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Section 13

“Learn to Feel Again!”

You must Master identifying and Feeling All the Energies within You when they show up. Next step, take this tool and apply it when you are with others. Feel their energy when they speak or do not speak this will tell you “Instantly” what you are dealing with. Once You Master this, You Will Breeze right through the Darkness untouched.

“Both are Present!”

There is just as much Light as there is Dark on your journey. It all depends on you, which one do you seek the most.

“There is No Need to Relive the Whole Event Just Face the Energy!”

To “Face” means Focus Your Attention on or look at the Energy that Arises within You in All Moments. This will break the connection to the thoughts or words that go with it. In addition, this will make the Energy Weaker. You may have to “Face” them a few times before they are gone so be patient.

“The Change Occurs in Your Perception!”

To Your Light; there Is No Loss, there Is Only Change.

“Look for This When You Focus Inward!”

When a Thought comes from Your Light, it is always Very Subtle and is Non-Aggressive. It will seem like a suggestion or Thought You may not have ever considered. If it is delivered any other way you can be Sure it is Not Coming From Your Light.

“Inward Work that Must Be Done!”

Let Your Light Energies rise, take You Over then Release and Share with Others. Do not Let Dark Energies rise; take You Over or Release and Share with Others.

“Things are Evolving Faster!”

The Evolution process has sped up; which means what used to take several steps to achieve is now taking fewer steps. This is happening to both Light and Dark Ways of Being.

“You are to Focus on You in All Situations!”

Remember, things in Life are not happening “To You,” things in life are happening “For You.” All to expose what you carry within you, be it your Light or Dark stuff.

“Try Not to Ask the “Why” Question

Questions, “In Life Your questions get answered and you must “Fully Understand All the Answers;” if you do not, an experience or an event will come about to give you the Understanding You Lack. So Be Very careful of the entire “Why” questions you ask on your path. Example of a “Why” question you might not want to ask is; Why do people get divorce?

“Give It to Yourself!”

“Try Not to Ask the “Why” Question.” what you give to others is what you came here to give to yourself, go within to find it.

“Disappointment Can only Exist if You Hold On To It!”

“Disappointment” is an Illusion and a self-imposed form of suffering. This “Idea” does a lot of damage to You And your Light, time to Let-Go.

“This Takes Patience!”

When you can feel the “Quiet or Stillness”, you are “In” your Light. There is Energy or Profoundness In the “Quiet” so be Still to Connect.

“Why in Life You Have “Highs” and “Lows””

This is one of the Best ways of testing to see if you are coming from your Light with No Conditions or is it Phony and has Many Conditions? Example: Your Happiness is the test, are you just as happy when you have nothing as when you had everything? Your Lights Happy never changes, Phony Happy Changes, this will all Show Up in the “Low Moments”.

“Each Can Only Change Themselves!”

Some want to Change Others in Life, this “Idea” never ends well so do not “Attach” you to this one. If you are already Attached and practicing this “Idea” You Must Change You, ironic is it not.

“Impressing Everyone Else Is a Detour!”

Your “Light” Is the Only one to impress in Life. The Rewards are Beyond What you know to be True.

“A Great Tool!”

As you progress into Your “Light,” you will be able to identify if “Light Energy” is being used or behind everything that crosses your path. This ability allows you to see through the “Phony Good” and the Deceptions Being played out.

“You Are to Stop the Behavior Not Delay It!”

Keeping “Score” in Life does not Fix Anything; it is a “Delay” and adds another Layer for you to change.

“Getting Back On Track”

Most are trying to Hold On to Society's Dream when it's Time to Let Go of this “Idea”, there is Another “Idea” emerging where Everyone Wins not just a few.

“It's All about the Energies You Use!”

“Dark” energies have No Boundaries they want to be used in Everything You say and Do in Life as long as You allow them to rise within you, take You over and be released to others. “Light” energies only follow your True Nature they Will Never give Life To or be Behind Anything That does Harm to You or Others; understand the difference and know both are Within You.

“These Behaviors Will do A Lot of Damage to you.”

When these Behaviors cross your Path, “Yelling and Arguing”, Dark Energies are being used and released. No “Light” energy is participating here and neither should you, if you can, Walk Away.

“You Are The Source!”

Buttons in Life that will release the Feeling; Most will attach themselves to the Person, Place Or Thing that Pushed the Button thinking this is What or How You get Happiness or Joy. The Buttons were intended to Remind You of the Feeling and Where You Go to Find It, Within You Not on The Outside. Do not attach yourself to the Messenger or Button; attach yourself to you and find it within.

“This Is How We as a Whole Do It!”

Uniting, Coming Together and We Stand as One, Must All Be in Peace then WE are on the Light Path as a Whole.

“Turning the Heat Up is Needed to Help You Let Go!”

Because we Hold on to Some Life Experiences and either Can't or Won't Let Go or Forgive them, Life Will turn the Heat Up in these Experiences Until You Do.

“When You Un-Busy Yourself You Can put the Pieces Together.”

Life as we currently are living leaves No time for you to step into your “Light” and Evolve You. This you must change and make more time available for you to Change You.

“The Information Will Come Quick.”

To be guided by your “Light” You must be in your Peace and Calm space within to be able to know your next move. How the information arrives will vary so pay attention.


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