Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 3 - Applying The Will

Once self-motivators and positive associated experiences have been identified, harnessed, and developed. The final process of fueling, propelling, and guiding self-motivation has begun.

In this concluding section, personal and professional plans naturally develop. Realistic targets, goals, and applying determination take place. Though, in order to minimize disappointments, maximize results, and guarantee the outcome. Baby steps are the suggested route. Unnoticeable movements are the true definition. For simplicity, and ease ‘baby steps’ is a positive way forward.

There is a law – Newton’s Third Law of Motion. That is, “every action produces an equal, and opposite reaction”. In other words, a bullet fired from the front of a gun, exerts the same, and equal force from the back. This is why a marksman's shoulder, arm, or hand recoils when the trigger is pulled.

When the above principles are applied to human dynamics, Newton’s laws appear to operate in exactly the same way. That is, when a large step forward is taken. In that very same moment, also created, is an equal potential for a large step backwards.

How is this so?

Because reality is duality, and although there is little time to explain, often the dynamics of duality are overlooked. Nevertheless, physical energy or non-physical energy, energy is energy. These are the very dynamics Newton referred to in his discoveries. All action is energy in motion, and for every motion carries its potential opposite. These opposites can be seen with success and failure. With this in mind and when moving forward with incremental steps, the potential for disappointment and failure diminish with it.

Furthermore, and when advancing in real life. The power of the sub-unconscious can be utilized to an advantage.

How is this so?

Studies have shown that when an individual consciously progresses with baby steps. Often their “sub-unconscious mind” overlooks the difference, and just does it anyway.

Here is a quick example:

As an analogy only; One of Tony’s dreams, was to possess a physically toned body, something he’d tried and failed at many times over. A simple routine was compiled, and he was packed off to the gym. He began with a simple arm exercise of 10lbs (as a fully grown healthy male), the weight is light and hardly noticeable. In fact, his brain barely registers the fact that, he is engaging in resistive training. However, let's assume the rules change, and he is now set an end goal of 30lb, (with weekly increases of 5lb). If not instantaneous, it wouldn't be too long before Tony felt the psychological stress, and the weight of the end goal. Sooner or later, and in particular, with noticeable increases, some form of de-motivation would set in. Though, not only that. In setting a high-end goal. Tony’s subtle levels of reality would have reached a decision regarding the outcome, before he even began.

This is so, because the overall self. That is, ‘overall consciousness’, i.e. his 80% sub-unconscious self knows what to expect, and whether or not, this goal ‘should’ be reach. The word should is used, as when Tony reaches a level of perceived pain, discomfort, or dislike. His unconscious self-will kick in, initiating an automated process of diversions and positive overlays. This is based on what his unconscious thinks it should do. Though contrary to belief, the minds thinking is not based on right or wrong. Decisions are formed purely from past associated, linked, good, or bad, liked, or disliked experiences. This explains why Tony came up against his own past resistance and unsuccessful goals. That is, his 80% sub-unconscious made the decision for him.

Of course, Tony could apply traditional techniques, of self-determination, mind over matter, positive thinking, and then hope for the best. Yet, previous statistics show that in applying these techniques, actually yields the lowest result. That is, 95% of all personal and professional targeted goals are never attained. And while one might state this is the very nature of life and reality. The next paragraph will seek to demonstrate otherwise.

Now let’s go back and change the rules for one final time. Now let’s give Tony the same 10lb weight, only this time, there is no end goal and as there are no hard, and fast weekly increases. For initial guidance, the first exercise will come with set ‘baby steps’. Though, the real requirement is that he strives onwards. Progresses, moves forward, and advances in the direction of his desired outcome. Initially we will make suggestions, though later, and in using the following techniques, things will become natural and he will apply these unconsciously.

Tony is given the freedom, and full responsibility to achieve his desired goal. All forms of pressure and external resistance are eliminated. Yet, because his goals are subjective, and the goal here is to lead him towards achieving that subjectivity, failure diminishes.

Now imagine he increases his arm exercise by a mere half a pound per week. Whilst this may appear slow with little, to no progression. It is wise to remember Newton's law? “Every action produces an equal, and opposite reaction”.

Therefore when tiny, almost unnoticeable incremental steps are made, i.e. baby steps. Then the sub-unconscious does not resist. This is so because the smaller the step forward; the equal, and lesser backward potential also exists. As they coexist together, moving one small step forward means that if it all goes wrong. Then there is only one small step backwards. In addition. It has also been noted that when the conscious mind is in full control, and without the existence of resistance. Then the forward action takes precedent. Again, this is so because there is no resistance. Though, even if there were some resistance, then progressing with baby steps ensures that this resistance is weakened, and powerless. Therefore, as a half-pound weight could be deemed little difference in moving forward. The same is for half a pound moving backwards, and the apples won’t fall far from the tree, so to speak.

Therefore, when moving forward with incremental baby steps. Tony is unlikely to shy away from small half-pound increases. In fact, he himself may even laugh at the idea of such baby steps. Yet, this is the answer to successfully growing.

This is not duping or trying to fool Tony’s sub-unconscious. What we are applying is ‘conscious progression’. When Tony increases week by week. After 10 weeks he will have raised the poundage, progressing from 10lb to 15lb. For Tony, he will feel the extra, but this is still highly manageable. Though, from a sub-unconscious and subtle level point of view, the signal is an extremely powerful one. Each small successful, and successive increase, adds weight to his bigger picture. That is, his overall consciousness is registering and building up natural will power. Accompanying will power is determination, and because the conscious mind is creating it, the process becomes naturally effortless.

Each week Tony knows full well, that he can handle the half-pound weight increases. Therefore, his reality shifts from a can do, to a will do approach. Over time, the accumulation of will power grows. Nevertheless, not only that, it is now infused with positive determination. This is an essential ingredient towards developing, and maintaining self-motivation. Though make no mistake, if you do not develop this natural will power, then no amount of applied determination matters.

Even if after 10 weeks, Tony was to slip, and fall from the wagon, so to speak. His reservoir of will power is enough to keep him moving forward. This is so because the incremental baby steps, is likened to placing cents inside a piggy bank. Over time, cents form dollars, and the same can be said for human energy. Adding small but equal amounts of positive energy, contributes to the overall formation of the larger energy called ‘self-motivation’.

So now is a good time to set your own self some small targets and goals, outlining the incremental baby step process. It is most likely that in doing so, and applying this, that you will display the opposite reaction from previously set targets, and goals. Yes, you are likely to smile, laugh out-loud, even demonstrate bemusement. This is OK, and at present time, it is exactly where you are required to be. Remember it is you, your own mentor that is going to witness a birthing of will power, and the growth of determination.

Though, before beginning please remember Newton's Third Law of Motion. That is, “every action produces an equal reaction”. Therefore, if your future targets and goals are larger than baby steps. Then be mindful that the exact opposite also exists. That is, imagine the goal is big simply because you thought you could do it. Please bear in mind that whatever the distance between the target, and goal. The equal and opposite also exists. Excessive backward failure is also creating at the same time as an excessive forward goal. To dissolve this failure is to remove the force of energy in the first place.

This is better understood when we experience an individual who is struggling to meet targets and goals. Eventually, their will power and determination dissolve, and if you like, their spirit becomes broken. This is the outcome of an excessive target or goal. Though, like the energy from a gun firing a bullet, it recoils backwards into the hand, arm, or shoulder of its owner. Now in modern-day life, it is understood that energy in people, and business operate exactly the same.

After reading the above, you might say that it is impossible to apply these baby steps, as all targets and goals have been set from above and beyond. However, it is worth remembering that conscious, or not, it is almost impossible for people to positively respond to impersonalized targets and goals. Furthermore, no matter what the target or goal, if it does not meet with the sub-unconscious approval of advancing the actual individual. Then it is unlikely the goal will ever be reached. Finally, please bear consideration for successful businesses, corporations, and organizations; they did not just become overnight. Baby steps are a key, but often in hast they are pushed aside.

Please give this some thought.