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Section 16

“We have a history of destroying what we do not understand.”

Nature has Many Gifts for Us and is a Great Teacher. To destroy it means we are Eliminating a Master.

“Look for them.”

When you can see the Synchronicities in Life, it is your "Light" showing you how it is done. It is only the beginning; there is more to come.

“Remember, Greed has no shame.”

Our Excessive Consuming gives power to and promotes excessive Greed. Once Any Group or Individual tastes Greed, Greed will Prey on you for more, their methods used are Creative and Limitless. By reducing your consuming habits, you regain Your Power.

“Our Forefathers say to the elected ones”

It reads, "WE THE PEOPLE", Not "Me, my Family, Friends and top Sponsors First." It seems the Elected Ones may have changed their allegiance, for their Words and Actions Differ, a sign of Deception. Their Action is where the truth lies.

“Your awareness and change will stop the earthquakes”

If you cannot see what you need to Change, an Event will come about to help You See Clearly. If another Event is required for you to achieve Clarity, it will be a Stronger Earthquake than the last, So Brace Yourself.

“Societies version is an illusion”

Love is Not an Object or an "Idea" it is a Feeling or Energy that comes from Within You.  This Feeling requires No Title; if one is given the Truth will be Changed.

“Your Light is your best guide.”

If you have a guide outside of you, check to see if they are Evolving You to your full potential, or are they Evolving You for Their full potential? Sometimes the lines get blurred.

“Spend Your Time Becoming the Master Not the Parrot.”

Masters of the Past say; Reciting the message Does Not Evolve You, Doing what Is In the message is Your Evolution.

“Recruiting others is not the path of “Light.””

The Message will Find the People, Not Find the people and give the message.

One is Free Will one Is Not.

“Welcome to the game of Life.”

Blaming others for How You Feel means you are Misunderstanding the Event.  The Event did as it was intended, to show you, You, this was the Point. More Events will occur on your Path of Life to reveal more stuff you carry for you to See and Change what Stirs Within You. This Is the Opportunity behind each Event.

“Always moving on to the next step.”

“A rolling stone gathers no moss”, translation; One who learns the lessons, makes the changes in Life and lives without Attachments, is Free.

“One isolates you one unites you”

Seeing Life from only One Perspective Limits You; Seeing Life from All Perspectives Expands You.

“Layers means More Work for you.”

Energy you store within you will want to be Released at some point. Venting is one way to do just that. However, it Does Not Fix anything, it only becomes a Habit and another layer for you to Stop.

“The First Step is just the Introduction”

Everyone will get his or her Introduction to a Spiritual Path. Each step on this path will only take you so far then another step will be shown to you when the time is right.

“Ask and It Will Be Delivered”

You can ask your "light" to send you a wave of Energy. You need to be still to be able to Feel it, and that you will.

“Both sides are needed”

Opposites are needed to show each involved they are too One Sided. Both sides are showing each what they both lack. Once this Understanding is reached, peace is acquired.

“Only some have Changed All”

The Past is Very much Alive in the Present. What has Changed is the Name and Appearance of the "Idea", but Not the "Behavior" or "Energy" behind it.

“Vanity has Power over many”

Vanity is the First step towards Finding your beauty Within. Are you still Beautiful without the vanity? This is the test for you to see on this topic. When the Vanity No longer is the Focus, means you took the Power away from Vanity and gave it to yourself. Lesson learned task completed.

“One is a “Light Path” the other is a “Dark Path.””

Know the Difference between that which you are Drawn and that to which you are Addicted. The Feeling behind both is very Different not to mention their Evolution differs greatly.

“One who seeks Change Does Not Always Stay with one who Does Not.”

Those who Seek Change will find it; those who do not, need more time to Understand their Topic.

“This Does Not Empower You it does the Opposite!”

The "Idea" of "Convenience" Evolves You to be Dependent, Non-adventurous, Non-creative, a Routine and the list goes on. Most importantly it Breeds "Fear". This will show up when it is taken from you or threaten to be taken.

“Letting Go on the Outside leads You to Letting Go on the Inside.”

It is easy to know if someone does not "Let Go" in Life just by looking in their garage, storage or closets, they say it loud and clear.

“Loss is a Teacher not the End.”

What ever your Topic is in Life "Loss" of some form will show up on your Path. When you can reach the Understanding that there is No "Loss" of Anything, then this word or "Idea" will have No Power over you. This We All must achieve or this "Idea" Will Destroy you. Remember, it only means it's time to Change and/ or time to Let Go that is at hand, Not "Loss".

“This is a Lot More Fun.”

Why be Adventurous? It will Lead you to your Next Step in Life and it awakens you to be in the Present moment or the "Now" moment.

“Curiosity is Not to be Feared.”

Curiosity opens the Door to other Possibilities, be it a "Light" or "Negative" Path. Having the tool of "Discernment" comes in handy here.



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