Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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 Step 1 - Consciously Programming Positive Outcomes

Now, we are at the stage where the core of de-motivation has been dealt with. Though, with the absence of de-motivation, please make a note that the original core memory will still remain. The memory can be recalled, however, there is no sting in the tail, so to speak. This is so because there is no negatively charged core attachment, therefore there is no electromagnetic pull into de-motivation. Likewise, and when looking to install self-motivation. At present, there is unlikely to be any positive attachments or positive associated links towards desires, and desired outcomes. Therefore we are faced with physically, but more importantly “consciously” installing them.

Remember desire is love, and love is a pulling, uplifting, inspirational creative force of universal energy. Though it is not always recognizable, desire and love motivate individuals every day. Therefore, as your own mentor, please make a note that only inspirational encouragement attracts and propels the energy of motivation.

Though in other modules we transform the energy of desire into preferences. Due to the nature and connection of motivation and desire, for simplicities sake, desire will be desired.

When you take on this task, imagine that your mission is to recruit the energy of motivation. As your own mentor, when your own attention focuses on the intent to positively communicate this, tremendous magnetizing forces of electromagnetics swing into action. This is where you yourself will begin to experience the powerful dynamics of “human consciousness”. Though we are not referring to awareness through one’s character or personality. What is being referred to here is “overall consciousness” which includes, conscious, sub, and unconscious aspects of self. What is now fully understood, is that when direct conscious intent is applied, the energy being focused upon has no other option but to respond. Therefore, when cleared of de-motivation, the energy of motivation patiently awaits instruction.

Instruction can come in two ways: consciously or sub-unconsciously. In most cases the energy of motivation has been unintentionally instructed.

While it was stated earlier that when young, and during his first associated experience, Tony would have made a conscious decision of ‘good’ or ‘not good’, and that is true. Though here is a known paradox. When young, Tony would have been consciously unconscious of this decision. In other words, while he made a fully conscious decision, he was unconscious of the dynamics. That makes the creation of the original de-motivating energy an unintentionally unconscious one.

Now for the good, even great news. Motivation will now accept ‘conscious’ instructions simply because, conscious or not, consciousness is the overall instructor. Though it is of little use to direct your conscious self then to expect your motivation to dance to the beat of self-motivation.

Consciously, you must ‘intent’, and to the exclusion of all else; you must place all your attention on the intent to inspire your energy of motivation. Then, when motivation accepts your attention, you then nurture and guide this energy with inspiration. Only then can a positive association be created and over time, this is strengthened using the power of the will.