why not go for it. You can and will.