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Section 18

“Not a "Light" idea”

"To Judge", this "Idea" has many definitions or understandings depending on How it is used by each. This in itself should tell you it has all the makings of a Negative perspective, and promotes Negative behaviors. No "Light Energy" goes to or supports this word or "Idea" it only observes and records the moment to go over later with you.

“Only One is Leading You Out of the Rabbit Hole; the others are Taking You Deeper”

One who Shows or Tells You what Negative part of you that needs to be Changed is Far more Valuable than those that tell you what you want to Hear or Says Nothing. Choose wisely on which one You want to Embrace on your Path.

“The Energies have shifted, different Solutions are needed”

The Solutions that Used to work will No Longer. You must look for another Solution for your situations going forward, one will be presented that will be very different from your usual choice. Being Calm, Opened to and Awareness is the Key here.

“This Is Not Strength it is Destruction”

Each Tyrant in the past has shown what Anyone Can Become or is Capable of If their Negative Mindset goes Uncorrected when given Power and/or Wealth over others. The same is true even without power or wealth; this Negative energy can do the unthinkable at any level when it takes control.

“Take a Look at You and See”

If You have placed Limitations on what you can Enjoy in Life it's time to Expand your Enjoyment to include All. Enjoyment is not to be limited it is to be contagious. True Enjoyment needs no chemical to get there.

“Be Like the Master”

Students will be one-sided and "Defend", Masters are "Balanced " and can render a solution.

"Life will give you the Signs"

To your "Light" being Vulnerable is Following the Unknown, relinquishing your Control and pursuing your passion. We all will do exactly that at some point on our path. Best not to resist when the time comes for You to be Vulnerable, look for the signs sometimes they are obvious sometimes not.

"Take a Look and see what do You Want from Others?"

What you want from others is what you must give to yourself. Example; You want people to Respect You. The lesson here is for you to Respect You not getting it from others. It is that simple or you can go through the Pain and Suffering to arrive at this same Understanding, your choice.

"Something I have Learned and Still Use"

Your  "Light" sometimes will speak to you in Symbols. This means you need to develop a Symbols vocabulary that has meaning for you. Next, your "Light" will use these Symbols and send a message that you can translate. Best to have a wide vocabulary.

"Inward is the Pot of Gold"

There is a Limitless Treasure that is yet to be awaken within you. What you read about or see others Do, so can you. What Limits these possibilities is You when you say No.

"More than One Way it can be Used"

How we use our sexual energy today is one way, but there is another way it can be used. You can make it rise up the body to your head by visualizing it rising at first then just by willing it to move works also. By doing this, the bliss feeling will stay a lot longer and your Whole body is totally energized. This may take some practice because of old habits but it is worth the effort.

"One of the Best Gifts"

Master "Listening" and "Observing" You will recognize Phony instantly, as well as understanding.

"Share your Gift with Others"

Your spiritual Gift when given out to Others is a Wealth that Gives a return Unlike any other. If You Don't share with others the Wealth can Not Return to You.

"You are the Cure"

Your body will show You where the Negative Energies have done and are doing their damage. Some of the signs are, Aches, Diseases and Pains, the cause is Anger, Stress, Fear, Hatred which are the Popular ones but there are more. Your choice to Continue or Stop.

"Shine your Light INWARD on your Darkness"

Time to put your FOCUS INWARD to expose and eliminate the darkness You carry. We all have negative energies we have attached ourselves to and spread whether we speak them or not, they still get released. Your Focus is your POWER to defeat these energies when they show up within You, they can Not Survive your Focus. This is what is meant by "Shine your Light on the Darkness".

"Don't carry it with You, so Complete It and Let Go"

Having Regrets means You didn't complete and make Peace with what You started.

"You can Tear it Down and Rebuild"

Everyone will build a Defense, have self Imposed Rules thinking this is how You handle future events based on the Past events. But it is a personal Prison that is being built, as time goes on more Rules are implemented. Before You know it the walls are closing in on your world and You are Living Less and Less because the Rules won't allow it. If You are too deep You will need help to get out. If You are not You can get out yourself. Being Aware and Knowledge of what to look for is the keys to getting out of Prison.

"Your True Nature Can Take it Away"

If You have a negative energy You can't shake, take a walk in Nature, Watch a comedy or do a Good Deed for someone. These All will take this lower energy away and your higher energy will return.

"Surface changes are only an Illusion"

Things in Life don't change until the perspective changes. Then and only then a shift occurs.

"No Exceptions"

Your full potential is in the Higher energies. As long as You participate in the Lower Ideas and Beliefs your full potential will elude You. You must transform yourself from the Lower to the Higher ways of being.

"Stand Up for Yourself"

Your "Light" wants You to be your True Self and stay in your Highest Energies. This is what You Stand Up for in Life when All Negative energies tempt You on Your Path.

"Integration is the Path of "Light"

When You Embrace an Outcast, Opposite or Indifferent part, to your "Light" this is integration, becoming Whole and Empowerment. Integration is inevitable, resisting is futile, just so You know.

"What do You Live and Share?"

If We All Lived and Shared our "True Nature" with each other in Life there would be No Violence, Hunger, Un-Acceptance to name a few of the many benefits.

"We all have the Gift of Identifying what We need to Fix"

When You can List your "Pet Peeves" You are Identifying what You need to Look at and Change. Don't get Stuck on Identifying move on to the next step of Letting Go of these attachments and energies.



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