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Chapter 90 Change, Ongoing Improvements and Growth.

Recently, I put the following motto on the walls of my childrens bedrooms: 

I"m in love with life, I can"t get enough of it!

I"m enjoying and progressing every minute of the day.

The desire for progress is a human instinct. Deep in our hearts, we all wish we could be a better person. We know we should be wiser, more capable, productive, influential, more charitable and virtuous. Real progress requires, among other things, an ability to change, which some of us are unfortunately, reluctant to do. Others are brought up in communities that encourage traditionalism and "sameness. Such conservatism and monotony tend to hamper creativity, uniqueness and personal growth. Moreover, some of us may be among people who are unable to advance their own lives, much less ours. Despite these shortcomings, growth and renewal follow the pattern of the universe. Every minute, billions of new cells in our bodies replace the old ones. We are emerging as newer human beings! We are changing, for better or worse, and we are mutating, even subconsciously. Its time we break away from stagnation, and become - through personal development - self-reliant, superior and special.

What is personal development? We develop better when we regularly introspect about who we are and what we are becoming, and take ourselves beyond what we already know. We must adapt to the mobile conditions in a transforming world. As we evolve, we should further extend our limits and broaden our horizon. We do this by regularly exceeding our barriers. Our limits are after all, imaginary! We have greater potential than we realise. Arthur C. Clark enlightened us, saying: "The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible. Personal development means initiating change and making improvements physically, mentally and spiritually.

Why is change and progress important? Time is passing and the world is changing. We mustnt be trailing in the wake, otherwise well be tools that have gone obsolete, good for the scrap-heap. If we are standing still or not moving fast, we are in fact falling behind, because others are moving faster! Samuel Johnson declared, "The business of life is to go forward. Abraham Lincoln stated, "I dont think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday. A Spanish proverb says: By the street of "by and by one arrives at the house of "never. The modern world is now so competitive that never-ending research, development and marketing strategies are determining the success and failure of companies. That is why we should never stop learning, everyday. Continuous development can take us to dizzy heights. Just look at the latest computer. Persistent improvements in just 40 years have turned a calculator into a magical machine. Dirt can turn into diamond, and clay into crystal; with the passing of time and temperature, they have surged in value. It is the relentless betterment of everything, big and small, that brings us such great advancement. There will always a better way of doing something, even if it is just a tiny bit better. Lao Tsu pointed out, "That which is achieved the most, still has the whole of its future yet to be achieved. Let us move ahead now, the world is advancing in the fast lane. Todays recipe for success may become tomorrows ingredients for stagnation. The rewards of self-improvement are bountiful, not just for ourselves, but for others too, especially those who need our help and services. Now, where do you begin your self-improvement?

It all depends on yourself. If you believe you must bear with your shortcomings and problems, your belief alone can make them stay! The same belief affects your self-development. Failure is often caused by an inability to change. Those in the thick of failure, selfpity and depression, if they dont change, they dont have a ghost of a chance of turning around. Personally, I dont let grass grow under my feet. Creating your own destiny is so fulfilling, why let others decide or make it for you? Goethe wrote, "Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth - that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. Once you realise that you actually control your destiny, you will harness your power and wield it. Make changes by breaking from an unproductive position. Do it now! Beginning something is half the battle; once you have started things become easier.

It is easier than you think. Ernest C. Wilson noted, "Times of changes are times of fearfulness and times of opportunity, which they may be for you, depends upon your attitude toward them. It takes courage to change, to alter habits and lifestyle, to switch jobs or start a new business. Many fear change, they are too complacent to move and they dislike uncertainty. Believe me, there is nothing to fear. Although few of us live up fully to our ideals, improvements are possible and easier than you think. You must look honestly at yourself and identify the weaknesses and rooms for betterment, then start improving persistently. You should also emulate successful people, who are always improving something, somewhere. It is not so much your education that counts, it is the ongoing self reeducation and zeal that take you nearer to your grand objectives. You can do everything in a gradual daily process, with time, all that you do will take you to greener pastures and higher mountains.

Growth consists of little daily victories. Someone once wrote: "Genius is only the power ofmaking continuous effort. Succeeding in life is a daily effort; like mastering the piano, you need to practise daily. Little and often accomplish much. Louis LAmour urged us: "Victory is not won in miles, but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later win a little more. Remember my suggestion about advancing by the minutes, days, months and years? Christopher Morley pointed out, "Big shots are only small shots who keep shooting. Growth is an endless road of self-fulfilment. It is the joy of reaching one goal, and starting another. A small goal a day is good, even a few little realistic ones that you can achieve; with time they move you well ahead in a competitive world. Here are steps to take:

Step 1. Change your values and beliefs. They alter your perception, aspirations, enthusiasm, actions and outcomes. You have the power and responsibility to create the life you desire, and to change your destiny, Claim it and use it!

Step 2. Boost your self-image. Take a few minutes for affirmation and visualisation as soon as you wake up and before you go to sleep. Assure yourself tirelessly of a new you; stronger, more attractive and capable.

Step 3. Set goals and various priorities for self development. Establish your schedules and deadlines.

Step 4. Develop a strong character and a good personality, empowered by a new sense of eagerness and adventure. 

Step 5. Manage your time, your routine and habits. Ensure all your time is spent on fruitful, restful and high-value things. Form the best habits for productivity and well-being. 

Step 6. Acquire knowledge and skills at a regular and prolific rate. Nothing is holding you back. Shakespeare, a great name in the history of literature, was almost self-taught. Both Defoe and Cervantes wrote their famous books Robinson Crusoe and Don Quixote in prison!

Step 7. Market yourself and your good products and services through your people skills and contacts. Please review Chapter 56. 

Step 8. Expand your horizons, and increase your overall awareness, creativity, possibilities and capacities. Dr M. Maltz noted, "Every man is a creator. His productive imagination makes his goals limitless. In harmony with your pursuit of change and advancement, you must leave the past and wisely adapt to the present; live and enjoy it. 

Continuous progress brings lavish new experience, it also ensures that you keep stretching and scoring into a luxurious future. William Osler said, "The best preparation for tomorrow is to do todays work superbly well. For those who are in the doldrums, it is time to get up and go, that is why the wise always believe that "success is never ending, failure is never final. It is only by progressing in the right direction that you can blot out weaknesses from your life and evil from our world. Ask yourself often, are you becoming more capable and virtuous by the day?

The world has been changed and beautified by the burning desire and actions of great men and women. Take your turn now. You have cultivated your intellect and calibre, go further now to intensify your joy in knowledge, literature, music, fine arts, sports and recreation. Develop deeper wisdom, elevated tastes, and enjoy a broader experience and a larger life. Do all you can to be better today than yesterday. In 365 days youll find much fulfilment, in a few years youll be a force to be reckoned with. You will also benefit your loved ones, your community and country.