Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Exercising Your Unlimited Attributes


I’ve stated that  we are born into the world with degrees of limitations. These limitations however give way as we grow and acquire knowledge. The difference is knowledge, the quality which one gets. Inside us is the unlimited capacity to acquire. The difference is knowledge. Inside us is the unlimited capacity to acquire as much knowledge as we can grasp.

When a person travels into a new country, he is faced with the challenge of learning a new language. This limits him because he will not be able to communicate his ideas neither will he be able to attract the attention he desires. He has to go to school to learn the new language before he becomes free in that country. His inability to speak the language will certainly limit him but his ability to learn is not limited. He has an unlimited capacity to take in a new language as far as he is desirous for it.

Knowledge is a tool to getting power, applied knowledge is power. Knowledge isn’t limited. There’s too much to know in the knowledge sphere. We only choose to limit ourselves to a specific area of thought because we think as limited beings.

In high school, we had to choose the field where we’d major in. The system in my country is classified into science , arts and commercial classes.  The thought pattern was that the science class was meant for the best students while the other students shared themselves between the arts and the commercial. Often those in the arts and commercial classes had the thinking too that the science students were better. Thus even when the three classes shared a subject, the students in the sciences tend to do better.

My peers in the arts and commercial classes always said they weren’t good enough to challenge the students in the sciences while the sciences boasted of how well their worst student would perform if they found themselves in the arts or commercial classes.

I discovered that the difference between the two sets of students was the thinking pattern. The sciences thought they were unlimited by virtue of the knowledge they were being fed while the arts and commercial students thought they were limited even when both found themselves in the same classroom.

The difference between the man who is limited and the unlimited man is the quantum of knowledge that the latter thinks he has and believes which the former doesn’t have. I mean to believe in because one may learn so much and still doubt his capacity when he has to defend himself.

Everyone has this unlimited attribute. Some persons just trigger it while some others let it lay low. Fact is, while those limitations hang around uninvited, those things that should trigger us to become unlimited don’t arrive except you invite them. If you don’t buy books and study or get a teacher or tutor to teach you, learning doesn’t occur. The trigger for our unlimited attribute is totally dependent on us.

The power to get things done is dependent on how much knowledge one is ready to acquaint himself with in the direction of the limitation. Not being able to drive a car can be a limit especially when the job one performs requires it. The car may be available but will be useless too if there is no one to drive it. One will have to learn how to drive, a task that can be done. When the learning is over, the car also finds use and the user moves faster thus improving the business.

Sometimes, breaking one limit can break several other limits. You may not know how many persons out there whose limitation you will be breaking by just developing a system to break your own limit. There are many “how to” books out there from the personal experiences of the authors who were able to get past their limitations, similar limitations that millions are facing and don’t know how to get past. These authors were able to acquire knowledge either by experiment with themselves or discovery through some other means and they broke their limits and millions read their books, follow the same procedure and also find their limit is broken. It could be very inspiring.

The power to be unlimited lies very much on our desire to acquire as much knowledge as is possible. There is no limit to how much knowledge you can acquire. You can continue to know infinitesimally as much as life is. It is said that the moment we stop knowing, we die. Many persons have died long before they actually closed their eyes from this side of life. How? Their  minds were closed to knowledge that is able to solve their problems.

As much as we are bound by limitations, we were born unlimited. What bring about the limitations are the situations of life. The limitations push our unlimited quality to the background and make us see ourselves as lacking capacity. The sad truth is, limitations exist because we think of them as limitations. As a man thinks, so he is. If we think we are bound, then we are. This is because our minds are filled with this knowledge. If we think we are free and have the qualities to get over our challenges, we certainly become that.

You can trigger your unlimited side and propel yourself to thinking that you are unlimited. The difference between the unlimited man and the limited man is a thin line, the quest for knowledge.

Open your mind to acquire knowledge and there are a variety of means. It could be by studying books, attending seminars, listening to audios and watching videos of people and situations that characterized limitations. There are a plethora of them by just checking on the internet especially in your area of limitations.

You are unlimited. Get it to work for you.