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Section 15

“Turn your light up”

Your Light is your Beauty, Turn it Up and everybody will want what you have.

“What you give life to”

Words are only Words until you give them Life and Meaning, then the experiences begin. Once you are hooked, they will control you. When you are done, most will work in reverse order of the above equation ending with the Words just being Words again; now you are free.

“Difficult path”

If your Path seems Intense and Difficult, it is because you wanted to learn the Lesson this Time Around and make the Changes.

“Share and Empower!”

We are to Share this Life with Others Not to Take From Others. Which means, we do not Take Anyone's Joy, Happiness, Love From them; we Share and empower these with them.

“Just the Guide”

You are Not Responsible for what others choose; you are just the Guide. However, you are Responsible for All of Your Choices.

“The Work that Must Be Done.”

The thought, “What you don't want to face you must face”. Translation, ALL Traumas and anything Negative that you carry on your journey, You Must Face and Make Peace. There are No Exceptions. Even if you say you will not, that does not work it keeps showing up. Why you have to? They All Hold You Back and you cannot move on to the next step until it is “Done.”

“Becomes Real”

Things were Not a Problem until someone told you It Was and now You Make It So.

“One in the Same!”

Wanting to See or Needing Results Before you can believe is the Same as Having Expectations. They both lead to disappointment.

“Must Be Equal to Be Truth!”

What People Say and Do sometimes differ. To have the Same Meaning they Both Must be Equal. Watch for this on your path, the Truth Lies in the Action should they Both Differ.

“Sell Your Materials and Lighten the Load!”

Maybe you have, maybe you have not noticed it is getting Harder to Sustain the American Dream or even be a Part of It. Why, Because it's time to Let Go and Move On to the Next Step, so Don't Hold On, Trust You Will Be OK.

“Why? Because they are no longer needed”

When You Stop a Habit, the Events will stop that go with the Habit. However, You will be tested to see if you are really Free or if it still has Power over You.

“Remember, Don’t follow the money.”

Sometimes in life, you will be faced with making a choice and will have Multiple choices in Front of you to achieve a purpose. This is a "Test" when this crosses Your Path. The "Test" is to see "How" you make your choice and/or "What" makes your choice for you. First eliminate these limitations from your Equation: 1) What you Fear. 2) What you think Isn't Possible. 3) Greed or Lack. 4) Others choosing for you. Next, Look at the Choices Again without the above and Choose. The point here is to "Not Let the Limitations" Choose for You and "Let what You Enjoy Doing" make The Choice.

“Your layers in life”

The Self-Imposed Rules that You Attached to yourself will be looked at as you progress into Focusing on You. What used to Matter will No Longer Matter as You Step Into your Light. The rules will drop away; you will be Lighter and more Free to Live.

“This is everywhere”

Labeling Things in Life will take on a Life of its own and will be In Control of You as it works its way to every area of your Life. It always start small like one or two things, then it Evolves to you no longer Like All under that Label. By doing this behavior you are not Expanding in Life You are creating Limitations and Life Is Not New everyday but is a Repeat.

“Your View is Different Than Your “Lights” View for You in Life.”

Things in Life do not always come to you “When” you want or in the “Way” you Want. Why, It is the beginning stages of helping you let go of controlling your life and move you to a Different way of Being.

“Just Passing Through!”

The thought, “In this World but Not Of It”, means you understand this is just a place for you to Create and Learn and It Doesn't End Here, You move on to the next Level.

“Your “Light” decides what needs to be changed.”

“Becoming Your Light means; you will have to Look at and Change All that Does Not serve Your Light. Sounds easy, but Old Habits, Behaviors, Experiences, Beliefs and the Mind can be a Challenge to let go of or break. Most will give-up few will persevere. Great things await you if you “Do-The-Work.”

“Inequality Divides Us, Equality Unites Us!”

When We No longer “Fear” each other everything else will drop away. “Fear” is what we must Eliminate.

“You Get to Choose the Method that will Help You Change You!”

Your “Feelings” are being shown to you for you to fix. Blaming Others for How You Feel is Not a Fix, it is only adding another Layer.

“A Fragmented Self is Waiting for You to Embrace it.”

You must integrate that which you dislike, because it is the one that taught you what you Know today.

“Work is required but you can Do This!”

In Life You can choose to Evolve You to Self Empowerment, which is True Freedom. Everything else is the Opposite, which means very little to no freedom for you, this is what is meant by “Selling Your Soul”.

“Your Light Knows when It's Time!”

Your “Light” will give you your Gifts when you have a Mindset that is Worthy to receive them.

“Let it unfold”

"Light" Information is simple and needs no Interrupter. If you are receiving this information from Within You, Wisdom comes with it. Another Perk when you go Within and Reconnect.

“A Message from the Forefathers!”

It has been far to long and the people have forgotten, but the Forefathers Know things have gone rotten.  We are rolling over in our graves as Each Law that passes takes the People's Rights and Power Away by the masses. The People are told it is for the good of the Whole, when the Forefathers know it is a method used to Give Full Control to just a Few then Legally use and Abuse All, as they so choose.

“Remember, it is the Understanding that you seek.”

To Fully Value your "True Nature" You must Understand and Embrace their Opposites.



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