Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 1 - Observing

Step one is to observe yourself.

Like a detective during an investigation, there is much to be gathered by stepping away from looking outwardly and perceiving only external events, to observing inwardly from an intuitive perspective. This is only a metaphor. Though, to favor the odds, reduce resistance, and equip with the best possible chances of a “first hit transformation”. Observation of the self is paramount.

Paramount in the sense that as 80% of your own reality is being conducted from the subtle levels, and with 5% to 20% from daily thoughts, then observing yourself and how you tick is vital. You will need to attune to what you are thinking, feeling, and ultimately “doing”. What you do is a result of a feeling, which is a result of a thought, etc. Though you will be required to carry this operation out in a non-judgmental manner. So please plan to set aside some time, perhaps one full week to do nothing other than observe yourself. However, please do not misunderstand the phrase “do nothing other than observe”. For what you pick up here will be of great value later on.

Once you have adjusted, and maneuvered into the position of observer, with a little time and patience, it will do two things.

1 - A very powerful force known as an electromagnetic attractor will set forth. While this might sound geek speak, it is now widely understood that humans exchange energy in the form of waves. Briefed down, these waves are electromagnetically structured, and recordable as hertz. Though if you want to think of them as an everyday object, liken them to telephone radio waves. While the human eye cannot see them, they are conveyed, and without doubt perceived through the subtle levels of one’s overall reality. Please do not under estimate, or dismiss this suggestion, as it is the main highway to positive transformation, and indeed, lasting change.

2 - Your own subtle levels will begin to attune, and in doing so will bring forward extra sensory perceptions. In other words, you will begin to perceive much more than you normally could. This is more science fact then fiction. You will begin to think and feel differently, though please do not confuse this with surface reality where speech and mind are used to communicate. What is being referred to here is the underlined subtle reality where thoughts, feeling, and emotions are conveyed.

Nonetheless, in the observer’s position, be mindful to avoid trying to solve the riddle of your own de-motivation, and refrain from asking yourself why it is you do this, or do that, as doing so will take you further away from nurturing and weeding out the root core. You are not looking to trick, or fool yourself. You are attempting to bypass surface reality, at the same time engage and listen to your subtle reality.

However, at this point you may think it would just be easier to read an inspirational book, or seek out a motivational guru, and your thinking would be right - it would indeed be easier. Nevertheless, motivational mentors are akin to corporate doctors. They are there to patch you up, plaster over their de-motivational wounds, and keep you functioning. Though, they are not there to “transform”, because that has never been their role. They do not and could never know you, like you know yourself and for this reason alone, they do not transform.

You already know that to transform is to move from one form to another. Like water can be transformed from ice to steam, back and forth, the energy of motivation is not too dissimilar. Though, in order to do so, whatever the energy it is were looking to transform, must first be observed. This is so, because as you will already know, we cannot change anything that we don’t fully understand. And as all de-motivation is a formless energy expressing itself into the physical. Observations of these physical actions, and reactions from de-motivation are crucial to the understanding of this process.

As an example, Tony, who is a mid thirties male executive felt no longer motivated to sell. The physical expressions of which were increased amounts of time spent engaged with office duties. Increased chatting sessions with colleagues, and slower journey times too and from work, all resulting in less face-to-face time with clients. Tony’s energy of de-motivation was creating physical expressions in reality, yet like the leaf was not the tree, Tony’s expressions in the physical were not necessarily de-motivating. They are what the energy of de-motivation creates in order to avoid and like the leaf on the tree, if we follow the leaf back to the branch and the branch back to the trunk, the trunk down to the root, then we reach the core.

If Tony’s increased office time, increased time with colleagues, and slower journey times are the leaves of the tree. Then what would be his branches, trunk and ultimately the core? Well, in observing, the leaves were his physical expressions, the branches were his “associated experiences”. Tony’s trunk is his awareness, and the core is a “real life core experience” that is the original memory. This hidden memory is called an “[10]associated core experience”, which has been judged as either good, or not good. In other words, positive motivation, or de-motivation, and this is why we begin with observing.