How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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I remember the story shared of Wheaton Churchill who led the Britons against Nazi Germany. When it seemed all hope had being usurped and London was already taken over with bombs rallying everywhere across the land, Wheaton Churchill’s only motivation to his team of dying fighters was “never, never give up”. Those few words turned the battlefield in the direction of the Britons. Great Britain carried the day thus cementing the super power attribute of that country.

The man who desires to be a marvel must develop a motivating mien. He must have a motivating and inspiring story that people can draw inspiration from. People should find the passion for acting and getting results by his words or actions. He must have an eye to see beyond the present limits and motivate himself and others who look up to him for light in what seems like a dark channeled world.

Churchill’s inspiring story of triumph in the face of a seemingly difficult ordeal lays credence to the strong propulsion that one’s motivating attributes can offer.

The deadliest of men use these attributes to their advantage, men like Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, Russian leader Stalin. They were always a marvel to behold by both followers and non-followers.

What makes preachers stand out is this attribute. They uplift others with their words of encouragement from God’s word. It’s always inspiring and refreshing hearing them preach.

You desire to be a marvel. How many persons have you helped see the light from their dark situation even if it is only by your few words of encouragements? The marvel begins by motivating people around him and then this gift is transferred to others beyond his immediate sphere. You may say “I am not in a position to lead others so no one will know my stuff”. Your stuff is known from where you begin; that little corner.

You have listened to many of those motivational speakers and wish you were the one with the opportunity to speak like they do. You ask yourself sometimes why you can’t speak like they do. The truth is, you are the one stopping you. Everyone has their story that is motivating enough. We just do not find our story. We think gush “what an experience he had, I was thrilled and amazed”. How about your own story? Some other person can be thrilled too with your story!

Let’s look at the motivating attribute of a marvel A marvel will often

img7.png Make the endpoint more glorious than the beginning. He talks glowingly about the future glory and less about the challenges. To him, the future settled today is worth all the struggles of today and tomorrow.

img7.png Admits himself into his own university of thoughts. To motivate others you, you must have motivated yourself first. You can’t teach what you haven’t learned. If you believe in your own school of thought which you must have practiced, then you can pass same to others

img7.png React positively even in a very negative situation. Everyone in the ship may be sinking but he says, the ship isn’t going to sink. We are going to stay alive. They are always seeing the light in the darkness.

img7.png View the possibilities that could happen with every one person around them. They talk about the success in the failure, the wisdom in the foolish and the strength in the weak.

img7.png Eradicate any picture of his mind that does not propel the positive virtues that he wants to see happen. As far as he is concerned, there are enormous possibilities and so it is.

img7.png Leads others through stormy and difficult challenges to a port of joy and peace. He has satisfaction at the sight and that he gets.

The motivating quality of a marvel is inspirational. You’d often see the marvel lead the team and everyone putting their acts together to work for him. The unlimited energy he releases propels others around him too and they believe in him and his every word even when he might be wrong somewhere.

People who are marvels are always the eyes in any group or society. Everyone wants to hang around them and hear from them the opinions they hold about a subject matter. They think they are always right. Well, that is always the undoing of this quality. People can easily be charmed to believing what is not true because it comes from the motivating marvelous man.

However the negatives, the positives actually overwhelm. The marvel sends spasm of inspiration. That’s what the world of people wants and admire. Some of these great religious leaders you know are great at motivating people and we cherish and celebrate them. We say “what a marvel!”.

Now you too can be the marvel. Find your story. Yes, there is an inspiring one out there inside you if only you dare to check. It is right there. Let it spring forth and motivate others to be the best they can be.