How to Make People Marvel at You by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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The life of a marvel is one of responsibility. A marvel has people looking up to him and these persons become his responsibility. Think about the pilot who has to fly a Boeing 737 with over 200 passengers on board. He is the marvel and his passengers are his followers who depend on him to get to their destination, the same destination that the pilot is heading. The pilot knows he has the fate of his coworkers and passengers in his hands. He thus takes the responsibility to ride them to safety.

Your marvelous status is one that encapsulates responsibility. You have to be responsible to those who attach themselves to your life.

Many time, I’ve heard leaders talk about not knowing those they lead, even their names, and they claim it is not necessary. Well, I’d say they aren’t accountable.

Imagine you have people you lead who sick and you don’t care to ask about them and know how they do. It’s actually a serious situation. A man who wants to be marvel must look out for those for those who are helpless and take responsibility for them.

The marvel often attracts the crowd. This is the reason. Most of them may not be strong in mind. This is often the reason they surround the marvel just so that the amazing strength, wisdom, and talent of the marvel may fall on them.

You have to be accountable to the strong as well as the weak. It’s sad that those who are poor and downtrodden in society do not get the chance to be looked at by even those they marvel at and appreciate. We carry this mentality that we have to connect to our type. The truth is your type doesn’t even exist. Those who gave you value and helped you discover your type are those you have to be accountable to; those small people who are helpless and look up to you as role model

You are accountable to God. The life we live is given to us by God and expects us to make good of it while we have it. God often looks down at us smiling with one good act that we show to others. We are constantly under his watchful eyes and he expects us to connect with what he desires from us. He wants you to know you are accountable to him.

You are also accountable to society. Society always expects the marvelous man to keep the creeds and moral values that characterize it. While society could sometimes have biased rules, the marvel man seeks to obey the right one and throw off or does away with wrong ones. He also offers his knowledge and advice to making the right rules that will best fit society.

You are accountable to your family and friends. They are looking at you and counting on your guidance to help them find direction. Your words of advice and financial support you offer has the capacity to change everything about who you are and how they lead their lives. Your family should concern you. Events around it shouldn’t just happen. They have to be organized and coordinated by you. Every one of your friends should draw something from your life that makes their lives better

The marvel is accountable for the helpless and hopeless around him. He seeks to offer wherever and whenever he can, all the support he can give them. He doesn’t want to be told. He just offers all in sacrifice to the needy around him. This is why there are civil society groups and initiatives created by persons of marvelous caliber.

If there is no one who looks up to you or who you show responsibility to, you are no marvel. Marvels carry people with them, whether they are children or adults, men or women, girls or boys.

Do you want to be a marvel? The question then is “what good have you done for God, society, family and friends. Start doing something responsible and walk your way to the marvelous state you want to be.