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Section 8

“An Opportunity to Be You!”

When Life gives you a “Do Over”, it is an opportunity to go into it with your True Nature and come out with your True Nature still Intact.

“You will Lose Interest!”

When you no longer need to be entertained, you are on the Path of Light.

“You are a Lot More!”

To think that this is All There Is, Is a Very Limited way of Thinking.

“Keep Going!”

Do not get comfortable with any One Way of Being, because another way of Being is on the Next Step and there is always More Steps to come.

“We are to Help Not Hurt each other!”

Your True Nature is to “Encourage People”, not to “Belittle Them”.

“Be Free from Having to Own It!”

When You Appreciate all that you see but do not need to Own It You are walking in your Light.

“Nature Helps You get there!”

As you become More Light, Nature is more Valuable and you will spend more time there.

“Just Be You!”

“Comparing” yourself to others is a “Habit” that must be changed.

“Cooperation Unites Us.”

When we as a whole can move from “Competition” to “Cooperation”, it is a Huge Leap for Mankind.

“You Need To Be Awake!”

Having Routines puts you to Sleep, Changing this Behavior will Wake You Up.

“Idolizing is another Behavior to Change!”

On Your Path Focus on the Ideas or Wisdom that Empowers You, Don't Idolize People, it is a Distraction.


“Love Is ALL; All Is Love,” is what Your Light Lives By. So, can you.

“Don't Be Tempted!”

Wealth or Money is Not the Goal it is a Detour. Follow Your Talent and See where it Leads you.

A Society Divided!

“Giving” brings Us Together “Buying” separates us. We are to be a “Giving Society” Not a “Consuming” one.

“Being Rooted is a Limitation!”

While we are here, we are not supposed to be Rooted in Life we are Adventurers, traveling, learning, Changing and Expanding is our True Nature.

“Sharing some Wisdom”

Once You Start Any Belief, Behavior or Habit, they All will Evolve and Spread to every area in your Life. If you choose one that is Dark, it Evolves to Loss and Tragedy. If you choose one that is Light, it Evolves to Freedom and Empowerment. Knowing the difference helps you choose wisely.

“Your Talent gets Understated by You!”

Unplugging from the Outside way of being will lead You to Your Purpose, for those who Don't Know and are Lost. Be Patient, the answers will unfold at their Own Pace.

“Appearances can Be Deceiving!”

If a Master should cross your path, they may take on the appearance of one that most would Avoid or Not give the time of day. An Opportunity is Lost Because We Judge and Don't Embrace All.

“We Have Forgotten!”

To say I cannot serve you unless you serve us “Is not your True Nature of Service.” To Not feed another when you “Can” or not “Heal” another when You Can is a Crime Against All Beings. Practicing this “Idea” Is Not the Path of Light.

“Attachments be it Emotions, anything Physical or Mental!”

When you fully Understand “Attachments in All Forms”, then the Game Of Life is easy. You must discover yours as they all play out for you on your Path. Once You Identify them, then you must Change them if they are not of “Light”.

“All Kinds of Gifts”

If You Feel uneasy around some and Your not sure what it is, You are sensing their Dark Intentions even though they are hiding behind thoughtful words. This is an invaluable Gift, Practice and evolve this Gift.

“Another Free Gift”

“Light” Information is always flowing and is Not Exclusive. You just need to have No Thoughts or Feelings to tune in.

“What are You Giving your Energy to?”

When you attach yourself to an “Idea” or “Belief”, it means You Will be giving away Your Energy to Empower Those “Ideas” and “Beliefs” if they are Not Ones that Evolve You. This is what “Giving Your Power Away” means.

“There is Always More”

How you see it is how it is, but it “Is Not Absolute.

“By now you should know the Difference between Them.”

Let the “Light Energies” Take You Over not the “Dark Energies”.


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