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Chapter 95 Staying Young.

Many ancient Chinese emperors went on the relentless search for an elixir of eternal youth. Today, the fervent quest has not let up, especially among wealthy ladies! For us, it is more realistic to pack more youthful and lively years into our given life span. We must truly live, not merely exist. It is awful to sit around moping and mourning. Enjoying life to the full is perhaps the best way to lengthen it. Most experts believe that if you control your alcohol and cholesterol intake, mind your nutrition, stop smoking, exercise regularly, sleep adequately and keep a stress-free schedule, you can slow the ageing process. Perhaps our greatest loss is the life that dies inside us while we are alive, the life rejuvenated by humour, optimism, vitality and enthusiasm.

Ageing is a complex biological process. While the physiological witch-hunt continues, all the contributary factors have yet to be clearly identified. The damaging effects of free radicals are widely accepted, so are the benefits from antioxidants which police and neutralise the excesses of free radicals. Anti-oxidants are believed to slow ageing and are found in essential nutrients like vitamins A, B, C, E, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium.

Nutrition. A deficient diet accelerates ageing and also causes skin disorders. Vitamin A is found in dark leafy vegetables, carrots and cantaloupe. It helps with moisturising and the shedding of dead cells, and keeps the skin supple. Generally the darker the leaves of vegetables the more nutritious they are, and the longer they are soaked or cooked the greater the loss of vitamins. Carrots are good for the eyes too, have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses? Excessive vitamin A intake can become toxic, and beta-carotene (better than A) is a safer form of vitamin A because the body converts beta-carotene to suit itself. Zinc, found in beef, eggs and seafood, helps the skin to make repairs. Vitamin C are found in juices, fruits and vegetables. Adequacy and balance of all vitamins, minerals and nutrients are important. Some people went on diet, and due to shortages in certain nutrients, lost much weight and a lot of hair too. Hair and skin cells are continuously reproducing and they are sensitive to such deficiencies.

The word antioxidant is becoming familiar these days. It is an agent that prevents reactions and damages in the body caused by oxygen, peroxides, and other toxic compounds among the free radicals. This substance protects the body against cancer, diseases, and delays ageing, and is derived from beta carotene, selenium and vitamins A, C and E. Alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) are the antiageing and anti-wrinkle chemicals now found in the market and dispensed in various skin care products. AHAs include glycolic acid and other acids found in various kinds of food, such as fruits, sugar cane and milk. According to Dr Janice Teal, the award-winning pharmacist from Atlanta, USA, more AHAs does not mean greater effectiveness, as some people may develop skin irritation.

The anti-ageing foods now widely recognised are: Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, wild rice, herbs, garlic, legumes, green tea and fish (a good source of fatty acids, selenium, and co-enzyme Q10) The key to good nutrition is volume-control, variety and balance. Scientific research has proven that reduction in intake and cholesterol delays ageing and increase life span in animals. Besides, obesity causes droopy skin after weight-loss, not to mention strings of health problems. Variety and moderation are advisable, if you take too much of a certain vitamin, it is not only useless, it becomes harmful. Variety and equilibrium are ideal.

Generally, we cannot split health, happiness and youthfulness. They go together. Experts conclude that happy attitude, overall balance and health are vital ingredients for beauty and youthfulness.

Exercise, sleep and rest. Regular exercise, consistent eating and sleeping schedules and good calorie-intake are important. So are coherent marriage, career and social success. Equalise your mental and physical activities too. Research has identified 3 areas of longevity in the world. These are mountainous, agricultural regions with active physical work in the fresh air, coupled with little emotional stress, and a low-fat, low-protein, natural diet. I have little doubt that gardening, growing fruits, vegetables and crops, and eating them, are a wonderful combination for long life.

Thoughts, anticipation and inclinations. You should wake up every morning feeling energised, in anticipation of a lovely day. Conversely, you can think your way into old age too. In expecting, acting and feeling the advent of age you unwittingly speed up the process. The tapering of physical and mental activities supports this acceleration. This parallels the widespread finding that earlier retirement often shortens peoples life. Many have retired, not just from work, but from life! A number of elderly develop a mental attitude of listlessness and worthlessness, and quicken their ageing mechanism, through their attitude, thoughts and subconscious. Instead they should instil into their psyche that 65 is the dawn of wisdom, and the onset of the most fruitful, meaningful and exciting season. Dont let your mind or body retire. No one should retire from life at any age. You are as young as you think and feel. It was stated in Proverbs 23:7, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Habits and lifestyle.A Spanish proverb says, "A good life prevents wrinkles. Your habits and expressions, facial stretches and frowns also increase the signs of decline. Youre likely to spoil your life by living too rigidly. Theres little use in worrying about money, job and health, worry doesnt improve things. Stress takes great toll on peoples youthfulness; this is noticeable and indisputable. Stop concern, over-reacting, fear and anxiety. Another youth-killer is the cigarette; where there is smoking there is ageing and sagging. The deadly effects of tar is medically documented. Go instead for great art, fine wines and good food! Delightful living takes substantial skills and talents. Amidst the sunshine, green fields and blossom, there should be excitement, freedom, jokes and a plenty of laughter. Grow fruits and flowers. Travel and explore new and fascinating places. Relax and relish the scenery and sunset. Read more and widen your sphere of life. Treasure friendship and peoples company. Look at the good side of everybody. Stay active by using your time and expertise to help people in your community. The person who lives creatively will move enthusiastically, and stay in the sway and swing of things.

Spiritual and emotional well-being. This is important, and that is essentially why married men and women on the whole live longer. There is a certain life force which fights disease, heals wounds quickly and makes us feel on top of the world. A new research in the USA showed that a purposeful, mentallyactive life, coupled with a positive and refreshed outlook is the key to staying young. Maintain verve and vigour. Keep doing all the things that make you happy, and keep searching for more ways towards fulfilment. You are never too old for pals and pets, dreams and dolls. Dont stop learning. Keep sharpening and adjusting your skills for excellence. As you grow older, gather more wisdom and wonder. Maintain a childlike spirit that looks for new adventures and nice surprises everyday. Try new things. If you remain young at heart youll always see the golden gleam behind the clouds, and youll never lose the urge to hope, to dream and to laugh. Youll have a long time reaching advanced years, if you maintain love, kindness, joy and the youthful spirit and charm that breed true happiness. A proverb says: "If you would live long, open your heart. Another stated, "Everyone is the age of their heart.

Employing the subconscious regularly. Your subconscious mind, cheerful spirits, virtuous and harmonious ways will never grow senile. Generate and hold thesequalities enduringly and youll remain young at heart, and in body too. Visualise the miraculous rejuvenating powers of your subconscious moving through your bodies like a magic wand. Take deep breaths regularly, and feel renewed, energised and exhilarated, radiating sparkle, zeal and zing.

As we advance in years, lets gather wisdom, with a matured mind and a childlike heart. Lets not act our age! We cannot resist the passing years, but we can grow with grace and charm. The process of ageing can still be delayed. Even if we cant slow it down, we can just sit back and enjoy every minute of it!

"Insatiable curiosity is important to staying young. Youthful indifference means youthful senility." - Dr Maxwell Maltz.

"He begins to die who quits his desires." - George Herbert.

"There is no end there is no beginning. There is only the infinite passion of life." - F. Fellini.

"You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done thingsin the spirit of love." - Henry Drummond.