Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 6 - Installing Self-Motivation

Now that de-motivation is dissolving, something is required to fill its place, and that something is the energy of self-motivation.

Though please be aware that as the energy of de-motivation is being released, there is no void, and nothing requires filled. As de-motivation is just motivation awaiting instruction, the energy returns to its natural state of balance. In that state, it is neither positive, nor negative. It is just the raw “uninfluenced” energy of motivation.

Self-motivation is the identical energy as de-motivation, only now it will be used in its polar opposite. The only, but main difference being that instead of pulling on negatively charged associated experiences, we are now going to instruct, train, and guide that same force to act on positive associated experiences. Not only that, self-motivation means just that. It is self-propelling.

How can motivation become self-propelling?

Well, as outlined earlier, one can see the destruction that de-motivation brings, but if you like, de-motivation is still motivation, and it is also being self-propelled.

Tony was displaying de-motivation. Yet, alongside and in parallel, he was also being self-motivated. For instance, whilst he’d felt de-motivated to visit clients, on the flip side, and at the same time, he also felt self-motivated to spend increased office time. In the process of being driven to despair, his overall consciousness. That is, his conscious and sub-unconscious self make informed decisions. Please allow it to be reiterated, no human can, or exists in a permanent state of negativity, though on the surface it may look so, at their subtle levels, this is not the case. As consciousness is naturally fluxing, it is impossible for any individual to exist in full time de-motivation. Therefore, to alleviate the sub-unconscious self begins a process of positive overlays.

That is, although Tony may not be aware, he is being self-motivated away from the de-motivating association, by something that motivates. While this may sound like another paradox, once the energy of motivation is intimately grasped, we come to a realization that it is just motivation doing its thing. As In the case of Tony, he found it motivating to spend more time in the office, as well as increased colleague chats, and because human energy does not discriminate, both de-motivation and self-motivation coexist.

So just to reiterate…

This is not just de-motivation. It is the energy of de-motivation running in parallel, as well as transforming part of itself into self-motivation. Though if left unattended, it wouldn't be too long before part of that energy gravitated back to familiarity, with Tony ending up a full time office executive, with no awareness of why.

The trick here is to consciously harness the energy of motivation, and charge it with a positive association. That way motivation becomes self-motivation, though that’s not all. To keep it and maintain self-motivation, we must consciously become aware that the energy of motivation does not discriminate. Be aware it has no preference, and no polarity; human suggestion makes it so. Nonetheless, if we positively charge, and create a positive associated experience, then strengthen it. Eventually the energy will self-motivate.

It will motivate because like you have already heard many times before, the human body is all but a vehicle and like any vehicle, turn left and it goes left, turn right and it goes right. Our physical selves and our own human dynamics are not too dissimilar. The main difference between vehicle and human is “conscious awareness”.

Having said the above, if any de-motivation remains, self-motivation is fruitless. Please bear this in mind, though not a disclaimer, the reality is that most de-motivated individuals have more than one de-motivator, and unless the critical mass is addressed, self-motivation is impossible. Therefore, please do not hope to perform this process once only, and then expect miracles.

The reality is, this process requires repeated until significant changes can occur. Additionally, do not let it slip your awareness that for most individuals, they will be blissfully unaware of their de-motivating factors and it will take time and commitment to achieve results.

Though assuming that steps 1 and 2 have been successfully carried out, we will now continue with the final, and the exciting step of installing self-motivation. However, please make a note that this is a process, and each small step must be carried out as diligently, and as detailed as possible.