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Chapter 94 The Powerful Synergy of Your Resources.

The great Thomas Edison once observed, "If we all did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. What is the point of having abilities if we dont use them? We should in fact go a step further to use them concertedly! Let us assemble them into a potent success machinery, with an orchestrated power to achieve greater goals. Here we have synergy. It is now widely recognised that the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Technically, if a beam supports 1 tonne, 4 beams can support 5 tonnes or more. In other words, two winners working together achieve greater success than they would working individually, especially if their functions are interwoven to help each other. A Swedish proverb illustrates this point beautifully, "When a blind man carries a lame man, both go forward.

If the Spice girls and the Beatles had sung individually, I doubt they would be that famous. Likewise, if the USA were 50 countries instead of 50 federated states, it wouldnt have enjoyed such peace and security, and such economic, military and scientific supremacy. For this reason many countries in Europe are awaiting the formation of the European Union or the United States of Europe. Likewise, the success of a well-managed business with a $100,000 capital is likely to be greater than 10 businesses with $10,000. This is not just the benefits of synergy, but of economies of scale, where you can bargain and buy cheaper raw materials, and have cheaper production and marketing processes. Reciprocal and interlocking business operations also benefit from synergy. If a big car rental company, also repairs cars, sells used cars, parts, tyres and petrol, think of the advantages it is enjoying! The might of synergy is indisputable.

Let us take another example, if you have knowledge, calibre, wisdom, courage, vision, financial resources, a sense of humour, wit, eloquence, burning desire, determination, drive, creativity, empathy, confidence and leadership, all combined together, think of the ground you would cover as a politician or community leader!

Another process that supports synergy in a forceful way is accumulation. There are few overnight successes, but many years of hidden sweat and tears. All the harvests that people reap in their lives are the totals of numerous little decisions, efforts and accomplishments compounded over the years. A similar way to maximise the output from your assets is through the culmination and concentration of all your powers. You would be surprised by the results if you focus all your resources on a single point. You would cut like a laser.

As mentioned in Chapter 51, when you reach higher planes of success, your capacities for distinction are more sophisticated and they include: Drive; the capacity to overcome problems and complexities, to communicate and originate ideas, to handle and motivate people, to respond calmly, objectively and effectively; a knack for organising and running large enterprises, and the aptitude for social status, leadership and greatness.

Zi g Ziglar noted, "Success is the maximum utilisation of the ability that you have. Now I want you to gather all the ingredients for success and happiness you have been learning from me (please review the chapters) and put it in a precious package for yourself. Dont miss out on any important tool, gather all of them now: Love for the world, the capacity to find good everywhere, excellent health and vitality, a purpose in life, moral values, strength of character, positive mental attitude, powerful self-image, hobbies built on talents, etiquette, communication and interpersonal skills, winning image and charisma, thirst for knowledge, prosperity-consciousness, dreams, goals, burning desire, creativity, faith, mind power, the subconscious, visualisation, affirmation, visions, strategies, priorities, seizure of opportunities, management, discipline, determination, perseverance, thriftiness, observance, inquisitive and enterprising capacity, fortitude, spirituality, optimism, excellent disposition and daily responses, mastery of habits, street-smartness, happy home, growth, a modelcitizen, leadership, wisdom and virtues.

Hereafter, let this unified and formidable conglomerate of all your powers constantly transform your fears into faith, concerns into confidence, and oppositions into opportunities. Let all these qualities fill your hearts and souls and take roots there. Harmonise and integrate them, harness and use them all the time. I have no doubt how successful and happy you will be! enthusiasm, drive, focus, good memory, time gratitude, contentment, job-loving and "flow",