Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 2 - Maxing Observing The Results

During observation mode, please make a pact with yourself that for a short time only. You will relinquish all judgments and opinions, and allow to be, what just is.

Whether you agree, disagree; think something right, or wrong. Unless it is highly detrimental, or downright dangerous, just allow everything to be as it is. Avoid either influence, or change, and you do this to let de-motivation flourish.

For a brief time period allow, cultivate, and even grow de-motivation. You do this not only to acquaint, but to become intimate with your own forces of de-motivation. However, you may already state full awareness of how de-motivating, or how de-motivated you currently are. Yet, please consider that unless you know the root core, and possess the ability to dissolve, then de-motivation is still in hiding. Nevertheless, in allowing yourself these observations. Please be assured, a very powerful signal is being transmitted to the subtle levels of reality.

When allowing yourself to be as you are, please take into account that this is a statement of evolutionary and scientific fact. When genuinely observing, “without personal intent” there is no projecting influence, therefore, there is zero resistance. Though for simplicity and speed, the science has been omitted. Nevertheless, this is an extremely powerful dynamic development tool. As zero resistance, equals zero distance, and where there is zero distance, the energy in question, “naturally” draws towards.

So when the term ‘observe’ is mentioned, it means observe with ultimate detachment. This may take some practice, though, please do your best to disengage from any emotions, feelings or opinionated thoughts. Even unspoken they are charged with electromagnetics, so try to approach the observation period in stealth mode. In other words, observe as though you were not really there.

When allowing, de-motivation will actually amplify. Though, paradoxically, the task of transforming this destructive energy becomes easier. For as outlined earlier. When things in life are naturally allowed, then like a wild garden, it just gets wilder. The good news being that like an overgrown garden, it is much easier to spot the weeds. So for a brief time period, let us now feed and grow de-motivation.

For this process, please grab a paper and pen, a computer, or whatever you feel most comfortable with. When you perceive, or hear of yourself being de-motivated. Then begin to make general notes. Do this as it comes. Natural and unstructured is OK, as like a jigsaw. Later things will all nicely piece together.

When observing, look out for six main categories:

1 - Physical actions.

2 - Physical reactions.

3 - Emotional feelings.

4 - Emotional reactions.

5 - Mental thoughts.

6 - Subtle level of reality

In slightly more detail, observe the following;

1 - What physical action are you displaying towards a particular de-motivating event, task, or state? This is almost the same as number two, yet the action is different from reaction because staff like Tony (in the above example) took actions to divert from engaging in his de-motivated tasks. Yet, as these are not always instantaneously reactive, detection is slightly more difficult. Nonetheless, as you know yourself better than most. In observing, distinguishing actions from reactions will develop.

Actions are likely to show in the opposite form of de-motivation. That’s right; it is most likely actions show up as “positive motivators”. That is, something or other that motivates away from the actual task. Often it is easier to look for what a motivator is, rather than what’s not. Though, the answer is likely to be in both.

2 - How do you physically react to this perceived de-motivating event, task, or state? For example, are you verbalizing, making physical gestures, influencing or convincing others, etc.

Make a note of your physical reactions, as in a general sense. These are instantaneous, though not always detectable. As stated above (in number one), actions carried out by the subtle levels of reality take time to register and filter into reality. Yet they are there, they are real, therefore please take some extra time to digest.

3 & 4 - Both states of emotions, that is feelings and reactions, are perhaps the easiest to observe. Left to grow, even a non-emotional individual will at some point display emotions connecting directly to the energy of de-motivation. As an example; ask yourself is your mood, or attitude suffering because of, and are you currently influenced due to de-motivating factors? As the average individual “unknowingly” projects emotional energy onto others, please make a note of what you observe these states to be, and what your own influence has upon others.

5 - When observing your mental thoughts, you are not looking to be a mind reader. Though do apply your best to adjust and attune to what your mental state is projecting. In a general sense, what is reacted to, taken action over, verbalized, etc. is a direct reflection, and mirror image of what is being thought. This is the first noticeable expression of de-motivation arriving into one’s physical reality, therefore thoughts are important to everyday life. If an individual is experiencing de-motivating thoughts, then it is most likely their personal and business life will be thought of negatively, and it is inevitable this negative energy will be seeking expression into physical life. That is, spoken words, writings, mental, and, or emotional expressions.

6 - Observing the subtle level of reality refers to a culmination of everything. It is totally subjective, and it is your perception of your own self. It is not how others think, feel, or act. What you perceive counts the most. The question to ask yourself is, ‘What are you conveying to you?’ What is it that your own reality is saying to you? And irrespective of your personal opinions and judgments, what is the actual impact upon YOU? Again, please write this out for it is vitally important.

When the above exercise is carried out. Not only will you be surprised at the amount of material gathered; it may surprise you to know that there is more negativity, and more de-motivation than perhaps first thought. Nonetheless, do not worry for the root is beginning to raise. It may not yet be noticeable, though be assured; it is rising. As the focus is now on de-motivation, the process of transformation becomes easier.