Mind, Body & Spirited: Beyond Meditation, Dieting and Workout by Us - HTML preview

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Section 6

“You're the Ambassador.”

Remember, You are a Spark from your Light and the Ambassador to this Space and Time. The question here is, Are You representing your Light or the Dark in Every Moment for ALL Beings, or just Sometimes and only to Some.

“Find it Inward.”

If you want the Feelings of Love, Joy and Happiness, Go Inward, Not Outward to find it.

“Give To All.”

Kindness and Compassion are Gifts that keep on Giving, so be Generous!

“Different Levels Different Views.”

What was important when you have everything is no longer important when you have nothing.

“Tactics Used”

Anyone who uses Manipulation of Any Kind as a Tactic is Not Working for the Greater Good, but instead Working for a Few or Self Serving and Are Not to Be Trusted or Be in a Position of Power. You may encounter this Behavior on your Path so Beware.

“Change not Want”

Most Live to Want, Not Many Live to Change; Change is on your Lights To-Do List.

“Begin Again”

“Don't Let Fear Tell You Otherwise!”

“Equal Value!”

We are to Value All not Devalue by Any Method and accept it as so. To say one Job or being is More Valued than Another is a Devalued System. Equal Value is the path of Light.

“Whole Again!”

We started as a Whole then an “Idea to Divide and Separate Us” was introduced and Allowed. Which then opened the Door to Many More Layers of Separation and brought us to where we are today; a World Divided on so many levels. We Must Stop Allowing and using this “Idea” to become “Whole Again.”

“Process and Delete.”

Your mind is your hard drive, so we process information, file and save it. Process and save means you will relive this same moment in the future over and over. Your light wants you to process the emotions, thoughts and experiences then delete. Process and delete means every moment in the future will be different and you will have new experiences.

“We All Don't See the Same Thing.”

What You See and what Others See are Not the Same until you both agree; even then, they will Differ. Each will not know exactly what each other Sees until the next step of Oneness.


The Idea, “Right and Wrong,” will evolve to confrontation and Violence of many forms. There is No Good Ending when this “Idea” is practiced.

“Be Calm in these Moments.”

Both “Letting Go Of” and “Taken from you” of some sort Will Be Experienced on your Path. Each You Must Be the Master Of, Not Them Mastering You.

“Just a Heads-Up.”

All the work you do on the Outside of you means nothing if No Work is done on the Inside of you.

“We All Must Master This!”

Breaking the Habit of Judging Another is one We All must master.

“These Methods Don't Work.”

“Avoiding” and “Running Away” from Life's Lessons is Futile in the game of Life. Better to Face now and Move on to the next step.

“A Thought to Consider!”

The More Material Things You Have the idea of “Taking from You” can be used against you. When you have nothing this idea does not apply.

“You Get It!”

Your Light says there are no Mistakes in Life. It just means You Now Understand.

“It's a Never Ending Dark Path.”

As long as we continue to make things matter In Life, conflict will always follow.

“Having Less is More.”

Those who have Less, Already Have More. Those who Have More, are always Seeking or Wanting, but Never Having, More.

“Where We are Headed”

Life as we know it is Changing to: “Letting Go” and “Downsizing” is the Direction we are going. If you have already started continue, those who have not then things will come about to help you.

“It's Showing You Something!”

There is good in every situation we are just not taught to find it. Sometimes you will not figure it out until some time passes, but there was a point to the Chaos.

“It Will Spread!”

What inequality that is happening to Any group of Beings and goes Uncorrected will Spread to All, that is the Goal and to think otherwise is an Illusion.

“Change Your View Point.”

Changing How You Look at things will also change How You Feel about things.

“It's Everywhere!”

Greed has No Borders and has its Hands in Everything, also has Many Names. When it comes for you it Will Leave You with Nothing and continues to Prey on you to the End. Compassion is Our Way Out.


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