How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Marvels are always learned. They are often very well- schooled are their area of efficiency that one can hardly doubt their capacity. Marvels often are well schooled. This schooling may be that of the formal schooling environment or that of the informal. They show high proficiency in the area of their schooling and it seems impossible to others the possibilities that they churn out, possibility=ties that their peers find impossible to carry out.

There is no marvel that is not well knowledgeable at what he does. It is often his vast knowledge that attracts others towards him.

If you have to be a marvel, you have to learn. The attribute of learning requires that you sit under the tutelage of others who have also learned. Marvels do not necessarily learn from other marvels but they learn. They learn from everyone and every situation. They are vastly experienced because of their continuous longing to learn from, whatever arrives.

When we learn, we take in new knowledge that we had never had, opportunities to develop arrives and we are well positioned to also teach others. Learning sometimes requires humility. It takes this attribute to learn under the tutelage of teachers at school.

Look through the life of those you marvel at, they are often so learned that we sometimes open our mouth wide at how much knowledge and wisdom pours out from their lips. They are sometimes professors in their right, inventors and geniuses. What makes inventors higher than engineers? It is their learning to apply their knowledge to create. Those who desire to become marvels always have "one more knowledge" ahead of the pack. They know one more truth and keep one more value than the rest would. The strive to be learned does not mean you were a stark illiterate before now. It means you are striving to know much more than you already know.

As much as life is concerned, new knowledge is constantly in vogue. There is continuous research being done to bring about new information on a given subject area, the marvel attracting man will often look out for this new knowledge.

You must be ready to acquire as much knowledge as is available in your field of study. Sometimes, though, you also have to be knowledgeable in a variety of knowledge. A marvel doesn’t just stay on one information. He puts his hands on diverse knowledge. People marvel at those who know so much. These persons may not know all in a field but they seem to know a bit of everything.

If you’ve watched the current affairs and quiz program “who wants to be a millionaire” there are certain contestants who seem to answer every question that the anchor ask them with confidence. You’d often wonder why they knew the answer and you don’t. There are some questions that even proved very tricky yet the contestants found a way past it. You’d think they are genius and you’d marvel at them. You’d even conclude that they are incredible.

Have an open mind to learn whenever the opportunity offers itself. There is plenty of it actually. The problem we have is that we close our eyes to them. We don’t see the opportunities; we don’t even value the opportunities. Learning happens every time to the marvel. That is why he always seems to have an idea of everything. If you truly want to be a marvel, be learned.