Mind, Body & Spirited: Beyond Meditation, Dieting and Workout by Us - HTML preview

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Section 12

“Eventually They Will Ware You Down.”

Life on the Outside will continue to offer You Carrots to Chase on your path. The question is, “How long do you want to Chase these Illusions?”

“Fear will take you over if you don’t Take Back Your Control!”

Phobias are where you are Headed if You Do Not Face and Change what is being shown to you. If you reach this advanced stage, Help is needed to get you back in control.

“This Too is Possible if we choose so!”

We as Individuals can Change Ourselves, But We as a Whole can Also Make Changes. The Darkness greatest fear is the People all Unite and Take Back their Power that was surrendered to just a few.

“The Eyes are a Doorway”

When you look into someone’s eyes long enough you can make a connection to Their Light. If you are still on the inside, you will be able to feel it when the connection is made. Everything changes in that moment; observe the magic.

Our Version is Diluted Compared to Our Lights Version.

To us Compassion, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Acceptance are Words with a variety of Understandings, sometimes practiced sometimes not. To Our Light they are a Way of Life with a Feeling Unlike any other. The Levels or Versions are Very Different most are not even close to their Lights Version.

“Beware of This!”

Most will want Big Changes when only taking Small Steps.

“You Now Create on Purpose!”

To be Awaken means you are “Remembering” your True Nature. Things that once made since no longer do in Life. You are aware of everything on the Inside and the Outside, everything about you changes just because you are Now Aware. Now you are Back on Track.

“Life Wisdom!”

The Darkness is a Master at Changing the Meaning or Understanding on Everything in Life. The best way to see through their illusions is to look at their intentions on what is being shown. Their signature is Always a Negative Feeling or Idea and most importantly it will only serve a few never the whole, that is the Clue.

“These will Help You Reconnect.”

Tones and Notes of Music are Very Important to the Body and your Light. When you find the ones that Resonates with You, your body will “Vibrate” and or have a Feeling of Joy. Take the time to Find Yours.

“The “Now” Is the Focus!”

Reliving past, “Good Moments” also takes You Out of the Current Moment. This in addition, you must Let Go of. You Must Master being in This Moment and No Other.

“Water is Very Important!”

Our Body is Mostly water, but we eat more solids than water. This in itself should Speak Volumes. Our understanding of what Water offers us is greatly understated. Your Light says; “Life for You is in the Water so drink up”.

“This Is a Must!”      

Bless your food and water with Your Light energy. This will give it Positive energy and put Life back into them. Also, do not confuse Gratitude with Blessing they are Different.

“Most will Take Small Steps”

The stronger your mindset the smaller the steps to change. When you have little or no mindset, the steps towards change are bigger.

“They are Just the Messengers.”

Your Battle is not with the person or thing that pushes your Buttons. In these moments You Must Face what rises within you. Your “Focus” is what Stops and Changes the energies and thoughts.

“Being Neutral Doesn't Mean You Can't Offer Assistance!”

Not being on One Side or the other is Being Neutral; this is Your True Nature. Some advantages of being neutral, you can see and understand Both sides, also a Solution will be given to you that favors Both. Not to mention you have no Emotions or thoughts on either side.

“We All Get to Choose!”

There is your way, The Darks way or Your Lights way of doing Life. Most will have a mixture of all the above, some a little heavy in the first two. Eventually we all go back to One Way of being, our Light, because we now understand the difference.

“You Will Review All!”

Just so You Know Everything you Say, Think, Action You Take and All Emotions or Energies used are ALL RECORDED for You to Review. What you did not learn or Change will be repeated until you do. So lying, ignoring and cheating is futile. This is what is meant by, “ You are only Hurting Yourself.”

“This Is How You Know!”

When You Fully Understand a Lesson, You Will Stop Doing It if it is one that is Dark, and if it is one of Light You will Continue and seek More.

“Especially Inward Stay Calm and Keep Searching!”

Society does not Tell You the Full story, there are many pieces Missing or Changed. Most are starting to understand this and are searching for the Missing Pieces or Truth. It is when in Life you Stop Searching You need to Pay Attention too. Searching Is a Tool that keeps You Moving On to the next Step in Life.

“Being Aware is the Key.”

In Life You will relive past moments to be given an opportunity to Change the outcome. If you do Change Your response and/or reaction in this current moment you also Change the past moment. To Your Light this is HUGE and for you it is empowering.

“Strength Comes from Within You and Shows-up in Many Different Ways.”

For me, my Strength for Change Lies in Understanding, Once I Understand, Strength shows up and Change is Easy. You must discover where your Strength to Change Lies, then the lesson will go much faster.

“Never Let These Energies Make Your Choices!”

When you are about to make a choice in Life Check Inward First to Feel and see what Energy is Present. If it is, Sadness, Guilt, Hatred, Fear, Pity, Anger to name a few Dark ones, it means these Energies are Making the Decision for You and Will Likely Continue until You Face and Change them. Get Back to Your Calm Space before you say or do anything.

“There are All Kinds of Habits!”

Any Habit is an addiction, why, because you keep Doing It.

“The Energy is What You are Joining Not the Words!”

Before attaching yourself to an “Idea” or “Belief”, Observe and Feel what Energies are behind them first. This Energy is really what they are about; the Words are the Distraction or the Lure to get you to Join.

“Many Types of Pains in Life!”

Pain exists for us as a Teacher and to get Your Attention. Once You Feel the Pain most will stop the behavior, some will continue.


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