Man the King of his Karma by Eric EH Buddhadharma - HTML preview

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Karma and victory

Victories are of many types, victory over your opponents in sports, victory over your enemy in legal battles, victory in battles and in politics.  There is no end to the different kinds of victories achieved and celebrated by the victorious people.  Victory is one word with complex winning styles and methods.  Each different type of victory is achieved differently.  Sometimes victories are with sincere efforts while at other times victories are matters of fluke or chance.  Victory is sometimes vague and not necessarily, the victorious is always the best, or always right in their views.

Positive karma in victory, is not achieved by the use of swords and guns, blows and fists, lowering the dignity and breaking the morals of others, but only by winning the heart of others and victory by making your opponent understand and follow your way of correct and upright thoughts.  Good and positive karma is achieved only, while you do not let the other suffer in any way.  Your opponent must understand that you mean no harm to him, while at the same time; you are putting across your point of view, which is correct and logical.  This way you win over your opponent as well as find a friend in him.

In sports and other activities like examinations and competitions, positive karma is by sincerity in bracing yourself with the correct preparation and mindset for the achievement of victory in whatever you do.

Victory is a bad word when it is associated with forceful imposition of policies and ideologies on other people and countries; for instance, forcefully acquiring the lands of weaker people, cunning and shrewd ways in finding victory, over gullible and innocent people, are all bad and evil karma.