Power your Life with PEP by RVM - HTML preview

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 Chapter 8


 Flip over from NEP to PEP


It's now time to put into action the secrets we have learnt, that is, to flip over from NEPto PEPand to transform our life into a life filled with positive energy at all times. There will be a few who are already positive and many who are sometimes positive and sometimes negative. But there will be many more who are challenged with NEP. Their life is full of negative emotions that make them react with negative attitude, causing them to think, feel and act negatively, leading them to a negative destiny. Now is the time to flip over from negative to positive, from a negative attitude to a positive attitude, from NEPto PEP. But how do you do that?


You have already understood the Thought Chain and know how thoughts create destiny. You also know that attitude is the raw material for thought and that emotions build the attitude. You also know that emotions can be PEP or NEP. Now it is time to choose PEPover NEP. It is entirely your choice, your decision. It does not matter whether your life is fully positive, fully negative or somewhere in between. Even the most positive person faces negative situations and circumstances and needs to choose PEP.


The challenge is how to flip over from NEPto PEP. Once you know that PEP or NEP is the source of your destiny, you become conscious of the emotions you choose. If you knew that a glass contained poison, would you drink it? If you were presented with an opportunity that was worth a billion dollars, would you miss it? The answer obviously is NO, because we realize the importance of such an opportunity. Therefore, the first step to choose PEP involves realizing its worth and appreciating its value. Generally, people choose PEPand NEPrandomly in their life, and thus, their attitude and thoughts are mixed with both positive and negative energies depending on the quantum of PEPand NEPthey choose.


If we truly desire to be positive at all times, we can. If we want our minds to always think, act and react positively, it is possible! If at every instance of life we only choose PEPover NEP, it is possible.


NEPwill be present in our surroundings, our environment and in the world we live in. However, we have to build a strong willpower to reject it and to flip over from NEPto PEP.


To make this possible, I use the PEPcoin. Whenever I am faced with NEP, I stare at the NEPside of the coin and then I choose to flip over the coin to PEP. I eliminate the negative emotions and choose the positive emotions. You can do this too.


I hope that each of you get a PEP coin. It also happens to be my visiting card. To help PEP enter everyone's life fully, I have developed the PEP cards (Positive Energy Power Cards) based on the concept of the PEP coin. A set of these PEP cards have been attached in this book with perforations. You can easily detach them and use them to turn your life over from the negative to the positive. Each PEPcard has a positive and a negative emotion written on it in orange and black colors on either side of the card.


Now, let me briefly explain how to use these cards. Let us consider the negative emotions you may be facing in your life. Ask yourself whether anger rules your life. If yes, then use the “Anger” card and flip it over to “Calmness” on the other side. Do so especially when you face a situation that incites anger in you. Remind yourself that you have a choice between the negative and positive and that you must choose to be calm rather than be angry. When you continuously and consciously choose to flip over from the negative to the positive, you will slowly but surely eliminate negative emotions from your life. You can similarly pose questions to yourself with regard to each of the negative energy cards and choose to flip over.


At times, you may find yourself being hostile to those around you. Look at the “Hostility” card; it is black and reminds you to flip over to “Harmony.” Harmony will create a positive energy that is powerful instead of the negative poison that hostility creates. See the card and become harmonious, do it as a practical task. Soon it will become natural to choose harmony rather than hostility. In this way, each of these cards can help you turn from a negative to a positive state of being. You may be in a state of worry, but when you flip over the “Worry” card, you will see “Tranquility” on the other side. Remind yourself that worrying robs you of the clarity of your thoughts, because the mind can do only one thing at a time; it can either worry or think. So what would you choose? Flip over the card to “Tranquility,” and you will be able to think and feel peacefully. The power that comes from this positive emotion will eliminate worry from your life bit by bit.


At times, you may be depressed and when you look at the “Depression” card, you will realize that it is much better to be cheerful. Thus, choose “Cheerfulness” by turning the card and experience PEP lighting up your life! If you find yourself condemning and criticizing, immediately remember that this is a toxic NEPthat can cause an adverse reaction. So flip the card over to “Appreciation,” and you will experience the magic of PEP.


Whenever you are surrounded by sadness, remind yourself that you don't want to be sad and flip the card over to happiness. Find something that will make you happy or just go and make someone else happy, and you will become happy too. If you feel inhumane, as this NEP surrounds you, call upon your will to flip over to humaneness. At times, we all feel loneliness surround us. This will build NEP, but we can choose to flip over and let intimacy dominate our life. By flipping over the card, we can flip over our life too.


At times, you may observe a NEPcalled inferiority complex taking command of your life. Consciously flip the card over to superiority and feel the goodness and positivity in you and the world. Similarly, we sometimes develop a feeling of self-pity. Stop immediately, and as you flip over the card to self-esteem, eliminate the negative thought of self-pity. Do you feel lethargic at times? Pull out that card and flip it over, and you will find excitement on the other side. Let it motivate you to find something exciting to do. If a feeling of shame has come over you, flip the card over reminding yourself that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Take pride in everything you do.


Sometimes, cold indifference leads us to apathy until we flip the card over and choose empathy. When immorality occupies our mind, we sometimes need to get our hands onto the card to flip over and choose morality. Each time the emotion of “Pain” envelops you, flip over the card to “Pleasure,” and remind yourself to enjoy everything in life with pleasure. Very often impatience rules our life. It is NEP and creates poison. The moment we move over to patience, it brings back positive energy power. We must flip over from dissatisfaction to satisfaction, distrust to trust, demotivation to motivation and discouragement to encouragement as we flip over from NEPto PEP.


It is a challenge to flip over from negative to positive. But these cards can help you do that. When you feel intolerant, pull out the card and choose tolerance, just as selflessness will replace selfishness and gratefulness will replace ungratefulness. Each of these cards will help you flip over from weakness to strength, from uselessness to worthiness, from a feeling of defeat to a feeling of victory. They will help you flip over to freedom from slavery, to patriotism from treachery, to a feeling of security from that of insecurity and to powerfulness from helplessness. Each card is magical, as it tumbles down the negative energy and pushes up the positive energy. With the flip of each card, you will fill positive thoughts, feelings and actions in your life.


 There are several cards in the set of PEPcards. These will help you choose forgiveness over revenge, kindness over cruelty, confidence over hesitation, faith over doubt. All you have to do is keep these cards with you and whenever you are confronted with any negative emotion, stop and flip it over to the positive. Also, as often as you can, go through all the cards and evaluate how many of the black cards (NEP) still rule your life. This will show if NEPcontrols you. Consciously flip over the black NEP cards by patiently and persistently choosing the orange PEPcards, which are on the other side of the black cards.


Once your life is filled with PEP – positive energy power (orange cards) and you have eliminated NEP – all the negative energy poison (black cards), you are sure to arrive at destination “success.” Joy and fulfillment will be yours if you have flipped from black to orange, that is, from the negative to the positive. Also, instead of just keeping these cards with you physically, you should memorize them and use them subconsciously, whenever you have to choose PEP over NEP. Whenever you are reacting negatively, stop and imagine the poison of the black negative emotion. Flip it over in your mind and let PEPtake charge. Once you implement this, your life will be transformed.


 Never forget that choosing PEP over NEP means filling your life with positive energy that will lead you to a positive destiny. Ignoring this means allowing NEP to rule your life. Negative energy can poison your life and fill you with contempt for life itself. Remember, the choice is yours. You can choose NEP or PEP. You can flip over from NEP to PEP because situations will arise in life when NEP will confront, test and surround you. Though negative situations or circumstances may attack you at any time, you will always have the opportunity to flip over from NEP to PEP. When you make it a habit and a choice, it will help you in both reacting and living positively. Your life is thus in your hands and depends entirely upon you and your will. You know that you can choose your destiny by living with PEP. Whether you flip over from NEPto PEP is your choice!



