Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Actualizing Your Unlimited Potentials


Every person comes into the world with huge potentials. Most persons however do not discover these huge potentials. Our potentials cannot be measured. It’s so huge yet because it’s not something physical, we lack the capacity to value its worth. Our potentials thus lie there inside us wasting away. That’s for most persons, but not for the unlimited man. The unlimited man is a man who recognizes his unlimited potentials and seeks to actualize them.

The possibilities in our lives are huge. If we just keep thinking of all the possibilities we can think about, that’s how far we can go. What are you thinking of achieving? Because you think it, you can do it. If you think of flying across the world, that’s actually how far you should be flying to.

Our potentials are unlimited. We can do much more as far as we keep working at doing more than we have always done. It is only when we actually set at work that we know that there is more at the place of achievement.

Chris Oyakhilome, pastor of Christ embassy a ministry with a global outreach started his writing ministry very little. When he started his rhapsody of realities devotional, there was no possibility of his devotional becoming a massive best seller. No one saw it coming. But he saw the unlimited potentials that his book and ministry carried. All he needed to do was push on and he kept pushing. Today he writes the most read devotional which also hold the record for the most translated book ahead of the bible. He keeps seeing more possibilities about his book.

The question people often ask is “how  do I know what my potential is?”. I always reply that I can’t tell what their potential is except I see them working at it. The only person who gets to know the extent of your potential is you. It is when you value you that people begin to see value too.

No one is ever discovered by some other person. Each person discovers himself while some other person recognizes the possibilities of associating with such discoveries. It will be an illusion to just sit and wait in the name of being discovered. A person who wants to become a great author must first write and then publishers will see the possibilities of publishing his book. The publishers don’t arrive until after the author has shown prowess at the art.

Your potentials are immense, unlimited and vast. Only you can describe its limits i.e. it is where you keep your potentials that it stays no matter what people think about it.

How do you know you’ve got potentials at doing something? When you find delight at doing that thing that you can do for free without feeling any hurt and you do it better than another person can, you’ve got great potentials there.

It’s just not discovering that you are great at doing something, it’s about doing that thing and becoming the best at it. The unlimited potential is at being the best of what you know you are good at. If you can write, aim towards writing multiple bestsellers. If you can act, aim towards acting blockbusters. It’s not enough to know you are good at doing something, enough is when the world knows you are best at it.

Steve Harris, reputed life coach says, it’s not what you don’t have that limits you, it is what you have but you don’t know how to use. Your potentials may just lie there dormant and you know you can do something with it but you don’t. this is where your limitations hang.

Every gift inside you is meant to be used. If you don’t find a way to use it, you won’t discover the possibilities that characterize that gift. Someone may say “Mtchew I can do what the other guy is doing and even better” but he isn’t doing anything. That’s a colossal waste of talent, potentials and gifts. It’s a total waste of time. What’s the use having something you don’t use?

As a writer and author, my unlimited potential is to be read by half of the world in over one thousand languages. That’s big potentials for my writing talent and I’ve not started yet but I’ve discovered I’ve got potential for it and that’s why you are reading this book. You are one more person to actualizing my potential.

How do you go about accomplishing your unlimited potentials? You have to start from where you are. There is no perfect timing than now to get at doing what you know best to do even if there is no audience for it. There will certainly be an audience very soon.

It’s not the man who knows that gets, it is the man who uses what he knows that actually gets. You seek for avenues to use your gifting and potentials even if it is for free now, it will not be long before people value it. If your potential is just there, it remains just there.

When I discovered my writing talent, I thought I was going to make money immediately. For over five years I worked hard at it to no avail. Money did not arrive and I thought I was being unlucky. I decided after consulting authors and people in the know that I’d have to develop my gift away from searching for money to gaining attention. I’ve been courting attention since.

No picture is too big for you to accomplish. Because you’ve seen it, you can get it done. You just have to take one step of action and improve on the steps every time. When you get past one stage, think of the next stage and the next. It’s only a matter of time before you become the full potential that God had destined for you.