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Right now, you have your vision and your success image

implemented in your subconscious. You need an innovative idea

and be sure that it will not be easy to find it! You must develop

your creativity.

Business creativity is a core asset. No creativity, no new

business! Fortunately, creativity can be improved through hard



Our objectives are to teach you the main techniques for

improving your creativity:

-we shall describe the different techniques.

-We shall underline those which are fitted for specific business


Thanks for creativity and knowledge, you should get your

business idea.



Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being.

This definition must be completed by a quote of the famous

French scientist Poincare: Inventions consist in not making


useless combinations but in making those which are useful and

what are only a small minority. It means that it's not enough to

produce new ideas. You must produce operational ideas and not


In our case, the true creativity is the power to invent and design

products and services that will ensure the success of your

company. What is more, creativity consists in inventing what

business you want and you are able to start!

Important warning

Do not confuse your vision, your success image and your

business idea!

Your vision is a global aim of your life: It enables you to know if

you really want to create a business and in what domain this biz

could take place: For example tourism is a domain.

According to this vision, the success image is just a psychic tool

for implementing your vision in your subconscious.

Then, according to your vision of working in tourism, you can

have the idea to sell private islands. That is a real business idea!

What is more, business is constantly a creative activity and it's

the only field where creative people can succeed. It is well

known that very creative people are often persistent stubborn,

and uncompromising! These traits are negative for a career as

executive in a big corporate. On the contrary, a person who has

absolutely none creativity could have very good chance to get

high ranks in any big corporate or administration!

Real life example

Most administrations, many big corporate's and a lot of high

business schools should post yellow warning signals at every

entrance, marked NO THINKING ZONE.



12-The creative process

Some people believe that creative individuals have inherited a

lot of gifts and that they are talented or even genius. It's a wrong

idea. Creativity is not a matter of innate potential. As many

things in life, creativity is the result of hard work and most of all

serious training.

The creative process follows four different steps:

-Preparation: To train your mind.

-Incubation: To set back from the problem.

-Illumination: The idea arises in the mind like a sudden flash.

-Validation: You have to check the validity of the idea.

We can sum up this process with the following drawing 1 :

There are some other process but we shall adopt this one. The

next reading will give you a history of the various views of the

creative process, starting with the ancient greeks!

We shall now examine for each steps, what are the best

appropriate techniques



We shall distinguish long term preparation and short term.

21-Long term preparation

Just like for mental imagery and visioning we do not know the

real cause of creativity but there are some basic preparations.

We give you six advices:

-Health: A creative thought depends on a well nourished brain.

Since the beginning of history, some drugs are supposed to

enhance the brain power. In the old times, it was mainly tobacco.

Today, someone recommend to use serotonin and so on. Beware

about these drugs. They can produce secondary effects and

diseases (such as tobacco !).

-Attention: Concentration and attention play a great role in long

preparation: it means that you have to constantly think about

your vision. You must think at it when you wake up. You must

think at it in having lunch. You must think at it in playing tennis

or golf. You must think at it before sleeping. To think constantly

about the same thing is a good method for having innovative

ideas about it.

-Readings: In this course, we give you a method to improve your

creativity but it must apply on a content. Readings of basic

knowledge's provide with this content. Therefore, you will have

to read carefully the lessons about economy.

Read everything and as much as you can. Reading constantly

improves creativity because when you are reading a book, you

always form a mental image of what is happening. As we shall

see, mental imagery plays once again a great role in the creativity


On the contrary, Television does not train creativity and

impoverish it because it shows the images and consequently

there is nothing left to the imagination.


Real life example:

There is everywhere, even in developed countries, a lack of

creativity. Of course, it's due to an ineffective education but it's

also certainly due to television.

You cannot expect a great creativity of people who spend a big

part of their time in looking at soccer games! Of course it's good

for any political Power: Remember the Roman formula " bread

and circus"!

To say the truth, the problem is not only due to the insipid

content of television programs. It mainly results of the fact that

television does not stimulate the imagination and therefore

impoverish the creativity tank in the entire population.

External readings:

For your preparation, we suggest to make some creative

readings in order to stimulate your mind. I don't ask you to

become a worm book: You have just to visit "Global leader" on

this site. You will find here several surveys which deal with new


Secondly, visit the "Spiritual odyssey". That is just pure

creativity. We don't ask you to agree or not with the content but

just to see how creativity is used. It's a very good exercise to

stimulate your mind.

-Meet people: Talk with friends and relatives and look at all

sources of good ideas. You can get sometimes a word or an idea

that could help you in starting the creative process.

-Keep a log: Report immediately any idea you have in walking or

in talking with everybody. Very often, a good observation of the

streets during a walk will give you ideas.

-Practice some exercises: To develop your creativity, we

recommend the following techniques:


Relax. Close your eyes and imagine a familiar object: your

dictionary for example. Turn the dictionary around. Examine it

from above and from below. Change it’s color. Move it away as

though it were 10 meters away from you. Bring it back closer.

Give it immense dimensions then reduce it down to infinite

proportions. Change its shape, turn it into a violin. Make it

disappear and reappear.

This repetitive mental exercise should prepare you for the

following exercises.

22-Short term preparation

Short term preparation means that you are going to have a

creative session within a very short period. Consequently, you

have to make some precise preparations. We give you three


-Choose a motivating environment:The first thing is to choose an

environment connected to your vision. For this purpose you

have just to imagine it:

You have an office that is perhaps old and shabby. Imagine in the

smallest detail the office in which you would like to work

(lounge, leather chair, vast and functional desk etc.)

Each time you enter your real office, see your mental office. You

will think more effectively.

Then Imagine your advisors: There are certainly people you

admire: film stars, politicians etc. Choose two or three and put

them in your mental office: They are now your advisors! Then

imagine that you are talking to them. Imagine, their arguments.

Each time you have to carry out a creative session, go into your

mental office and discuss the problems with your advisors!

-Increase your intellectual capacities: Top class swimmers

imagine that their hands are twice as big as they actually are and


that their feet are webbed. This vision helps swimmers go really


Just before sleeping, make a relaxation phase and then imagine

that your brain is bursting out of your skull and is forming a halo.

See yourself like this and you will gain in confidence in your

intellectual capacities. Thanks to this new confidence, your

capacities will really increase!

-Control your breath: we have seen in relaxation and visioning

the role of the breath. Right now, we propose a more radical but

very effective method.

One hour before the creative session, relax and hold the breath

for as long as you can. Repeat this exercise and you will feel both

a great excitation in your mind and a greater clarity.


Incubation is a contingency phase: It means that you have not

solved your problem during the creative session. Consequently

instead to go on with the problem, it's better to set back from it.

It's said that incubation can last minutes, weeks or years! we

shall focus on incubation lasting hours and minutes!

31-Incubation lasting hours

An universal technique is simply to go to bed! Let 'suppose that

you have a creative session and that you do not find any results.

Stop and begin again to morrow. Very often the solution you

were looking for is easily found after a good sleep.

32-Incubation lasting minutes

This incubation process takes place within the creative session.

When you feel difficult to go further, just stop, go into a pause

and make the following exercise:

-Call your image resource (A quiet river for example). Vision it

and enjoy.


-Then, imagine again your mental office and your advisors

-You are now ready for beginning a second round of your

creative session.

External readings

About preparation and incubation go to: . Visit the entire site. You will find

some complementary explanations and a lot of interesting tests.


We are now entering in the creative work and we expect to get

an illumination. I like this word "illumination" because most

often an innovative idea appears like a flash into your mind. It

causes a great excitement and a feeling of happiness and


We shall now review the different methods which are expected

to provide you with this illumination.


Brainstorming implies a group of person. In your case, as you are

using creativity to get a new idea for starting your business, the

group could include some friends and relatives.

The principle of any brainstorming session is that participants

have to stimulate and inspire each other to create ideas. The

purpose is to tap the subconscious mind of the members: One

idea will suggest another idea trough the mechanism of


Participants should feel unrestricted but the ideas should be

built on the ideas of others in order to facilitate the association

and to use the subconscious rather than a conscious discourse.

The more ideas, the better. None of the participants can criticize

to any of the ideas that are proposed.


Creativity is expected to explode and to bring on the table a lot of

exciting new ideas. In the final phase the ideas are selected,

improved, combined and the group agree on a final working


Real life example:

Brainstorming is the only mind method taught in schools and

used on a large scale in continental Europe and overseas.

In the scholar environment influenced by marxism, a "collective"

process is always supposed to be more effective than an

individual one!

Along my career, I have participated to many brainstorming

sessions. I have never seen only one creative idea coming out

from all these meetings!

In fact, the association of words does not work because the

participants keep the control of their subconscious and fear to be

ridiculous or simply to show their true nature. Consequently, the

collective subconscious which should be the real motor of the

exercise remains mute. People just bring a shopping list of

conscious and reasonable ideas.

As we have explained in the history module (See global leader on

this site and click on history module), creativity is a solitary

work. New ideas are often difficult to communicate and other

people generally react by discouraging it: "it would not work, it's

a waste of time" and so on. When a group of people is involved,

the final product is mostly a consensus that uses old and proven

ideas. A consensus is quite the exact contrary of a creative idea.

Most discoveries are the work of one person. Of course large

project require teams. In fact these projects are broken down

into many small tasks and the best way to get creativity is to

entrust only one person for each task.



Down earth advice:

Thanks to Freud, Jung and so on, many psy underline the

subconscious. We recognize this role and we have emphasized

its power in the visioning process ( See above) but it's not a

reason to expand infinitely its virtues.

I think that a clear reason plays a major role in the creative


42-Mind mapping

Mind mapping has been invented by Tony Busan. In some way,

it's like a brainstorming but with only one person: Yourself.

You take a paper and you write the subject of your research in

the center. Then, you start to think in at random in an inhibited

style and you write all the ideas that come around the main

subject. Then, for each specific idea you do the same and you

write around all the ideas connected with. You rely all the ideas

with arrows of different colors and you get the following result:


This map shows a research for discovering a business idea in the

tourism field.

At first glance, the map only replaces the linear note with a more

colorful and pleasant scheme. In fact, the principle is more

subtle: The map is expected to reflect the real mechanism of the

brain. It means that when you add an idea, you expand in the

brain the connections between the cells and open new spaces of

creativity. As you can see, the map looks like a network of

neurons with their dendrites!

Real life example:

I use mind mapping for preparing a dissertation or for solving a

problem. I don't use too much it for finding a new idea.

Mind mapping relies, like brainstorming, on the mechanism of

association of ideas. On the contrary, I think that the real

creativity must break off these associations which exist in our


Nevertheless, we recommend you to use this tool.

External readings

Go to : . You will learn in this site how to

use mind mapping. Read it carefully.

43-Mind revolution

For creative purpose, I use mainly that I call "mind revolution".

You will understand the meaning of the word "revolution". It

relies on three movements of the conscious thought:

-Going to the extremes: Facing a challenge, you have always to

deal with six questions: Who, Why, What, Where, When and how.

Dealing with these questions, try to see what would happen if

things where going to the extremes. For example, what would

happen if life time was infinite and on the contrary, what would

happen if life time was only one day?


For example, Einstein developed the relativity by thinking what

happened when matter traveled near the speed light. The laws of

quantum theory rely on what would happen at the limits of small

size particles. About business, you can ask what would happen if

there is zero staff, or zero capital and so on.

-Establish relations between things that don’t have any: Look for

really absurd connections that no one would have thought of:

Don’t connect the image of your dictionary with a library. This is

a normal relationship that shows no creativity. On the contrary

connect this image with the hair of a person. The inventions of

Archimedes, Leonardo de Vinci or Einstein were often based on

connections that no one else would have thought of.

Deconstruct the thought: Most of our ideas or concepts are

inserted in a group of ideas which are their companions and

which prevent any creative thinking. Consequently, you must

dislocate these current associations in order to find new ideas or


In the following drawing, I have two very usual connections. The

blue squares show ideas connected to tourism and vacations. As

long as I don't deconstruct the way of thinking, any idea of sun

will bring an idea of sea or of sand and in fact I don't get any new


Let suppose that I put a a second series of ideas without any

links with the former. In this example, the second series of gray

squares illustrates ideas about justice, offence, trial, jail, convict,

death penalty!

Now comparing these two series, I relate sea and jail and

suddenly I get an illumination: I will sell private islands to rich

people! You can see that in this tourism example, I get an

immediate result! The idea may be stupid or useless. Anyway it's

a new idea and I have gotten it in five minutes. ( in fact this idea

exists already!)



You can take notice that the process does not imply

subconscious. On the contrary, it relies on a reasoning and on the

will to dislocate current associations. In fact, I remove ideas from

their normal statute and you understand why I call this process:

"Mind revolution"! It's very easy to use with fast results.

External readings:

Go to . Click on "Creativity tools" and then

on "Reversal", "SCAMPER", "Attribute listing", "Random input"

and "Provocation". Each tool has its own advantages. You could

observe some likeness between "Random input", "Provocation",

and "Mind revolution". Nevertheless, each tool is different from

the others.


All these exercises aim to produce new ideas. It does not mean

that these ideas are worth or useful. So after the creative session,

you must organize a validation session. In this case, it could be


fruitful to call for a team because right now it's worth and useful

to be criticized.

Down earth advice:

Be very careful with the ideas you get very late in the night.

When you find it, you are excited and they look very smart. Most

of the time, too much coffee and tiredness explain these feelings.

On the next morning, when you read your notes, you often

realize that you have just reinvented the wheel!

Discuss your idea with friends and potential customers: If you

get interest and support, it means that your idea is innovative

and that you can start the process of studying the project.

If your idea is a real technical invention, be very careful about its

validation. Do not talk about it all around. In this case, be a

discrete person and get a patent to protect your invention.

Lesson summary

Creativity is the power to invent and design products and

services that will ensure the success of your company. In your

case, creativity consists in inventing what business you want and

you are able to start!

To think constantly about the same thing is a good method for

having innovative ideas about it. In the creative process, focus on

mind mapping and mind revolution.

In this course, we have given you a method to improve your

creativity but it must apply on a content. Readings of basic

knowledge's provides with this content. Therefore, you will have

to read carefully the following lessons about Economy.

Moreover, read as much as you can.




We do not expect that you are right now ready for finding your

business idea. You have to train your creativity but you must also

apply it on a content because ideas need both creativity and

knowledge. Maybe, you can have a first idea. Then, the learning

of basic knowledge's should enable you to improve this first idea.

When you feel that you are ready and in a good mood, organize a

creative session. It will need a half day. Use the tools that you

have just learnt and try to get a first idea. It can just be a broad


Count about 20 hours for four creative sessions. In fact, it's quite

difficult to fix a duration. A good idea can mature a lot of time. On

the contrary, It can be a sudden spark but it's impossible to say

when it will happen.





Win Wenger's Borrowed Genius technique is a creative thinking

procedure that enables you to tap into the experience and

knowledge of a self chosen expert in