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Chapter 93 The Successful Personality.

If we look around us, we see people who are inspired and motivated by their thoughts and habits instead of being inhibited by them. We observe those who think and act richly, gaining spiritual and physical wealth, while others are laden with emotional and material poverty. We notice individuals with vision and aspiration as against those smothered by monotony and doubts. Many are spurred by dreams and ambition, in contrast others are imprisoned in listlessness and despair. Some seek opportunity, others wait for it to knock. Many reach for the pinnacles, but many more hide in the pits. We notice those polished and adorned with culture, taste and refinement, while others behave coarsely and rudely. We watch success snow-balling while failure perpetuates itself.

We see clearly the successful personality. He is positive, hopeful, enthusiastic, kind and courageous, radiating cheer and sunshine everywhere. His conduct, speech, image and poise show the height, breadth and depth of his wisdom, knowledge, experience and achievement. The world steps aside to let him breeze through. His composition can be signified by the alphabets in SUCCESS:

S - Self-image.

U - Unwavering goals and direction.

C - Control of self and life.

C - Competence and courage.

E - Enthusiasm. S - Self-starter.

S - Special efforts towards excellence.

S for Self-image. This is the foundation for well-being, as we have seen in Chapter 12. Listen to Dr Maxwell Maltz: "The sunshine within you gives a radiance to you that spreads to the people around you. A man does not simply fall into the arms of success. He may be born with a part of it, but he builds the greater part of it. The successful personality carries around the seed of greatness in his personality and character. In addition to his powerful self-esteem, he is well presented, showing an attractive and winning disposition.. As a result he is responsible, sincere, receptive, compassionate, and empowering. He speaks and listens with great wisdom and a sense of humour. He has high ideals, broad sympathy, long patience and deep conviction, the whole package.

U for Unwavering goals and direction. These comprise clear objectives, burning desire, enthusiasm, motivation, focus, determination, persistence and target-reaching; what a powerful combination. Richard B. Sheridan assured us, "The surest way not to fail, is to determine to succeed.

C for Control of self and life. The winner manifests his strengths but manages his weaknesses. It is insufficient to rely solely on strength, one can be done in by ones weaknesses! He has a high level of security and wisdom, flowing from a solid core. He assumes full responsibility and control over his fate, and has power over himself, people and circumstances. Hence, he knows the importance of leverage, like the leverage of lifting pulleys and prying crowbars. A winning entrepreneur can earn 5% of 100 peoples effort, (gaining extra 500%) rather than 100% of his own. He maximises the returns of his knowledge, capabilities and resources. With self-control, he has formed good, fruitful habits. Over time, these compound and culminate into a powerful success factor, that moves like a flood or avalanche. Nothing succeeds like success.

C for Competence and courage. Knowledge and skills are now necessities for any livelihood. The more competent a person is the more successful he becomes. He has fortitude, boundless energy and capacity for work and accomplishment. Can you imagine a successful person who is cowardly, weak, wavering, whimpering, weary and worried? Reckless bravery however, is useless. He must have the type of grit and guts that is supported by wisdom, calm confidence and calculated risk-taking. He must be a leader, not a follower, and be strong, tenacious, assertive and high-spirited.

E for Enthusiasm.

No man is an island, and the friendly and enthusiastic person will go far in the world. He deals with others in a generous and grand way, showing courtesy, a positive, caring attitude and above all, a zest for living. Mother Teresa reminded us, "God doesnt look at how much we do, but with how much love we do it. Ardour and vigour accomplish more than boredom. Anatole France voiced her preference: "I prefer the errors of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom. Now I remember the words of tennis star Boris Becker, who defeated the World No 1 Pete Sampras at a ATP Championship Match in 1996. He recalled his arrival at the game as a human dynamo: "I was so pumped up. It was incredible. I was covered in goose-pimples. I felt just about to take off the ground and fly into Nirvana. Thats the dynamite we need but can only wish for!

S for Self-starter. The winner initiates things. He is not only a starter, he moves at a faster pace too. In Chapter 41, I praised the ability to "make things happen which turns us from a dead volcano into a thunderous one. Appius Claudius remarked, "Every man is the architect of his own fortune. We need badly the action which starts the locomotion towards achievement and fortune. Naturally, those with much drive and many gogetting activities gain more from life. Success also breeds more energy, which fuels further performance! It is an invigorating circle, in contrast to the vicious circle of failure.

S for Special efforts towards excellence. Remember my motto: Go the extra mile and give your best to the world? The successful person knows that his rewards in life will be proportionate to his diligence and perseverance, and he performs each little act to the best of his ability. He repeats this daily, weekly and monthly. He is successful through the years. Most spectacular of all, he handles frustration very well and loves the word NO, he does not create his limits by fearing rejections. Whatever is worth beginning and doing is worth finishing well. As a result of his efforts, our winner attains elevated taste, greater intelligence and wisdom, matured judgement and clear values.

Everyone must struggle to succeed. Even our biological base demands that. When we fail, we are flattened by fatigue and frustration; well find it harder to get up again. When we succeed, we not only rise to continuous good performance and applause, we can even achieve greater excellence. We flow with the joy of harnessing our potential, manifesting our capabilities and savouring the rewards. The best way for us is to scramble to reach a modest plateau at a young age. The rest becomes easier when we start using our resources and leverage.

For the victor, success has become a lifestyle. He only needs to be alive and eager, to keep the tidal wave rolling on. He has high-mindedness, which swells his heart, lifts his spirit, and peak his performance. The champion is resourceful, aspiring, goal-reaching, optimistic, organised, efficient and persevering. He deals creatively and effectively with the harsh realities of life, and marshals great competence against problems. The successful person has the engine of an optimist and the emergency brakes of a pessimist. In a free-flowing, ever-advancing way, he gets what he wants from life by providing valuable products and services. He knows the grand finale is more important than an applauded entry. He keeps the flame of success burning brightly and perpetually.

My best news for you is that the one who plays best wins, and the one who wins plays best. Success rolls on; nothing succeeds like success. While the unfortunate are patching their leaking roofs, repairing their broken tools and vehicles, or dying by inches labouring in the sweltering heat; the winners are in their air-conditioned comfort, calm, composed, clear and clever, advancing fast in the world. While the poor chap is facing the music the champion is out dancing! For the ordinary guy, the occasional performance or luck is not kindled by constancy, perseverance and powerful habits. The winner on the other hand, has gathered a momentum, like a roller-coaster or a stupendous avalanche, reinforced by the habits and drive that started the ball rolling in the first place. Blessed with more rewards and amenities, he accelerates further! He builds for himself a huge, synergistic, compounding and unstoppable might. I know you can be that shooting star or shining sun, if you only want to. Go for it!

"Desire accomplished is sweet to the soul." - Proverbs XIII : 19.