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Section 11

“One Method to Get Control!”

Some feelings start in the Stomach area then will rise to your head if you let them. Once it gets to the head, it has control over you and wants to be released. To stop it from rising up, focus inward as soon as you can and it will stop, now you are in control. Each time you do this it gets weaker and will eventually be gone.

“Understand the Difference!”

“True” and “Truth” are not the same. “True”, is when you attach yourself to an Idea or Belief then you will make it Become True. “Truth”, is being able to see through the illusions that are in Front of you, now you are your Light.

“Don't Resist Go with the Flow!”

Societies Life Plan is a House of Cards. At some point you will see how Fragile it is on your Path. Stay Calm as best as you can, there is a Reason for the situation you are facing. Changes are needed in Your Life going forward so go with the flow and Don't Resist Make the Changes.

“They Must Want It!”

You can Not Give a “Quality” to someone in Life They must give it to himself or herself. All you can do is Teach or show them the “Quality”; the rest is up to them. Examples of “Quality” would be Trust or Wisdom.

“Time is up!”

We are Infinite Beings understanding Limited ways of Being. There is an End to it All and the time is Now. Life is giving you an Opportunity, Take-It and Don't Look Back.

“You Are Never “Above” Anyone!”

Remember, You are a Student just as much as you are a Teacher. If you forget, Life will send someone in to remind you how much You Don't Know.

“Why Follow when You Already Are a Leader?”

Don't attach yourself to the People giving the Knowledge, the Information is what's Important. Take the Information given if it speaks to you and Apply It.

“Information is everywhere”

We All Fear the “Loss of someone or something”. When the truth is everything takes another Form of energy, and can be accessed but we just forgot how, But that is changing, we are All Remembering.

“Allow Yourself to Relax into Nothing.”

Better to Be Deep in No Thought than to Be Deep in Thought.

“They Always Start Small!”

Signs that show you are Moving Out-of-Gratitude and Becoming Ungrateful. When you start Demanding, Expecting, complaining, No Enjoyment in the Moment and can Only See the Bad. Being Aware is How You Change.

“Stay in Your Peace and Calm Space!”

Once you start going inward, you will find you are at Peace most of the time. What takes you out of Your Peace, is Your Choice, remember it is a Choice.

“Advantages of Observing!”

Now that you are Observing Yourself, there is No Need to send a Messenger to play it out for you, less drama. This is just one of the benefits when you start paying attention to yourself.

“Just Relax and Remember.”

Lucid dreams are ones that you can interact in, meaning you can ask questions and you will get the answers. How do you know if it is a Lucid Dream? It will seem very real like you are there. You just need to remember you can talk.

“Follow Your Light!”

When You start to Reconnect with Your Light You will Have to Let Go of being in Control and pay attention Inward in order to be guided by your Light. In the beginning, you will find most of your time is free to do what ever and very little time is needed by Your Light. As You Progress, this does change and you will Enjoy It.

“Go Within and Listen!”

Most will learn a Correct Response and then cannot wait to Repeat It. Very few will be Aware enough to Respond from their Light. Just Know Both responses are there you just have to “Listen”.

“Don't Hold On!”

The Darkness is just a Teacher not a way of life.

“Don't Relive It Again!”

When a Negative Emotion or Energy starts to arise within you because of a Current Moment, Just Know it is not about the Current Moment it is About a Past Moment when it was all created. This Moment is Showing You it's Still There and it is Time to Let Go and Be Free.


There is a space just before you wake up, if you are aware enough, you can get information from your Light, they speak to You about what to expect. To access it, you have to slowly move towards waking up if you go to fast you will miss it.

“To Be Free!”

As You Progress into Your Light, You know the Darkness exists but it no longer draws you in, What a Feeling in that Moment!

“Knowledge Gives You More Choices.”

The “Path Least Traveled”, Is Inward. Most will spend their time only on the Outward because they are not aware of both paths; this is why only one is taken and why expanding your Knowledge Changes everything.


When You start saying things like; “I'm Done”, “I Don't want to be like this anymore”, “ I Don't like what I have Become”, You are telling Your Light You are Ready to Come Back to Your True Self. Pay attention because things will be presented to you to get back on track.

“Let Go of Your Defensive Behavior!”

Your Defensive Line will be your Most Challenging to Let Go because it is heavily fortified. Just remember, Your Light Does Not Need to be Defended it Can Stand on its own, so Let Go.

“What a Gift!” .

When what people Say No longer gets a Reaction or has an Effect on You, it is a moment of Being Free and You are Standing in Your Light.

“It All Gets Recorded!”

To Your Light; It’s “How” You got your wealth and “What” You did with it that is important, Not Your Net Worth. You Can be Sure this will be looked at either Now or Latter.

“It's Not Bad It's Good!”

Bronco Busting Time, which means, Life is going to Ride and Disrupt your way of Life until You Let Go and Change. Life is telling you it is Time to “Do” what you came here to do, so Don't Resist and Move On.


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