Made Unlimited for Limitations by Ekekere Samuel Ufot - HTML preview

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Assisting Men With Limits


It isn’t new information that society is plagued with limitations. Men and women everywhere seem handicapped by the propensity of challenges they face that limits them to getting the better of life. Everyone desire the opportunity to become unlimited but not everyone will get equal information at a particular time. Some persons will get it first and pass it on to others.

Certain persons are called mentors because they are helping people find a way to go against their limits. They have gathered and are gathering enough knowledge and choosing not to keep it to themselves, sharing with other persons who want to be unlimited.

A major responsibility for the man who is unlimited is to help people find their unlimited side. You increasingly become bigger with each limitation bound persons you unbind. What this means is that you have to look out for and openly welcome people and their challenges.

As an unlimited man, you carry knowledge that isn’t meant for you alone. People out there are wishing they could try to be like you and they can only by acquiring the same knowledge as you have and as you willing to share.

The books you read are books people wrote to share their knowledge, you too can write a book too to share your knowledge. Those seminars you attend, video you watch and audios you listened were purposely developed by their creators to help people who will find them and to transfer quality information and knowledge to them. You too can develop yours.

Limits that plague man are not only that of knowledge. It could be financial limits. Unlimited men are often men who have developed capacity to get round financial hassles. School children who don’t have fees to get to school can get scholarship from you. Those with health challenges can have you build them health facilities. Great ideas have suffered for lack of finance to pursue them. how about if that great invention arrive because you were able to finance it?

Being an unlimited man requires that you show acts of philanthropy. You are empowered to empower. The more people you empower, the larger your resource become. Those who think they have acquired so much and achieved much without necessarily reaching out to people have actually achieved nothing. In the long run, they’ve virtually wasted their wealth.

We live fulfilled lives when we are able to touch one more soul and put smiles on once sad faces. The reward you get for all your labors will only be dependent on how many people felt your impact when you were on this side of life.

One attribute of some of the richest men in the world is their love for philanthropy, helping to raise people and giving them the chance to discover themselves. Bill gates and family owns the Bill and Melinda foundation whose impact is being felt even in very remote locations of the world. Facebook’s Mark Zukenberg also runs his foundation which seeks to provide internet to remote locations while also changing lives. There’s a long list of names. The reason they do this is because they understand that it could be interesting affecting lives and that is where power arrives. When we empower, we get power and influence.

In western Africa especially amongst the Hausas and Fulani, the wealthy class amongst them provide food for the poor and helpless in their domain. This poor and helpless in society also known as the almajiris look up to them as gods. I’m, not actually stating that you make yourself a god over the people you are helping but they do naturally hold you in high esteem.

Your goal in helping people isn’t to obtain power or glory. If that’s the goal, you may soon be weary of it. Satisfaction and joy arrives when  you know right within you that someone’s success out there is a result of what you are doing even if they don’t show appreciation to you.

All the resources in your bank account aren’t meant to be kept. If they stay too long in the bank, they lose value for those who should have benefitted from them. You have to use what you have now.

I watched an Indian flick of a young man who had noticed an old man of around seventy years selling books. He walked up to him and offered to buy all his books. It seemed like a dream for the old man who had never had an opportunity to be out of stock and here some person was offering to buy all his books. The young man was however trying to put a smile on the face of this old man who was already too old to fend for himself but was. The young man bought all his books and gave the old man some extra money. This made the old man so happy that he poured blessings on the young man.

Develop an eye for helping people. Hands are being raised high to the unlimited man who have an eye for them. If you truly desire an unlimited status, you have to start lifting those hands looking up to you.

You don’t need to have so much to lift a hand. All you need is a desire and passion to help. Limitations of people will be overcome as you offer them your unlimited hands. It’s in you