How to have a Complete and Awesome Life by Sai Bhaskar Reddy Nakka - HTML preview

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Happiness and Peace

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With the influence of the outer environment and the inner environment, if a human being, is feeling happy and peaceful, it is good. The goodness inside pervades outside too. The whole environment around that person also becomes peaceful.

If good people or people with good thoughts are existing in a place, the whole place becomes a good environment and there exist peace, love and happiness. The environment also influences the thought and decision-making process in one’s life. The observer and the observed becomes one, like the image in a mirror. In the present ways of living, people rarely get connected and understand this intricate and essential relationship with the environment.

The air has oxygen and other gases, which is the sum product of the interrelationships between biotic and abiotic aspects on earth. By breathing one gets connected to the whole earth too.

Some of the spiritual persons try to find their own inner peace and happiness and try to bring the same in their disciples - that is they spread love, peace and happiness. They are highly respected in society because they try to help people around come out of many problems related to the internal and external environment. They create communities and social networks for sustainability and resilience. Promote brotherhood through their teachings. They may create schools, colleges, hospitals, provide drinking water, etc., for the well being of the people. The followers support such people as they are working for the peace and happiness of the society by all means.