Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 3 - Identifying De-Motivation

Through consciously observing, you will be unconsciously identifying.

Does that sound like a mind twister?

Well, it was not meant to be. Yet; it is indeed the case.

Whatever is observed, that is, a physical person and their actions, or non-physical emotional reactions, etc. Simultaneously, the observer (that is YOU) subtle levels of reality are “unconsciously” engaged in full time analysis. Yet, as this is carried out by the sub-unconscious, all sorts of comparisons, opinions, character assessments, and judgments are going on.

This is automatic and perfectly natural. As the observer, please allow yourself “time” to work through this newfound process. Though, when your “consciousness”. That is, your surface awareness, daily reality, etc. How you relate to it doesn't matter, though when you ask your own consciousness to step aside. Something very profound happens.

For this part, make an effort to engage with yourself. Ask your surface mind to step aside, allowing your subtle self to attune to it’s natural state. This may feel strange, and for the first-time things may appear surreal. Yet, assurance is given that in “consciouslyasking, your own mind to step aside sends an instruction by intent to pick up and perceive from your observations.

How does this work? Well, think of it like this:

Can you remember a time when you lost something? After looking, even turning out places where you would never put it, the item remained elusive, and eventually you give up. Sometime later, when you are not consciously looking, suddenly it reappears, right? Yes, that has happened to us all. Yet, until recently, the dynamics of this action have not been too well understood. However, as science bridges with esoterics; answers are coming forward. That is, were you aware that for a minority of people, when the above happens, they immediately STOP. That’s right, they “consciously disengage”, stop looking and end the search. As bizarre as this may sound, they retreat, turning the subject and search over to their subtle levels of reality, then carry on with life as normal. Soon enough, and as sure as sunrise, the lost item shows up.

Though, not only does the item show up quicker than intentionally looking, the above individual endured no mental, emotional, or physical stress. Not only that, they're in-between time, that is their down time looking for the object, was productively used elsewhere.

How can this be? This is all coincidence, right?

Please decide for yourself, but first we must diversify a little.

It is said that when the mind is engaged in a search, there are only ever two drivers - Love or Fear, pain and pleasure, so to speak. We may not be consciously aware or recognize this, yet at the core, fear and love are working away. When the search begins, often one feelsfear”, immediately experiencing de-motivation from the perceived outcome, that is, of not finding. Fear then creates a type of distance, albeit mental energy, fear creates distances from the actual fear. Sped up into reality, resistance creates a physical distance, and the stronger polarity wins.

Like the energy of motivation, human consciousness also takes on various forms. That is, conscious, subconscious and unconscious. Though in its totality, these three levels matter not as consciousness is like motivation. Whether it is classed as de-motivation or self-motivation, it is still the energy of motivation. Therefore, if a sub-unconscious fear was the stronger energy, no matter how hard one searched, the item in question would not be found. As consciousness like motivation does not discriminate, the outcome is deterred by the stronger polarity. In other words, if one’s overall consciousness is perceiving and gravitating to the fear in not finding, rather than the preference to leave it alone. Then whether this created from the unconscious, subconscious, or conscious is totally irrelevant. What matters is that the dynamics of one’s “overall self” has perceived the item as a fear of not finding, therefore “not finding” will come true. Yet, to eliminate the sub-unconscious resistance, or sub-sub-unconscious fear, all we need do is re-educate the mind to “disengage”.

In consciously disengaging, the sub-unconscious fear can go no further. While it sounds technical, it really is a very simple human dynamic. Fear can no longer fuel and express itself through one’s mental, emotional, and physical reality. Therefore with no fuel, and remember the fuel is the sub-unconscious embedded energy of fear, yet with no additional sub-unconscious fuel to make a reality of “not finding the item”. The possibility of resistance is eliminated.

Though we will discuss resistance further into the module, consider that when resistance is eliminated, fear reseeds. It has not dissolved; it has merely gone underground. Nevertheless, without the sub-unconscious resistance, consciousness will carry out it’s original instruction, and the item can be identified and found. Though may it be re-iterated that like all energy, as consciousness does not discriminate, whether conscious, subconscious, or unconscious, it matters not. The item is found using “consciousness”.

While there is an appreciation that some of these phrases are new and at times very taxing, please see it through because once this new terminology is grasped, then positive changes occur.

In engaging and requesting one’s surface mind to step aside, the instruction is to “overall consciousness”. That is, you are intently instructing your own consciousness to go off and perform a job. However, as consciousness does not discriminate, the outcome is deterred solely by the strongest energy in resonance to your overall perception. That is, which polarity is one’s overall consciousness attuned to and resonating with  - the desire of, or the fear of not finding?

Think of it this way.

Imagine something that goes on away from your immediate awareness or “out of your conscious mind” so to speak. Irrespective of you being conscious or not, the event still goes on. Strictly speaking, the outcome of this event does not rely on your conscious mind, yet it does require your overall consciousness. As once you become “aware”, or “conscious”, then your perception begins to interact. Your overall consciousness matters because without it, there could not be an event. If the subjective self that is overall consciousness does not perceive the event, in affect, the event never happened.

Therefore, if you connect to and instruct your conscious mind/self to go off, and identify your own' de-motivation, a remarkable chain of electromagnetic processes swing into action. The subtle self will automatically begin a sub-unconscious search to hone in, and attune to your de-motivation. Though now your intention is on the positive, there will be no impact to de-motivate your own reality. Though assurance is given that once intention is consciously set, then the process gets underway.