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Section 17

“What do they want from you?”

You need to know the "Intentions" behind all "Ideas", "Beliefs" or "People". This is where Deception likes to Hide and some are very clever. Knowing where to look, also, Feeling your way through and paying attention can help if you are not well connected to your "Light".

“What Stirs Within You when You hear these Words?”

"Divine Timing" or "It will happen when it is Time” means it is not going to Arrive When you Want It. Patience, Doubt, you controlling things, are being tested here. Have you Mastered them Yet or are they Mastering You?

“Sometimes it happens fast.”

When what you are about to do is in Alignment with your True Nature a Burst of incredible Energy will come from your Heart area. Focus Inward in these moments to witness and Feel It.  Otherwise, It can go unnoticed.

“Stress for example”

It only becomes a part of you if You invite it in or by Staying in its presence; it will ware you down and Invite itself in. This is with Anything that crosses your Path. Awareness and Strength from Within is needed here to be able to Move on.

“There are many to choose from”

While on your Spiritual Path try Different methods and Ideas. What is Effortless, Flows easily or gives you a Good Feeling from within, is your "Light" telling you which one is right for You in this moment. Signs will come about when it is time to change your method so pay attention.

“This is adding a Layer of Avoidance.”

Asking others to Change so you can Feel Better is No Solution. It is You who must Change to make You Feel Better.

“There are Lower and Higher Energies to Use”

“Fear" is a Lower Energy; it needs People to Produce It and Continue to Produce It for it to Stay Alive. Each must decide in every moment, every Topic in Life, if they want to Keep it Alive or Let it Go.


Lower energies come from the stomach area; some of the popular ones are Sadness, Guilt, Hatred, Anger, Frustration and Fear. YOU CREATE and Evolve them from your experiences, beliefs, habits, ideas etc.... Looking Inward is the Key when they start to rise for this is How you Stop Them. These energies Do Not Empower You; They are the Cause of your pain and Suffering. Eliminate the Cause and Healing has Begun.

“ There are No Exceptions”

One of the Rules in the Game of Life is; What You Give Out You will Receive Back. You must experience both sides to fully understand the impact of what you send out; Most importantly not to be One Sided. Most people know this some need to be reminded.

“Don't attach yourself to this”

Complaining is a downward spiral or a Dark Path. It will lead you to; Trying to get Things for free at others expense, Focuses on what you Don't Have instead of what you Do Have or a Meaningless Habit.

“Choosing "How You See things" in Life Will be what You experience.”

When you discover that someone or something is a Lie, do you see it as a Betrayal or as a Positive Awakening? One will take you Deeper Down the rabbit hole, the other will Pull You Out. This is your choice on how you choose to see it. Either way both will become True. Know that the outcomes are very different.

“They are Still There”

For us, Traveling from place to place, we discovered the outward appearances changed but what remained constant everywhere was the Life lessons for People were the Same.  Everyone is doing the same things only with a slight twist. So just changing your outward stuff does Not Change the Life Lessons or what goes on Inward, they will follow you.

“A Step at a Time”

How can I Help You instead of How can You Help me? You are transforming from one way of being to another, one "Idea" at a time.

“We Fear what We Don't Understand and/or draw to Us what We Fear.”

If You Fear the "Opposite" side in your topic or Life lesson, it means you will need to live as your "Opposite" to fully understand and No longer Fear that "Opposite". Once achieved, Fear Does Not Exist, because you now Understand. Understanding eliminates Fear.

“When used like this "Time" is More Important than People.”

Signs of "Time" is taking control and is Becoming More Valued are when you have Schedules, Productivity, Time Limits, Tardy and more time at Work. When there is "No Time" for you, it means "Time" is in control of and has Mastered You. This is Not the Path of "Light".

“Value All Beings they are what's Important.”

Some will Value their Materials More than People or animals on their Path. At the time, it seems harmless until later in life you are Alone wondering why nobody shows up.

“Sacrificing is a Downward Spiral”

FOCUS is what is needed Not Sacrificing. By visualizing and Focusing on what you want is how you create what you desire, there is no need to "Give Up or Sacrifice" anything.

“Travel is part of your "Lights" Plan to Get You back on Track”

If travel is calling you it's time to make it happen. Many things will occur on this journey, all are necessary for you to see clearly and discover what is possible for you. Time to let go of what you know, and discover what you do not know.

“Your "Light" doesn't always Repeat the Answer.”

Your "Light" knows what is coming your way so the answers to your questions will be given to you far in advance before you ask them. The trick is to remember the answers, this is where having a journal comes in handy.

“Certain Tones or Frequencies of sound will activate a vibration within You”

The vibration You Feel within you is ringing the doorbell to your "Light Energy". This energy will answer the door when it is ready not when you think you are ready. Patience and keep going forward is a must.

“Expanding your Understanding is the Key to Change.”

When you understand both sides of a topic in life it is easier to have Compassion or Forgiveness and harder to have a Negative behavior. When you only know one side it is easier to have a Negative behavior and harder to have a Positive behavior.

“A Smile lets your Light Shine.”

You can Feel another's "Light" energy when they have an authentic smile. Everyone's "Light" comes through in these moments; however, a Phony smile will be empty. You will be able to know almost instantly if it is phony or not.

“Life Tip”

You can be in control of pushing your own Buttons by watching a movie, show or news that you have watched before and already know what Feelings it will trigger. This is a great way to observe and practice Looking Inward to Feel where the energy is and stop it from Rising up within you.

“The Lesson Will be Learned to Think Otherwise is a Mistake”

Resistance to Change or to Complete Any Life lesson means a Long, more intense path of Pain and Suffering until your Guaranteed Surrender occurs.

“This means You are Reconnecting”

When you no longer need to "See" or "Touch" in order to believe, you are on the Path of "Light". Another sense is now being evolved called "Knowing". It will get stronger each step you take on this Path unless You give up, then it will go back to sleep.


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