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Section 9

Doors Will Open

You need to turn the page on what you already know and go find what else is awaiting you. “Let it Unfold”

“Bait and Switch”

When you offer an outward physical illusion to another, they will acquire it like a trophy. They will eventually Loose Interest and move on. This is a Behavior practiced by many in Life. It is only a Surface attraction, you must move past this to see clearly, otherwise pain and suffering will occur.

“Put Your Faith in You”

Trust and Believe in yourself and no other for they must do the same for themselves.

“There is a Big Gap”

For most, the Higher You climb the Corporate ladder the More Disconnected You become from the Collective. Know there is always a way back but you must Want it more than the Carrots being dangled.

“Can't Hold Back, Time's Up”

The Energy that is around us now is making it more difficult to deceive or hold back what we try so dearly to hide for all not to see. Pay attention and you will see it everywhere for Truth is in the air for ALL not just some. Being aware will help you move through it.

“Letting Go of Control is a hard one for Most”

When you walk In the Path of “Light”, it is an “Unconditional” way of Being. Having Time Limits is a “Condition” the Path will remind you to Let Go of your Control and All Conditions. Here is where most will lose interest and walk another Path for more Understanding is needed only to return later.

“History will repeat itself using Today's Methods”

The more Technology is in control, at some point, it can and will be used against All Beings if we do not keep the mindset controlling the technology in check.

“Your Dream or Someone Else's?”

To Live Life on Purpose is Far More Meaningful than to Live Life as Expected.

“This is How your “Light” sees it and so should You.”

A Loss is only a Loss If You learn nothing or Change nothing otherwise it Is a Victory.

“This too IS Possible”

Ascension is when your Lights Energy is Fully released from within, Fills Your Body and Mind Completely. Currently we all are only on life support from our Light. When this change occurs We will Know and Feel a Big difference.

“Watch out for this”

You will see “Guilt” used sometimes on your Path. The intentions behind this method are to get Control of You and/or Wants something from you. This Is Not a “Light” behavior, therefore it Does Not Empower You, and it Takes from You.

“One is Phony One is Not”

A “Light” response is Very different from a Correct response. The more Awake you become you will be able to discern the difference, do not let this gift slip away. 366

“If you are Asleep this is a Clever Method, if you are Awake it Does Not Fool You!”

Teasing is a method in which to Release the Truth and Call it something different. You will find other methods used to do the same Behavior on your Path. Pay Attention to be able to Discern what is in front of you.

“See the Wisdom and Skip some Steps.”

To be Honored or Valued in Life Most will seek this Outwardly in the form of Words, Titles or Trophies. Once acquired some will Learn these were Not Needed or the goal, the lesson was for you to Honor and Value You all along.

“Trust and Pay Attention!”

Following your “Light” is like a Magic Carpet Ride, always Surprising, Fun and will guide you pass the Land Mines on your Path. However, if it is an opportunity to change you, your “Light” will guide you to the least impact option to take for the opportunity at hand. Stay in your Peace and Calm space to receive your direction in these moments.

“Not All Way-Showers are at the Same Level.”

An Advanced Master of Light: Lives Simple, Not Lavishly, will serve You, Not you serve them, and will show You How to Empower You, Not Take your Power. An Advanced Master of Light will Share with You, Not Want for You. Most importantly, Will Never be Above Any Being, always an Equal, therefore Bowing Down to or Worshiping will Not be Asked of You or Allowed.

“Try Not to Ask the “Why” Question.

In Life Your questions get answered and you must “Fully Understand All the Answers;” if you do not, an experience or an event will come about to give you the Understanding You Lack. So Be Very careful of the entire “Why” questions you ask on your path. Example of a “Why” question you might not want to ask is; Why do people get divorce?

“Attachments be it Emotions, anything Physical or Mental!”

When you fully Understand “Attachments in All Forms”, then the Game Of Life is easy. You must discover yours as they all play out for you on your Path. Once You Identify them, then you must Change them if they are not of “Light”.

“ There are No Exceptions”

One of the Rules in the Game of Life is; What You Give Out You will Receive Back.  You must experience both sides to fully understand the impact of what you send out; Most importantly not to be One Sided.  Most people know this some need to be reminded.


Light, the ultimate tool, is your secret advantage and will be referred to frequently throughout the pages in this book. What is Your Light? Your Light is your power; it is what you are searching for in life. Inward is where you will find it.


Discernment is a very important tool. In life, you will need to know the difference between what your light says is truth and what others say is truth. Which direction is right for you and which is not? Your light speaks to you in many ways so you will need to pay attention and feel your way through. Do not let guilt, pity, habit, hopelessness, doubt, I cannot, I do not know, fear, be your guides and make your choices. Take a deep breath, calm yourself, wait, and look for the other choice. For us, fear, frustration and doubt were our guides and made our choices for too long. Now we know to face all these emotions and not let them take us over. Then your light can get through to you and guide you.

“This is the Test!”

Whatever Your Life Situation is, Never Give-Up Hope. Do not let the Pain win and Hope Loose.

“Get Quiet and Reconnect!”

Your Light is Your Truth it does Not Deceive. Go Inward to find it. Trust Your Light.

“Time to Let Go!”

Everyone must tame their “Tiger that is within them”, or it will attack even the innocent for it knows no boundaries.

“Don't be Afraid to Change!”

Once you are Awake You can See who or what is Draining You in Life. Next step is to replace them with ones that Balance and Support You. If you do not they will suck you dry just like a vampire.

“Just So You Know.”

Life is the school and the Experiences Are the Lessons. Learn the lessons and “You” can change.



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