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Section 10

“Experiences May Differ!”

When it comes to Wisdom the Methods may differ but the Idea Does Not. Do not discard the Idea.

“Stay True to Your Light!”

Can You Shine Your Light in Every Moment in a world that has Darkness tempting you to join? That is the challenge for Us All.

“Letting Go was not intended to Be Hard or to make you Suffer!”

In life situations, if you volunteer to “Let Go” it is much easier to move on to the next step. If it has to be Taken it is much harder to move on and you may or may not make it to the next step.

“Laughter helps ease the Pain!”

Remember to “Be Kind and Gentle” to you on your Journey, this is always overlooked especially in the Low Moments. Master this and your world is a Better Place.

“Step into Your Light!”

Your Light is “Beyond” All the Beliefs that are known to you. To know your Light you have to Let Go and Be Open.

“Pay Attention to You on your Journey!”

Darkness is Saying and Doing Things that Do Harm to You and Others. Light is just the Opposite. Darkness is a Detour. Light is Empowerment.

“You can Master this Idea!”

Do all things in Life because You “Want To,” not because you “Have To”. Just by changing this viewpoint, it will change your experiences for the better.

“Don't Get Stuck!”

If you have not Learned Anything, it means You haven't Changed Anything. Changing ways of Being moves you to the next step.

“You Need to Recharge Yourself!”

Balance in Life means, whatever You Give Out to Others You Must Give EQUALLY to You. If you do not, Life will give you a Time Out to Re-energize and show you the Imbalance.

“Be Free of Possessions!”

The Idea to “Own” is one that is an Illusion. You never really “Own” anything, and in many cases, it “Owns” You. Instead, just enjoy the item then Let Go.

“You Can Walk Away!”

Can you live Life without a Conventional Home and everything that goes with it? YES! If you choose to do so, there is no Limit on how you can create your own way of Living. Do not let fear stop you from living a Life that is possible for you.

“You Need to Focus Inward!”

Pay attention to the Energy you use when you Speak or any Action you take. You will be able to identify if it is a Dark or Light Energy right away. Remember you only want to send out Light Energy.

“You Can Change Perspectives!”

How you see life will tell you everything and what you need to change about you. Paying Attention is the Key.

“Can't say this enough!”

The More You let go of the Material Stuff, the More Free You Become. The Material Stuff is the Distraction; it keeps you from Being You.

“Look Inward until You Find It!”

You can be Self Sustained on the Outside, the next step is to be Self Sustained on the Inside, and you have to reconnect with Your Light to make this happen.

“It's Easier to Change the Little Things!”

Changing the Big Things in your Life are obvious but the Little Things in Life are even more Important. Why, because they Will Evolve to the Bigger Things and the Bigger they are the Harder it is to Stop.

“Practice, Practice, Practice!”

“To Free Your Mind”, translation, No Thoughts or Emotions on the Inside, then information can flow to you.

“Look for This!”

“The Journey is More Important than the Goal”. Which means, How You Achieved it and What Methods You Used to Get the Goal is what is Important. Are they Dark or Light Methods every step of the way?

“Step Out of Your Comfort Zone!”

Do not follow just one group or One-way of Being. Explore and Try Other Methods and ways of Being on Your Journey. Remember, Be Adventurous You may be surprised at what is waiting for you.

“There are Different types of Schools.”

What are you well educated in, knowledge from Societies Schools or The School of Life? Societies Schools will evolve the outside. The School of Life will evolve Your Light. You can choose either; just make sure You make the choice and Not Others.

Be Selective!

Look to see Where an “Idea” or “Belief” will Lead You Before You choose to follow and Attach yourself to it. Any signs of darkness do not follow.

“The Doorway is Inward!”

Your Light does exist and to think otherwise is a Loss and a Tragedy beyond measure.

“Allow All to Come Up!”

The “Void” is a Transitional Phase You will pass through going from the Outside way of Being to your Lights way of Being. The duration depends on how well you process each item that rises from within. Patience and the Will to Continue is the Key.

“More Cleaning!”

Why will some go through the “Void”? It is your Lights way of Cleaning House. There are Things that You are still attached to and need to Let Go Of. Once this is done it opens the Path for Your Light to come through and Reconnect.

“If No Changes are made Pain and Suffering will continue!”

We each have a Theme we are working. Events will continue to show up on Your Path until You Make Peace with them and they have No Power over You. The steps of Change may be small but nonetheless it is a step towards Freedom of Pain and Suffering. No matter what, “Keep Changing”.


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