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Section 7

Be Still!

To See and Find the Magic You Must be Still.

“It's NOT OK!”

At some point on your Journey, you will Arrive at the Understanding that Saying and Doing Hurtful things in all areas of Life are Not OK. Those of you that already understand this continue. Those of you who have yet to Arrive, Listen to the ones already there and Move Towards this Understanding.

“Get Passed the Drama.”

Do not Dwell on what got you to this situation; instead Look at what you need to See and Learn while you are in this situation.

“Pass or Fail?”

You are to show and share to the world, you. Do not hold back, stand tall and walk with confidence. Others may have things to say to tear you down, do not be tempted for that is the test. Did you Pass or Fail in that Moment?

“Highs are Easy the Lows are More Challenging.”

What ever your Topic in Life is to Learn, just remember, You Must Master Both the High and the Low sides of the Topic.

“We can Stop This!”

The Idea of “Credit” is a way for Greed to Have No Limits on Prices, leaving you with Nothing and in never ending Debts. We can stop this if we stand as “One.”

“Acceptance is a Feeling Not an Idea.”

Acceptance to Your Light Is: A Feeling of Peace, Confidence and Stability that comes from Within. When you are in this Space, Life situations are Easier to Handle and Solutions flow. Now that you are Aware of this, Look Inward for this Energy.

“The Shortest Distance and the Most Over Looked.”

Your Most Sacred spot is Inward.

True Service!

The Idea “Do Something to Receive Something”, promotes the Idea of “Taking and Conditions”, this is Not Serving. To your Light, “To Serve” means to Help and Assist Unconditionally. This Is Your True Nature Not How or What can we do to Take, Hurt or Get from each other.

“Look Inward to Stop the Energy from Rising.”

Once a Dark Emotion or Energy Takes someone over you are now Dealing with this Energy and No Longer the Person. This Energy wants to be Released and will return if not corrected. The individual carrying and releasing it is the Only One Who Can Correct It. Others can only tell them of this Behavior and or open the Door to a Way Out.

“No need to Defend!”

People think they need to protect their Light and Feelings, but the truth is Your Light is here to Protect You. Your line of Defense is not needed, so Let Go.

“There is a Difference!”

Live Life to Understand Not to Be Understood. You will move through the Lessons Faster this way.

“How do You See It?”

When you find an item of some sort with no identification on your path, do you see it as something You Created or someone who has Lost It? No Right or Wrong Answer here, Just Your Understanding.

“The Outside Becomes Less Important.”

The More You Evolve into Your True Nature, the Less You Participate on the Outside and can See what is Truth and what is Not.

“Your Light is the one to Follow!”

Your Light is your Best Friend and is very Wise, why you follow Others that are Not is a Mystery.

“Searching Outward is a Detour!”

Your Strength, Courage, Compassion just to name a Few, All come from Within You, Do not go looking anywhere else, it's a Detour.

“Don't Let Fear Tell You Otherwise!”

When You Do Your Lights Work You will be taken Care Of, this You Can be Sure.

“It's All About You in the Void!”

Do not resist or fight being Alone, Surrender to It. Isolation is not necessary, Being Still, no Thoughts or Emotions is what is needed. Practice this for as long as you can, you will need this to get through the Void.

“Do You Help Sometimes or All the Time?”

When someone who is in Need Crosses Your Path, do you; help him or her, Judge him or her or avoid him or her? Your True Nature wills only Do One of These.

“Filling in the Blanks is the Same as Assuming!”

Your Mind needs to know the full story or it will fill-in the blanks of what it thinks it sees. You will find Most of the Time You will be Incorrect in Your Assumptions. A Habit You Must Change.

“Time to Move on to the Next Chapter!”

When Life “Squeezes” You, it will seem like you are Losing Everything and or cannot do the things you used to. This just means it is time to Change Directions and Do Different Things. Pay attention to the Signs and See Where you need to BE for your Next Adventure.

“This is the Only Way to Change You!”

You Need to Be In Control of Your Thoughts and Emotions Not Them Controlling You.

“Rebirth is Everyday You Wake Up! ”

Everyday is supposed to BE a New Beginning Not a Repeat.

“Kids Do it Right!”

Go back to Being Simple, just like how Kids See and Do Life.

“Having Less Helps You!”

We are not here to acquire more things we are here to Let Go. The one with the most Doesn't Win, the one with the Least is the Winner.


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