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Section 14

“To Help Change a Belief You Must Show It Exists!”

Those that Need the Most Compassion or Kindness need an Abundance of these given to them. Why, because they do not believe they exist. So, shine your “Light” in these moments.

“Things Will Come and Go.”

As You change and Remodel Your way of Being, people, places and old ways of Life Will Drop Away to end the Understanding. All New people and places will show up to help you on the Next Understanding. Do not get comfortable because the Remodeling will continue, as well as Life Understandings will continue to Change.

“One Will Live Forever, One Will Not!”

Live to Inspire Not to Show Off.


Darkness leads to destruction to you and everything around you and is a limitation. Light leads to empowerment, independence, freedom, expansion, and no limits.


When someone says I did not see it coming, it just means they were not paying attention. Your light is always telling you something; such as what to let go of, when to look for a new job, move, sell, buy, where to go, what the lesson is. In any situation in your life look back and see if you can remember the signs that were there but you chose not to listen. Applying this will help you going forward to watch for the signs and this time follow them.

“The work is Inward”

When you look inward, you are looking for all negative thoughts and emotions. All this dark stuff is poison to your body, mind and light. Your light says this all has to go.


Emotion is the fuel for all thoughts. The more they take you over makes them stronger and stronger. All dark emotions must go; they stop your light from shinning. How do you stop the emotions? Check inward when it starts to rise in the body. If it gets to your head, it now has control over you and you will react. Do not hold it in, it destroys the body; try to release it without any words. Next time catch it at the stomach area, your focus inward stops it from rising and makes it weaker and eventually it will be gone.

“Answers to your questions”

What do we change? The dark stuff you carry. How do we change? We change through awareness and understanding. Why does your light want to change? To shine more light, and bring you back Home.


I hear people say they enjoy giving, which is true. My light tells me it is the energy behind the giving that you really enjoy not the deed.

“Your World”

Your light wants you to remember; you are not here to change the world, you are here to change your world, which means, everything negative you attach yourself to along your path you let go of and go back to being positive, more light.

“Answers Instantly”

By checking inward it is like the Internet, you can get your answers instantly. Now your Light does not have to send a messenger, which you may or may not be home to receive.


Eliminate the emotions behind the thoughts then the thoughts have no power.

“Leap of Faith”

People forget when they take a Leap of Faith to follow their Dreams, doors open and people will show up to take you on your Journey.

“Finally meet”

When your Light, Body, Mind finally meet and come together to be one, then your inward work is done.

“All that is Good”

Your Light is the energy behind everything that does no harm to you or others. The more you follow all things that are good the stronger this energy gets.

“Outside versus Inside”

Everything on the outside is intended to keep you from looking inward.

“Will Power”

Negative behavior, thoughts, emotions are always knocking at your door, asking or forcing you to join; Use your will power and choose to resist.


Transform your suffering one negative emotion, thought, behavior at a time.


Your Light is your flashlight; it will guide you through your darkness and all the unknowns. You just have to reconnect and trust the guidance.

“Different Paths”

We are all learning and understanding different things in life that is why we have different paths. Each path must be allowed so we can complete and learn what we came here for.  Should our paths cross it means there is something we have to share that helps each other.

In a Nutshell

We are here to Feel, Give and Receive an experience One Time then Let Go. For example, you want to have the experience of Sadness. First you will Feel Sadness, next you will Give out Sadness then Receive Sadness One Time. Next step Let Go, because you now know and understand Sadness. Now it is time to move on to the next experience and repeat the same steps. As you can see, we forgot all this and got stuck. Now each one of us must take a look at ourselves to see which one of these steps we are stuck on. Are we holding on to the Feeling? Are we stuck on the Giving or Receiving side? We forgot Only One Time. Last, we just cannot Let Go.


When what you Say and Do in Life Doesn't Require something in return or a response, then you are your Light.

“Expose and Heal”

Your Light does not intend you to handle your pain and suffering alone. To start the healing process you have to expose the pain; No more covering it up or hiding from it. Ask for Help and get the Support that is needed to get you out of the Dark Hole. Take the Solutions and begin the healing one Layer at a time.


What is Autopilot? It is words with no energy behind them. Such as, sometimes when people say Thank You. How do you change this habit? Focus and be there for the words, put your Light Energy behind them and the energy will return to you. Autopilot is another habit that has to go.

“Come Together”

The Light brings Us Together and when we stand as One there is no Darkness that can survive.



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