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Chapter 92 Leadership.

On 15 February 1997, President Clinton used his emergency powers and ordered 9,300 striking American Airlines pilots back to their flight-decks. His intervention relieved the country from a massive air traffic chaos, and saved the Airline and the U.S. economy tens of thousands of jobs and some US$200 million a day! Great leaderships have also fostered multi-racial harmony and progress in several countries. No enterprise, company or country ever produced good results or anything great, unless it was led by an exceptional personality. The president of the mammoth AT & T, Harold Geneen said, "To my mind, the quality of leadership is the single most important ingredient in the recipe for business success. Joseph E. Brooks commented, "Show me a country or a company that is not doing well and I will show you a bad leader. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman added, "A strong person (or two) is always the cause of success in the best company.

Basically people are easy to lead, but difficult to push; so any human undertaking or business entity needs some kind of leadership. Without it, the venture is like lost sheep without shepherds and may waver and wither. On the other extreme, mere prodding and pressure are unlikely to yield the desired results. The advantages brought by good leadership are undeniable. What then makes a good leader?

A leader is different from a manager . The manager administers, the leader creates. The manager maintains, the leader develops. The manager relies on systems, the leader capitalises on people and their potential. He initiates, innovates and inspires, he is a visionary and a powerhouse. A good organisation needs both managers and leaders, it needs the supplements and the balance.

A good chief has vision . He has plans and directions, he knows where he is going. He communicates well on these and carries out his plans to completion. He has dreams, goals and passion. Visions and strategies ensure continual success. The chief enthuses, excites and empowers others, he shapes their aspirations and swells their energy. He stimulates growth and achievement.

He has integrity and character . He has powerful and well-integrated core values, convictions and beliefs, and thus he can judge and respond to issues as they arise. His values safeguard his integrity, which earns confidence and trust because he delivers what he promises. Concurrently, he has a keen sense of justice and his fairness further commands the respect of his followers and subordinates.

He communicates clearly and influentially. He converses well, asks intelligent questions, and listens to others with empathy. His art of moving peoples wills and wishes requires unusual skills.

He responds to change . The leader is not just a manager, he sees the complete horizon and the long-term view. His foresight gives a clear indication of what he wants to do. He creates vision, energy and accomplishment and ensures continuous growth, even after his departure. He is proactive and he anticipates change and keeps ahead of competitors; hence, he is the first to provide new products and services to serve new needs and the changing times. Change in technology and the market place is continually monitored to organise his resources in the right direction. He realises that knowledge alone is not enough, and he needs applied knowledge, adaptability and creativity.

He shows good example . He does his share of hard work, and practises what he preaches. He is a mentor and model for others. A leader is mentally positive and disciplined. He is a tough-minded optimist who believes that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. His philosophies govern high levels of self control. Discipline and composure are never lost.  He is resourceful. His confidence and competence remain high, even in tough times. If he doesnt have an immediate answer to a given problem, the answer is never far off. He gets things done, finishes beautifully what he starts, and enables others to achieve excellent results too. He has unwavering courage. Blessed with individuality and the mettle to establish his own identity in this world, he is decisive and does not waver from his decision. He seeks responsibility, and assumes full accountability for the consequences of his decisions and actions. A true leader values human resources and has people skills. He recognises that human resources are the most powerful assets, while machinery and automation are neutral. He is a master in dealing with all kinds of people, in harnessing their talents, in influencing and motivating them. He understands and address The needs of his subordinates are well understood and addressed. Great faith is placed in his followers, thereby creating calibre and power in them. At the same time, he has sensitivity and sympathy for them, and he showers them with "the milk of human kindness and the desire to win and excel. His workers are assured of rewards if they perform, and he proves it. He respects other people and their views rather than bluntly imposing his own; nonetheless, he wins people over and they willingly follow his lead. You can train to be a good leader, as most good ones are made, not born. Here are the ways to do it: Have direction. If you dont know where you are going, will people follow? Estee Lauder noted, "People want to follow those who promise - and deliver success. The reputable Henry Kissinger said, "A leader has to take people from where they are to where they have never been before. Know all aspects of your business and your organisation. Lead and show the way, confidently and master-handedly. Knowledge and expertise are necessities, they add to your value and charisma. Delegate, and help others to work hard and work smart too. Use synergy, concerted strength and leverage; you cant do it alone. Which is better,100% of your efforts or 50% of 1,000 peoples? Empower others constantly, by gratitude and appreciation. No one can be a great leader unless he takes genuine pride and joy in the success of those under him. Give credit publicly, it is even better than constructive criticism. Care for your subordinates. Your kindness will never be wasted or forgotten. Foster boundless enthusiasm, which is not only infectious, but powerful. Maintain strong faith in your followers. If you trust and expect others to do well, they usually will; besides, you have given them pride and pleasure. You should be a team player as well. A leader shines but a team player fits in beautifully. Show excellent example. Thats a good gift to give to others. Do your share of hard work, dont just sit and watch. You have to act you part, and even if occasionally you have doubts, dont show them! Your speech and action must be sure-footed and polished, strong yet refined. Communication skills are vital and all aspirations and plans must be imparted clearly. Dont forget the body language of the boss too. Your firm feet, steady stare, sure speeches, confident and purposeful movements, your initiation and control of conversation, will single you out as the natural leader. True leaders are not just political leaders, they also include great teachers, religious founders (like Prophet Muhammad, Jesus and Buddha); and those who led movements for a just cause, like Lincoln and Gandhi. They have the wonderful dual roles, as masters and servants. So when you reach a position of strength and influence one day, promise me, you will lead others, not only to economic achievements, but also to social well-being and moral heights. Bear in mind too, that as a leader you should produce more leaders, not just followers!

"I learned that a great leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they dont want to do and like it." - Harry Truman, 33rd US President.

"What you should show your employees is not the great artist you are... but the part of you that is capable of attracting the greatest number of people, and instilling in them the desire to follow you with enthusiasm and contribute to the success of the enterprise." - Akio Morita, Sony Corp.

"Reason and judgement are the qualities of a leader." - Tacttus.

"I learned that a boss doesnt give orders, but also...sets example...He nourishes them on what Shakespeare called "the milk of human kindness, as well as with the energy necessary to win." - B. Tapie.

"The superior leader gets things done with very little motion... He is a catalyst, and though things would not get done as well if he werent there, when they succeed he takes no credit. And because he takes no credit, credit never leaves him." - LaoTzu.