Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 3 - Unlocking & Dissolving The Root Core of De-Motivation

So back to Tony...

We are now at his root, yet he will not “consciously” know it is his core. How then do we know when the root core, associated experience has been reached?

As in the case of Tony, his “overall consciousness” will not stop until it reaches the original associated, stored experience. Generally, the experience will be a perceived negative, holding painful unexpressed emotions.

Remember the following exert from the paragraph above - “and any stored emotions”?

Overall consciousness works from intention, and does not discriminate from the instructor. In other words, and irrespective of the “intent” being a sub, or unconscious one. Overall consciousness will find it. When the conscious self has genuinely reached the point of curious awareness, desiring to know, and that desire is stronger than the fear of knowing. Then regardless of any negatively stored emotions, “conscious intent” will find it.

This might come as an image, sound, both, etc. It may be a sickly feeling of fear, disappointment, resentment, or anger, etc. There could be a whole host of negative emotions. Nevertheless, whatever the stored experience, once genuinely and intently asked for, it will rise.

This is so because it has no other choice, and it has no other choice because of the “intent” behind the “intent”. Though please do not confuse intent with “I want to know, but I fear the outcome”. Or, “I really do want to know, but I’m scared of what will come forward”. This is surface intent, backed up and loaded with hidden FEAR. The intent required is as follows;

“Irrespective of my fear, current beliefs, or outcome. I desire to know the core of my de-motivation, MORE than I desire not to know. I am fully prepared and accept full responsibility in dealing with what arises, and I genuinely SEEK to know, and understand my own TRUTH”.

A paragraph like the above is key to unlocking the gates. It does not need to be exact, so you can add, subtract, and tailor to suit. The most important aspect is to load it with intent behind the intent. As If the above is read in parrot fashion, then results will mirror this. Though, to achieve intent behind the intent, imagine the following scenario:

Imagine intending to eat lunch, but for whatever reason you skip it. Maybe an important meeting, project, deadline, target, or goal took president, and there was no option but to skip lunch.

Now think again. Yes, you intended to eat lunch, but overlaying this surface intent were more important work related issues. Therefore, and on this occasion, intent, took second place with “intent behind intent” harder at work maintaining your job. Most likely, fear gained the presidential prime spot, and work just had to come first. Not to say this is wrong. In fact, it may have been totally justifiable. However, this is an analogy only to highlight the powers and weaknesses of intent.

Intent behind the intent would go something like this:

Now imagine being in a desert. Two days pass without food, water, and any form of civilization. Now, your life seriously depends on surviving, though survival relies not only on innate instincts, but the intent behind the intent. In other words, when life depends on it, to the exclusion of all else, the intent behind the intent is to survive. The only thoughts that permeate the mind are thoughts of survival. Though driving these innate thoughts are the energy of intent. To the exclusion of all else, the intent behind the intent is to survive.

This is what’s meant by intent behind the intent, and this is the intent required to clear de-motivation.

Going back to the highlighted paragraph above. Assuming you have performed it with “intent behind the intent”. Now, here’s a trick. There is truly nothing to be frightened, fearful, or scared of. Please allow the following: The worst that will come forward is huge amounts of FEAR, and while fear can appear extremely fearful, allowing it to JUST BE is a key to dissolving it.

As the role of fear is “to be fearful”, 99.9% of the time, it has succeeded. Nevertheless, there is an alternative. Though due to word constraints, dissolving and transforming fear cannot be covered within this module. However, fear is a subject that Beyond Timelines are extremely intimately connected, and have gleaned a great deal of experience in dissolving. If you feel there are core issues of fear, then please refer to the separate module of fear, “I can’t do it, yes you can” which tackles and transmutes human core fears and is also 100% free. Nevertheless, sufficient information has been included within this module, to allow the release and dissolution of fear.

Imagine a tiny dog, snapping, and barking at your feet. This tiny dog barks away thinking it can take you down. Imagine how strong this tiny dog perceives itself to be. It must feel fearless right? Now imagine you do a role reversal. You swap bodies, and now you are that tiny dog looking up towards the big YOU! What does the tiny dog feel? Yes, you guessed it, FEAR!

It’s barking and snapping because it fears you.

Isn't it amazing that both, you and the tiny dog feel the same fear?

Though the complete transformation of all core fear is covered in the fear module, “I can’t do it, yes you can”, here’s a good fix…

When you next come up against fear, swap places and become the actual fear. Yes, that’s right. Imagine knocking on an unknown door, fearing what's on the other side. Then swap places and become the other side, imagining opening the door to yourself. Who are you afraid of? Yes, it’s yourself. This is where we begin to see that fear is not outside; it is only and ever on the inside, yet when we swap places, we find that fear is unwilling to play the game.


Because it genuinely does not exist in the physical. That is, though there is an understanding that it is real in reality, fear really is a construct of the mind.

So did Tony’s core experiences of being told that he was the least best, that he was not quick enough, and that when he grew up, he would be nothing. Did they really go on to create his present-day de-motivation? The answer is 100% YES!

When Tony experienced the original events, his perception told him that, they were ‘NOT GOOD’. In other words, basic intuitive decision-making relayed that he did not feel good from the early life experiences of his father. Therefore, what one does not feel good about, feels bad about. When he feels bad, he doesn't feel good enough, and when he doesn't feel good enough, it is the creation of FEAR.

That is, Tony fears that he is not good enough. This is naturally so because his perception created a belief and that too is the natural job of perception.

Once created, a physical neuron is in place until conscious intent otherwise instructs.

Though as in the case of Tony, is the case for most de-motivated individuals. Over time, their negative core experiences become compounded, overlaying with positive experiences. This is why Tony had evolved from core insecurity, to present day expressions that appeared to be positive confidence. However, it was guised insecurity, fueled by motivation, which then went on to transmute the energy of motivation into de-motivation.

Though there is more science to it, for simplicity think of it as the original photo at the bottom of the box. Forty years on, and it has thousands upon thousands of new ones placed over the top. The bottom picture remains intact, yet because of time and compression from the overlays, it has stuck, melded, and almost become one with the rest. If the picture was peeled from the bottom and compared to the top, there would be no comparison.

The same could be said for physical life experiences, and neurons that relay this information. When the original ‘not good’ experience happened, all the information associated to this event is remembered by the physical cell. It then goes onto pulse this information in the form of an electromagnetic vibration, which then signals and influences other neurons. Though not just any old neuron. As the brains' network is highly advanced, it draws from similar corresponding experiences. These then relay messages to other neurons that use the information from original experience/neuron. This is why when Tony is young, and comes up against similar situations, his reactions would be almost identical. Though over time, and because the brain has around 80-100 billion neurons, the original experience becomes diluted with overlays. Just like the photo at the bottom of the pile that is almost unrecognizable. Nevertheless, it is still there fully intact.

The same goes for all of life's experiences.

This brings us nicely onto the energy of human consciousness itself. Consciousness is not static. Like all of life’s energy, it is in a constant state of flux. Though this may sound like nerdy talk, it is just everyday dynamics. Though, in layman's terms this briefly translates into “everything is moving”.

For example, Look into a mirror, there is a reflection. One could easily be mistaken into thinking that today; they looked exactly the same as yesterday. Yet look closer and you will discover that everything is in a constant state of flux - If it wasn't, one would never grow old? While, the process is too slow for the naked eye, or for everyday awareness to perceive. The same principle applies to everyday life and reality. This means that no two experiences in life are truly identical, and that when the brain pulls on comparable experiences, it does so in a state of flux. With these principles in mind, is it any wonder that over time, a negatively perceived experience seamlessly transforms into a guised positive?

The reality is that it is no different than a baby growing into an old aged person; they are both the same individual yet also almost unrecognizable.

Though, back to the core issue. As once the original experience is raised to the surface, that is brought to the fully conscious self. Then like the root of a tree exposed to sunlight, it naturally begins to die.

Remember it was stated earlier that, “consciousness” is humans' form of light? Therefore, in reliving the original experience. Stored emotions outwardly express, and once expressed. The dissolution is underway.

Yes, there is going to be discomfort. There may even be physical ailments like headaches, backache, diarrhea, and more. Yet, know it is temporary, and once you have raised the root, so to speak, then the transformational process is underway.

This is it; this is how it works. Irrespective of belief, this process works without fail. It cannot fail because where there is no resistance, there is no fear. No fear equals no resistance, and so the self-perpetuating vicious cycle of maintaining the energy of de-motivation is broken. Once broken, the root naturally rises, and dissolution occurs “naturally” in its own time.

There is no other effort required. It can take a day, a week, or a month. Yet, the dissolution of the core will happen. Though as in the case of Tony, he will not magically wake up propelled into a state of self-motivation. Once the core is raised, and please allow it to be reiterated, what is not of the conscious self, cannot be influenced or changed. Remember, this was how it was formed. Yes, long ago, and as far back as early childhood. Tony’s consciousness was fully conscious. He was not sub-unconscious, and it was not a subconscious act. He was fully conscious when the original experience embedded itself, therefore, and in order to unlock and dissolve it. For one final time, the original experience must be ‘[11]consciously relived’.

This may sound simple, and as outlined in the beginning of this module, it is. Yet, what holds de-motivation in situ, is down to one human dynamic. That is, the original ‘unprocessed’ experience, which has long since left, the conscious self, become overlaid, and is now operating from the sub-unconscious self. This is not psychology; remember it is just everyday human dynamics of “consciousness”.