Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Going Against The Forces That Causes Limits


Limits are placed by strong forces. These forces are huge yet they are surmountable. Many persons see the limits, what they don’t realize are the strong forces empowering them. If one must overcome the limits he must need deal with the forces.

In church, pastors preach that Christians shouldn’t pray for a person’s hurt even when the person has done something terrible. Rather, they should pray against the sprit behind the person’s action as the spirit is what empowers the action. The spirit is the force.

When a limit stirs us in our faces, the usual thing that happens is to fear and quiver. That’s normal. The limit stands as a mountain and we struggle to get over it. Most persons will give up but those who know will get going building in themselves strong forces too of will, determination, perseverance and diligence.

The forces that propel limitations are the same forces of fear, doubt, anger and they could be very limiting if we allow them overwhelm us. When a challenge arrives, these forces are propelled to attack even the very creative minds. They cause our mind to think it can’t.

Fear is a tremendous dark force that places bars of limits to the man who desires to accomplish much. Even when there is a bank of capacity and potentials, it does not allow one accomplish much because it blinds the eyes to the reality of this huge potential. We tend to think less of ourselves and fail to act. We run away from our place of opportunity because of the fear of breaking the limit.

Fear and doubt are twin brothers. When doubt arrives, we fail to see the possibilities because we think we can’t. Doubts slow our pace. We tend to want to look first before we leap so as to be certain we aren’t taking the wrong steps even when we are heading in the right direction. Doubt makes us uncertain about the future even when we are sure our potential is geared for that future.

A combination of fear and doubt brings about frustration which results in anger. It’s not bad to be angry but when the anger becomes acute, that’s a problem. It sends negative forces to us that make us discourage and finally ends us in depression. These negative forces have a duty to keep you in the limiting problem for as long as possible.

When a mountain arrives, realize that it is just a war of forces. Keep fear away by developing faith. The things we fear have a way to happen to us, the things we face fears us. You have to be strong and courageous, determined to face the mountain of limit and the limit soon gives way.

You have to learn to build your defense walls of forces. Your force is a positive one. You don’t have to allow the negative forces of your situation overwhelm your strong forces. Light always overwhelms darkness. It’s only if you choose to dim your light that darkness stays on. Now turn on your light forces.

You’ve got to be determined to face the dark forces of fear, doubt, anger, frustration and depression. A man who is determined has half won the war against his challenge. Determination empowers you with a fearless mien to take up whatever comes.

You also need to be diligent even if it is in little things. The ant for example could make their homes in strong mountains because they are diligent enough to work at the rocks one small piece at a time till they achieve their goal. Diligence keeps you working at your challenge even if all the headway you are making is just a bit.

You also need faith. Faith is a force that sees the future beyond the challenge like the future is already here. It takes you into walking and working today in the expectations of tomorrow. It propels courage and hope.

You need to be courageous. Only people who would take the bull by the horn pull the bull down. However fierce the forces that want to limit you, courage stimulates the lion out of you to get it down every step of the way.

Hope stimulates your belief that something is going to happen successfully. The great things at the other side of the limit bar is possible as much as you keep the belief of it happening and you get going with that belief.

Consistency keeps you working continuously on that one goal regardless of the limits, doing what you know you should do because you believe that it is going to come through as you hope it will.

These are positive forces that are equal to the task of challenging the negative limit placing forces. When those limiting forces plague you, it means it’s time to release your own positive forces. These forces are always inside you, a quality of you. The limiting forces often arrive  from outside you.

The unlimited man is not worried about whatever limits surround him. For him, the limits may be there and that’s alright. It however wouldn’t be alright if he isn’t able to trigger his unlimited forces to help him. When he can, he just goes ahead plunging  every limit to the gutter.

Whatever are those forces of limitations, you are capable to fend them off. You are that unlimited man that must not allow forces of fear, worry, doubt, depression, steal on your capacity to achieve great things. When it seems all is lost, hope will find you, when you doubt your capacity to push through a task, faith will carry you, when you are worried nothing will work, determination will stir you, when you are feeling lazy about your task because you seem not to make headway, diligence will run after you.

You are that unlimited man and limits only arrive to the man who is capable to offset them. If you aren’t capable, it wouldn’t arrive. Get going, you are backed with substantial forces to become the hero for all your limitations.